Friday, May 14, 2010

Eric Holder: Fits the Mold

I find it fitting that our esteemed President chose Eric Holder to be the Attorney General of the United States. He fits the mold of all the other baffoons ruining the country. This is the guy who wants to try terrorists in our civilan courts, read them Maranda rights as if they were common criminals.. like jaywalkers. Eric has yet to get the memo that these guys want to kill us and, by the way, they are foreign combatants....they have no rights here, Eric!

This is also the guy who is running around the country saying the new Arizona immigation law is unconstitutional...this is the same law patterned after the Federal immigration law...shall we declare it unconstitutional as well, Eric? And by the way, before you take it to the Supreme Court, you should first read it.(Eric was asked point blank while testifying this week before Congress if he had read the Arizona law...he had to stumble through his answer, which was "No."

One might think Eric Holder doesn't belong in such a powerful position as Attorney General of the united States. But I say let him stay...let them all stay, for awhile. The longer they are there, the more we see and understand who they really are and what they really stand for.....we'll just have to clean up their mess...beginning in November.

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