LOL....all the goofs parading around city streets ( Occupy {enter city name here} ) ranting and raving about........hell, 80% of them have no clue why they're out there. Supposedly they are upset with "Wall Street" and "corporate greed." Again we have to they march in clothes made by the companies they despise, take pictures of themselves and text friends about their exploits on the smart phones invented by tech companies they rail against......well, Andy Marlette, cartoonist for the Pensacola News Journal said it best:
Thank you, are a Master.
This mob has no clue, and the union goons and thugs are backing them...along with our President, who, in his news conference earlier in the week (10/6/2011) gave them his blessing. Some have said the White House is behind this nonsense...the President's latest re-election panic ploy to get Americans to agree with him that free enterprise is a bad thing....sorry, Mr. P....we're to smart fall for that.
The Occupy (enter city name here) mob thinks they are going to become the liberal answer to the conservative Tea Party Movement. Here again, 80% (probably a conservative number) don't know why the hell they're out there. How could they possibly become anything?...LOL.