Friday, December 31, 2010

What's to be......?

The new year (2011) is just hours away. Wonder what it will bring?
Things I'm sure of:
No tax increase. Bush cuts remain intact.
Harry Reid...still a pain, but with less clout.
Nancy Pelosi....still a pain, but with no clout.
President Obama....numerous and extravagant vacations (at our expense)
Increase in gas prices....(Obama will do nothing about them because he wants them)
Global warming is a fraud....making AL gore rich.
Brainless reality shows will continue to haunt us on TV
Michelle Obama will out-do her lavish Spain vacation in 2011...

Things I'm not sure of:
Other tax increases the Prez is planning to stick us with.
Gop plans to scuttle Obamacare....needs to happen, but he has the veto pen
NFL season next year....doesn't look good...owners will lock players out.
Where Michelle will take that do-one-better vacation...Pango-Pango??

There's alot more I'm sure of and alot more I'm not sure of.....look forward to finding out both....

Sunday, December 12, 2010

They Just Don't Get It!

Unbelievable! The Dems spend the last two years doing just that....spending. So much so that the American people send them a nasty message during the mid-term elections saying enough already, handing them a major defeat by giving the House back to the GOP. Did they get the message? Of course not, after all, they're liberal and they're Democrats. To show their disdain, and their stupidity, they give the American people the middle finger by adding some $64 billion in pork spending to the to the bill extending the Bush tax cuts another two years. Unbelievable!!! Well, actually it is. It's the Democrats!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Obama Performs a Disservice to the Office

Amazing....the President finally does something other than spend the country into oblivion. He compromises with the Republicans and agrees to extend the Bush tax cuts at least for the next two years. Then in a press conference explaining his decision to his pissed of political base he un-presidential like, shows how he really feels about the whole thing by referring to Republicans as hostage takers! Funny, he refuses to label true terrorists the same!
The man needs to understand something fundamental about the prestigious office he holds. While he is the head of his party, he is president of the people, ALL the people!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Does he really care........?

Today, November 11, 2012, is Veteran's Day. A day when we reflect on this nation's wars and honor those who have fought those wars to insure the freedoms we have today, especially those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve those freedoms. It's a day of parades and speeches, a day the President travels from the White House to Arlington National Cemetery to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a somber ceremony honoring those who died in war without identity and never returned home. President's have paid homage to these honored war dead every year that I can remember.....but not this year!
President Obama, after the embarrassment handed him in last week's mid-term elections, felt the need to run and hide in some far away land. Thus, he spent this Veteran's Day in Indonesia honoring the veterans of that country on its Heroes Day.
As a veteran, I respect the President as Commander-in-Chief, regardless of political affiliation. But for the President to ignore our veterans on Veterans Day, I find it to be immoral and disgusting. One has to wonder, does he really care.....and what would President Bush have done??

Monday, November 1, 2010

Twas' The Night Before..........

.......the mid-terms and all through the land the Democrats were nervous, heads stuck in the sand. Obama, in the White House, his presidency in doubt, the Republicans enroute to an election day rout......
The President campaigned two years ago on the theme of Change. Well, he got his wish. And the sad part is he won't change his ways, despite the mandate the voters are giving the Republicans. He will try to continue on his course of socializing the country and bankrupting it along the way. We can only hope the next two years go as fast as the last two for this one term president.
And finally the train wreck that is the Pelosi-Reid radical far left agenda has come to an end.
The Republicans cannot rest on their laurels. They must now put into play the mandate handed them...undo the debacle known as Obamacare, extend the Bush tax cuts, roll back spending, cut the size of government (getting rid of the joke known as the Department of Education would be a nice start) force Obama to seal the borders and take away his ability to threaten small businesses with stupid regulations and tax hikes that is keeping the employment rate at near 10%. In other words, stop the insanity that is Barack Obama!!!
Congratulations to the American Voter...for finally waking up!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our wonderful President is wasting valuable TV air time laying another egg!!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where did we get these people??

All the President's men, and women, are falling all over themselves condemning Arizona's new immigration law calling it racist and profiling and threatening a constitutional challenge. Attorney General Eric Holder, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley..all have condemned the AZ statute. And all three have one thing in common...THEY HAVE ADMITTED TO NOT HAVING READ IT !!! Nonetheless, they are against it. No matter the law is patterned after the Federal statute governing immigration.
Well, not reading laws seems to be status quo in D.C. These are the same dunces that gave us the new Health Care bill...and no one had read it before they passed it. Where do we get these people?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, May 14, 2010

Eric Holder: Fits the Mold

I find it fitting that our esteemed President chose Eric Holder to be the Attorney General of the United States. He fits the mold of all the other baffoons ruining the country. This is the guy who wants to try terrorists in our civilan courts, read them Maranda rights as if they were common criminals.. like jaywalkers. Eric has yet to get the memo that these guys want to kill us and, by the way, they are foreign combatants....they have no rights here, Eric!

This is also the guy who is running around the country saying the new Arizona immigation law is unconstitutional...this is the same law patterned after the Federal immigration law...shall we declare it unconstitutional as well, Eric? And by the way, before you take it to the Supreme Court, you should first read it.(Eric was asked point blank while testifying this week before Congress if he had read the Arizona law...he had to stumble through his answer, which was "No."

One might think Eric Holder doesn't belong in such a powerful position as Attorney General of the united States. But I say let him stay...let them all stay, for awhile. The longer they are there, the more we see and understand who they really are and what they really stand for.....we'll just have to clean up their mess...beginning in November.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our # 1 Hypocrite

The Federal Government is full of hypocrites on both sides of the isle, from President Obama on down. But today the honor of our # 1 hypocrite goes to Janet Napolitano, currently Department of Homeland Security Secretary. Prior to her ascention to the throne at DHS, Napolitano was Governor of Arizona, and on several occasions, petitioned the Federal Government to do its constitutional duty and protect the border from illegal immigration. As the Associated Press reported in February, 2007,during a speech to the National Press Club in Washington, Napolitano said "We've heard too much talk about border security and not enough action. She urged Congress to "end the rhetoric, stop the politic and provide funding for border control. Then as Governor she VETOED several immigration reform bills!!

On Sunday, April 19, 2009, Secretary Napolitano told CNN that crossing the border illegally is not a crime. WHAT?! Apparently the Secretary is cluless as to the law she has sworn to uphold. . Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code clearly states that those who enter the U.S. illegally are committing a crime. The lady is mystifying. On the one hand, it's stop the madness in her state. Now it's not a crime. Actually, there's no mystery to it. She's a liberal who speaks out of both sides of her mouth. No surprise there.

The current Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, is right on target. And those states threatening to "boycott" Arizona needs a crash course review on the principles on which this country was founded (although, if you check the cirriculum in today's schools, you'll find that kind of stuff is hardly mentioned).

So, who is this hyprocrit we now have as the head of our national safety? Somehow, I dont't feel so safe.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Finally! A Woman With Balls! Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has taken illegal immigration into her own hands because Obama won't. The other 49 Govs need to step up

Sunday, March 28, 2010

the Arrogance of Barack Obama

When we elect a President, or anyone else for public office, it's with the idea that he or she is there to represent us, the voting public, and to respect the wishes of the majority. This was, after all, what Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Hamilton in mind when forming the foundation of this country. It's commonly known as a representative government. Over the years we seem to have wandered somewhat from that concept. While we still elect our representatives to represent us, those selected to do so seem now more interested in representing themselves, for political and career purposes. It is still called the House of Representatives, is it not?
Witness the latest mis-representation on the part of our government. President Obama and his co-conspirators in congress, rammed a health care bill down the throats of the voters, despite more than 55 percent of them saying they were against it. His "screw you" attitude toward the public is absolute arrogance. his take-over of AIG, the nation's largest insurance company, was arrogant, as was his take-over of Chrysler and GM. His take-over of the health care system means that the government now owns or controls 51 percent of the US economy. Let me repeat that. The federal government now owns or controls 51 percent of the US economy. What this means is that he is spending this country into oblivion...bankruptcy is at our doorstep, and while the public has railed against his putting us into a 2 trillion dollar deficit, his attitude toward the people he represents again reaks of, yes, arrogance. He has shown no respect for the Constitution he vowed to uphold and little respect for the people he vowed to represent. And if you have a problem with the President's arrogance now, wait til you see what's next!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jobs? The Con Job!

Remember this? " must be our number-one focus in 2010..." January 28, 2010, the State of the union address. President obama said it, then forgot it. Should we be surprised? The jobless rate still hovers around 10% and instead of focusing on the problem, Obama, since that night,continues to focus on ramming that God-forsaken health care bill down our throats. Now, he's added a new twist, pushing to the college age crowd a "slacker mandate" which says they can stay on their parents health insurance plans until they are 26 years old. This is nothing but pure politics. The president woke up in the middle of the night and realized that these kids would be graduating and out looking for a health insurance plan(and jobs!) about 2012..the year he plans to run for re-election. Heaven forbid they realize his health care plan they would be subject to is cost prohibitive and they had been had..a voting block that would then surely vote against the President. Thus the "slacker mandate" and the new college grads entering the work force will say "Oh, thank you, Mr. President, and here's my vote." Like the rest of his health care plan, it's a con job, the only job on his agenda for 2010.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

He's got to go

Is the President of the United States subject to recall? Or do we have to carry this man-child president to full term?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is the President the kiss of death?

It's actually comical,watching the Democrats running scared.Their idiocy, stupidity and arrogance have brought them to the brink of distuction. They have, through their spending us into oblivion, ruining institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, threatening senior citizens with an increase in Medicare payments along with tax increases for all, brought them to this....the loss of the Senate seat owned for years by Camelot to the GOP. The seat held for over 40 years by the Kennedys...John, Bobby and Teddy may fall this Tuesday to a Republican State lawmaker, Scott Brown, who has the Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley, backed into a corner. They are so scared of losing this seat that the President saw fit to spend our money to rush up to Massachusetts Sunday to prop up Ms. Coakley. I'm sure she cringed at seeing him coming..this is the same guy who rushed off to Copenhagen to save the Climate Conference and came back with nothing...the same guy who flew off to Europe to convince the International Olympic Committee to award Chicago a future summer Olympic Games and came back with nothing...the same guy who recently campaigned for New Jersey Governor Corzine who lost...the same guy who campaigned for Creigh Deeds for Governor of Virginia...Mr.Deeds lost. It would appear Mr. Obama is the kiss of death for anything he tries to attach his name to. Hopefully he will have the same effect in the Massachusetts Senate race, which, should Mr.Brown win, will also mean the kiss of death for the health care reform bill.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

PINO in Secret

Here he goes again! The PINO (president in name only) has again lied to us about his "transparency" government. Eight times, again eight times, during the campaign, PINO stated he would put all health care reform negotiations and debates on C-SPAN. Instead the Dems, especially Prince Harry has put this monster together behind closed doors. Several Senators have been bought off (with our money) for their vote on the measure. Now we learn that PINO has given a sweetheart deal to the unions not to tax their Cadillac health care insurance policies, which means others will get hit harder. THIS DEAL WAS ALSO DONE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!! These are the same insurance policies that PINO railed against saying he was going to tax them to help pay for this monstrosity that no one much for C-SPAN. How's "Change You Can Believe IN" working for you?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We are not safe. The PINO (President In Name Only) refused again today to admit we are at war with terrorists while his inept underlings continue to screw up!

Monday, January 4, 2010


The world is under attack by the Freeze Gods! Record feezing temperatures from Boston to Beijing. So much for Global Warming!!