Thursday, January 14, 2010

PINO in Secret

Here he goes again! The PINO (president in name only) has again lied to us about his "transparency" government. Eight times, again eight times, during the campaign, PINO stated he would put all health care reform negotiations and debates on C-SPAN. Instead the Dems, especially Prince Harry has put this monster together behind closed doors. Several Senators have been bought off (with our money) for their vote on the measure. Now we learn that PINO has given a sweetheart deal to the unions not to tax their Cadillac health care insurance policies, which means others will get hit harder. THIS DEAL WAS ALSO DONE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!! These are the same insurance policies that PINO railed against saying he was going to tax them to help pay for this monstrosity that no one much for C-SPAN. How's "Change You Can Believe IN" working for you?

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