Obamacare and politics - joined at the hip. The (un)Affordable Care Act has been a disaster ever since the word was first uttered out of the mouth of President Obama while on the campaign trail in 2007. Passed by Democrats in 2009, Obamacare is now barreling down the track and has been labeled an impending train wreck.
Even many of the Democrats that cast a "yes" vote are now having their doubts. Businesses are cutting back personnel and employee hours to avoid penalties. The average citizen is realizing increased medical costs, insurance coverage changes and loss of their physicians despite promises by the president to the contrary.
Companies who don't like the law have asked for waivers and many have been granted. Even Congress (and this is the real rub) not liking what they are seeing, have gotten a waiver. But the average Joe? Sorry, man, your stuck.
Now comes Obama's favorite pals...the unions. On board from the beginning, unions are now crying foul after seeing what Obamacare will do to their members. demanding something be done, Obama is all to happy to comply. Read More: Obama Thinks About Granting Union's Wish . Why? The union vote, of course. Unions are, and always have been, liberal institutions.
The Republicans see favoritism on the part of Mr. Obama and are going after him. Read More: GOP Blasts Union Obamacare Fix
Somehow, just like everything else in Obama's world, he will find a way, along with his the Democrats and his willing accomplices in the liberal leaning media, to skirt the law and help union friends out. Meanwhile, the rest of us get to ride this train wreck.
By the way...if you've paid even a little bit of attention this Summer, managing to slip through all the scandal crap the president is putting us through, you know there has been a move afoot in Congress to defund Obamacare this fall. Well...forget that. Unless the GOP can get their act together, it ain't gonna happen. The current spending bill the government is running on is about to expire. A bill was heading for a vote in the House to extend the current spending til mid September. That bill was supposed to have language defunding
Obamacare, but the way the bill is written the defunding part can be scuttled by the Senate and sent to the president for signature. Seems the House leadership crafted it that way on purpose, but a number of conservatives who hang their hat on the Tea Party label pushed back thus their aren't enough votes in the House for passage. Read More: Tea Party Bunch Flex Muscles. Normally a bill that passes the House and goes to the Senate will end up in a conference committee to hash out any differences. This apparently by-passed that allowing the Senate controlled Dems to just take defunding out of the bill and send a "clean" bill to the president. Makes one wonder whose side House leadership, John Boehner and Eric Cantor, are on.
Not going to get it done, gentlemen, if you are squabbling like two year olds....
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