Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Obama Administration Threatens Benghazi Whistle-Blowers

Not that it ever went away, but Benghazi is back. President Obama, along with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other government officials have diligently been trying to cover up the terrorist attack last
year that took the lives if the ambassador to Libya and three other Americans. 

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is set to hold hearings on the incident. Witnesses include government officials who say they have been threatened by the Obama Administration. Read More: Benghazi Whistle-Blowers Threatened

President Obama, at a news conference Tuesday, claimed he knows nothing of threats to witnesses. Meanwhile, one of the witnesses says the U.S. had the means to respond to the attack despite administration claims. Read More: Forces Were Within Hours Away

These are not the only witnesses to the attack in Libya. There were some thirty plus others at the U.S. Consulate compound that have not been heard from. Why? There were reports that these people were being held away from the
Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee
public eye by the government. it had been reported that names were even changed for people in the hospital so that they could not be found and talked to by the media or investigators. Sounds like something only Hollywood could make up. Apparently not. especially when Chicago style politics are in play.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Another Tax is on its' Way!

The Taxer- in-Chief is at it again. This time he's going after not just the rich, but all of us...again. If you do any shopping on the Internet, and who doesn't these days, he's gonna getcha. BUT...this time he has help from the enemy. Not only do Democrats support this travesty, but some Republicans as well.

Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander from my State of Tennessee support taxing Internet sales.

The Senate, with more important issues to deal with, busied itself last week with the "Marketplace Fairness Act." The name in itself implies presidential and liberal fingerprints all over this, since they are fond of saying people must pay their "fair" share. The act is all but fair. More on that on a moment. What the bill proposes to do is all States to collect sales taxes from businesses who sell products through the Internet to in-state customers. Example: If XYZ Clothing Store, lets say in Michigan, wants to sell their products to people in Tennessee, then XYZ Clothiers should have to pay the same sales tax as businesses in Tennessee have to pay on their sales. This tax, of course, gets passed on to the customer. In the words of those supporting the measure it's a way to "level the playing field."

What's not fair is it doesn't level anything at all. When you buy from a brick and mortar store you walk in, pay for the item and walk out with it, usually. This is called "cash & carry." Buying on the Internet, you pay for the product and wait for it to be shipped to you. And in that is the rub. When an item is shipped it usually comes with a shipping and packaging charge. So you pay the shipping and on top of that they want you to pay a sales tax, part of which goes to the Federal Government??? Really? Did we think not? It's like the tax on gasoline. Everyone gets their share all the way up the line.

This is a bad deal, folks. For people with online businesses, this tax will will cut sales and with a reduction in sales comes loss of jobs. It's the Obama way. We've seen it for almost 4.5 years and unless we get down in the gutter with these people and fight this stuff it's going to continue. Is this just the beginning of government taking control of the Internet? What's next? Censorship?  Let's hope that when the bill gets to the House it goes up in flames. Call your Senator and Congressperson and tell them to leave the Internet alone!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Could It Be? NAH!

It's the end of the week...time to lighten up....we leave you with this....

                                                     Cookie Lover's Nightmare!

                                                  Have a Great Weekend!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hillary's Untruth....

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton...did she lie to Congress during her testimony before a committee investigating the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack? 

A Republican House report, released this week, says yes. 
Mrs. Clinton, under oath, said she knew nothing about State Department officials in Libya asking for an up-tick in security do to concerns of possible terrorist activity in the area. That request was denied. Mrs. told Congress:
“The specific security requests pertaining to Benghazi, you know were
handled by the security professionals in the department.  I didn’t see those requests, they didn’t come to me, I didn’'t approve them, I didn’t deny them. "
The House report suggests that Clinton received a request for more security from Gene Cretz, who preceded Christopher Stevens as ambassador to Libya.
“On April 19, 2012, the response cable from the Department of State
to Embassy Tripoli, bearing Secretary Clinton’s signature, acknowledges
Ambassador Cretz’s request for additional security but instead
articulates a plan to scale back security assets for the U.S. Mission in
Libya, including the Benghazi Mission.”
For more in-depth information on this story click: Hillary Approved reduced Security for Benghazi

From the beginning, Mrs. Clinton, President Obama and countless other administration officials and Democrats in Congress danced around the events in Benghazi that left four Americans dead including the Ambassador to Libya. A cover up surrounding the event was launched and continues to this day. Obama and Clinton hope, that with time, Benghazi will simply fade away.

The GOP isn't going to let that happen, especially if Mrs. Clinton is entertaining thoughts of running for the presidency in 2016. She, along with the president, has blood on her hands where Benghazi is concerned. Will it be enough to keep her out of the Oval Office? Time will tell.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

President Obama refuses to call a terrorist a terrorist...furthermore, he refuses to call Islamic extremists terrorists. Why? For some reason he thinks to do so labels 
all Muslims as Islamic extremists/terrorists. That's nonsense and absurd. Most Muslims are good people, but the fact is that those that are radical Islamic extremists commit 70 per cent of terrorism in the world. Mr. Obama owes it to the American people to tell us who our enemies are. To remain silent on this issue is doing a dis-service to the country.

Maybe President Obama has a hard time identifying these people. Let's give him some help.

                                                                    Mr. President !!

                                                                             Got it?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boston Bombers Did Not Have Gun Permits! Really?!

Wow! No surprise here! ( As posted 4/21/13 on Yahoo.com )
By Jonathan Allen
(Reuters) - The two brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings, who police say engaged in a gun battle with officers early Friday after a frenzied manhunt, were not licensed to own guns in the towns where they lived, authorities said on Sunday. 
In the confrontation with police on the streets of a Boston suburb, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were armed with handguns, at least one rifle and several explosive devices, authorities say. 
 But neither brother appears to have been legally entitled to own or carry firearms where they lived, a fact that may add to the national debate over current gun laws. Last week, the U.S. Senate rejected a bill to expand background checks on gun purchases, legislation that opponents argued would do nothing to stop criminals from buying guns illegally. 
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, who was killed in the shootout with police, would have been required to apply for a gun license with the local police department where he lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 
But there is no record of him having done so, according to Cambridge Police Department spokesman Dan Riviello. 
Even if he had earlier received a gun license from somewhere outside Cambridge, that license would have to be registered with Cambridge police upon becoming a resident of the city, Riviello said. In Massachusetts, gun licenses are issued by municipal police departments. 
"There is no record of him having a license to carry," Riviello told Reuters.
Tsarnaev's younger brother Dzhokhar, 19, who was captured alive on Friday after the manhunt, would have been too young to get a handgun license. Under state law, residents under 21 may only apply for a so-called firearms identification card, which allows the holder to own only rifles that hold 10 rounds or less and shotguns.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had no record of a firearms ID card in Cambridge. The police department in Dartmouth, where Dzhokhar was a student, said they had no record of gun licenses or ID cards for either brother. 
Police in nearby New Bedford, where the younger brother may have lived in the past, could not confirm on Sunday whether they had issued Dzhokhar Tsarnaev a firearms ID card. 
Federal law enforcement agencies have not confirmed a full tally of the brothers' arsenal. 
Within hours of their images being released on Thursday, the two brothers are accused of shooting dead a Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus police officer in his car, hijacking at least one car at gunpoint, and of shooting at least one police officer during the gun battle in nearby Watertown. 
(Reporting By Jonathan Allen in New York; Editing by Paul Thomasch and Eric Beech)

The point being the country Congress and the White House is expending a lot energy arguing gun control. Dumb on two counts. (1) There are hundreds of gun laws on the books, State and Federal. They just are not being enforced. We don't need more...it's called duplication of effort.
(2) New gun control laws only punish the law abiding gun owners, Why? Because criminals and terrorists don't care about gun laws. They are not going to jump through the hoops government requires to get a gun. They will steal one or buy one on the black market.

Monday, April 22, 2013

This is pure Obama....He doesn't think we are in a war on terror and he apparently doesn't believe terrorists exists....everything to him is a crime and should be handled as such...

The living Boston Marathon Bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,
 will not be tried as an enemy combatant..Read More: Suspect Read Miranda Rights

Now, this low life human can lawyer up, and he has been appointed an attorney who will tell him to keep his mouth shut. We have effectively lost any chances of gaining
 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
information as to who or what terrorist (there's that word again) group aided him and his brother in the bombing in Boston. The FBI reportedly have been interrogating 
Tsarnaev and according to foxnews.com:

 "The two brothers suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon appear to have been influenced by radical Islam but don't seem tied to any Muslim terrorist groups, sources say after preliminary questioning of the younger brother."

 He can be tried for crimes committed in Boston such as murder, but will not get the death penalty under
President Obama
Attorney General Holder
Massachusetts  law. He can be tried for Federal crimes and can receive the death penalty. But with Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder sitting on the throne, don't bet your paycheck on it.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Obamacare....that insidious piece of socialist legislation that is well on its way to ruining the world's best health care system. We all remember "Dr." Obama telling us a little over three years ago how wonderful all this was going to be..that if you liked your doctor, you could keep him or her, that if
you liked your current coverage, you could keep it, that it wouldn't cost us one thin dime more....Well, we all know those were lies. Costs are skyrocketing, companies are cutting back employee hours to part-time so they won't have to provide insurance, and many states are refusing to set up the insurance exchanges for the uninsured to buy into, forcing the Feds to do it at an additional cost. 
Seventy percent of the country was and is against Obamacare. It got rammed down our throats. Today, even some Democrats who helped author the bill are questioning
it. As a result, President Obama has enlisted the aid of a public relations firm to try to win over skeptics.

Newsmax.com reports; The Obama administration has hired public-relations giant Weber Shandwick to help sell  persuade the uninsured to enroll in a healthcare plan, adding:

Obamacare aims to cover uninsured Americans by expanding Medicaid and by imposing an “individual mandate” requiring everyone to have insurance or pay a tax. There is obvious concern in the White House, however, that many of the nation’s 37 million uninsured Americans will pay the tax rather than buy health insurance.

“Weber Shandwick won a $3.1 million contract to assist the Department of Health and Human Services with rolling out a campaign to convince skeptical — or simply confused — Americans that the act is good for them and persuade them to enroll in a health plan,” Advertising Age reported.

The PR firm will seek to implement “rollout communication” based on “old-fashioned marketing principles,” the magazine disclosed.
The HHS agency in charge of the campaign is the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

It was about a year ago, as the Affordable Health Care Act  (as it is officially known) was beginning to show it's ugly face here and there, I remember Donald Trump giving us his take on what is now known as Obamacare:
"We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced  to purchase and fined if we don't, Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it,  passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!!
              'What the hell could possibly go wrong?'


Friday, April 19, 2013

8th Grader Jailed For His 2nd Amendment Views

The progressive and liberal lunatics in this country are out of control. Everyday we hear of something stupid these people have pulled...and a lot of it is happening in our schools. Not surprising, since our educational institutions, from middle school to universities, are being run by far left leaning administrators,  teachers and professors. As a result, our kids are being brainwashed in liberal ideology (dangerous in itself) and targeted for punishment if they sway in the opposite direction.....the latest, an 8th grade student jailed for the T-shirt he was wearing. Read More:Student Jailed For T-Shirt Not Approved of.

Other examples of liberal academic stupidity :

  •  Down in Florida, an 11-year-old student was arrested, thrown in jail and charged with a third-degree felony for bringing a plastic butter knife to school
  •  Back in 2009, an 8-year-old boy in Massachusetts was sent home from school and was forced to undergo a psychological evaluation because he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross.
  • In February four California high school students were reportedly suspended for chanting “U.S.A! U.S.A!” and wearing American flag bandanas during a basketball game. School administrators felt the cheer and American flag bandanas might have Hispanic students in attendance.
  • Just last month a  three Florida teenagers were suspended from his high school after forcibly disarming a fellow student who allegedly pointed a loaded gun and threatened to shoot another pupil on a school bus.
  • Also last month, Florida Atlantic University student Ryan Rotela was suspended from his Intercultural Communication class for refusing to stomp on a piece of paper with the word “Jesus” on it.

Is it any wonder a large number of students aren't learning anything these days? Schools have gotten away from teaching, blinded by their own ideological agendas. We are becoming a police state.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

The REAL Issue Behind The Gun Control Arguement - It's Not What Think

Sooo...following the Senate's snubbing  the president earlier this week on the gun control issue, reports are Mr. Obama was not and is not a happy camper...pissed off is probably the operative words here.

The president was blindsided by members of his own party, shooting down the bill which would have required federal background checks for gun buyers. He was counting on passage, but not because he felt it was necessary for the safety of all and especially our kids as he runs around the country spouting. Nope. Mr.Obama was playing pure
President Admonishes the Senate Over Gun Bill failure
politics...with our kids. He wanted passage of this bill so it would then be passed on to the GOP controlled House for a vote where it would surely get defeated. The president was counting on that so he could then blame the whole thing on the Republicans. He never had any intention of passing a gun control bill...it was a set-up job.

Be aware...everything Barack Obama does is with the sole intent of winning back the House of Representatives in 2014 so he can spend the last two years of his presidency destroying the country with his out of control tax and
spending policies. Truthfully,there is absolutely no need for any more gun laws.There are hundreds of them on the books to do everything the politicians say needs to be done to control gun violence ( that will never happen, though.) The problem is they aren't enforcing these laws!

Sad that Obama brought victims of the Newtown, Ct. shootings to Washington as props to celebrate the passage of the bill.  Instead they got to see the President of the United States have a toddler tantrum, and saying,  "All in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington," while accusing the gun lobby of lying about the bill.

Sad, too, that he used these people for political purposes. But that's Barack Hussein Obama.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Obama Not Happy: Loses One On Gun Control - Is Speaker Boehner Trading a Red Coat for a Blue? - President Snubs Thatcher Funeral

One of the President's hot buttons of late has been gun control, racking up miles and Air Force One hours traveling
President Obama
the country pushing the issue. The president Wednesday lost a major part of the issue, courtesy of his own party, the Democratic run Senate. Read More: 
Background Checks Shot Down

The Democrats control the Senate and, therefore, could have passed the measure without Republican help. Obviously there were some Democrats who didn't agree with the president's position on the issue. But, the president, true to form, always finds someone to blame, and it's usually those of the conservative persuasion. Read More: Obama: Obama: Gun Rights Groups Are Liars

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The liar-in-chief calling others liars.

There is concern among some Republican members of the House of Representatives that Speaker John Boehner is beginning to take a left hand turn in siding with the Democrats.
House Speaker John Boehner
Boehner's tenure as Speaker has been somewhat tenuous in that he has been accused of caving to the Democrats on a number of key issues, most recently the fiscal cliff debacle of late last year. Boehner gave in to President Obama's demand for tax increases on the wealthy, a GOP no-no, without getting Republican stipulations calling for spending cuts. The president promised those cuts if he got the tax hikes, but, not surprisingly, is now back peddling on the cuts. Read More: Conservative Concerns About Boehner

One would think Boehner would have gotten the message about this president by now. True to Democratic form, Obama has no intention of giving the republicans nothing, despite any promises made.

Lady Margaret Thatcher was laid to rest Wednesday in London. The former British prime minister was paid last
Baroness Margaret Thatcher
respects by many heads of state and dignitaries from countries around the world...except one. President Barack Obama chose not to send a high level delegation from the administration saying there was to much work at home. Read More: Obama Snubs The Iron Lady

Instead, cabinet officials from previous administrations made the trip so as not to totally embarrass the United States. Mr. Obama's snub of Lady Thatcher's funeral is an abomination,
Caisson carrying the body of Margaret Thatcher
considering what she meant to this country during her years as prime minister. It's a shame our president doesn't measure up to her level of leadership and integrity.It's too bad she was a Brit. She would have made a great                      President of the United States!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Bombs in Boston Send a Clear Message - We Are Not Safe.

Bomb Blast at the Boston Marathon

The bombs in Boston that turned a celebration into a tragedy should give pause to every American to realize that we are not safe. Despite our intelligence community managing to foil more potential attacks than we know, the fact remains we are vulnerable to those that want to kill us. 

The sorry excuse of a human being(s) responsible for killing three people and injuring (many seriously) 170 others have sent a message: "You are not safe - We can kill you." We need to wake up, as we did after the attacks in 2001 that have become to be known simply as "9/1."

Unfortunately, since there have been no similar attacks on the American mainland since then, we have become too complacent. Security measures in certain venues have loosened up over the years. They need to be re-tightened. 

We pray for the victims and their families, we mourn those who pay the ultimate price. Always, there seems to be those who stand out. The Boston tragedy is no different.

Eight year old Martin Richard was with his parents and
Martin Richard
sister, making a day of it at the Boston Marathon. They were near the grandstand  at the finish line of the race when one of the explosions occurred. Martin's mother and sister were both critically injured in the blast. Martin's mother underwent brain surgery Monday night and his sister, age 6, lost a leg in the blast. Martin lost his life.

And with these tragedies come the heroes. Over the coming days we will hear the the stories many  who risked there own lives to help others. One of those was Carlos Arredondo
known as the "Man in the Hat"
Carlos Arredondo
came to the Boston Marathon to honor his Marine son who was killed in Iraq. When the bombs exploded he turned his grief into helping those who needed it most. Read More: Race Spectator Turns hero

We don't know yet whether this is attack is domestic or foreign. Either way, it was an act of terrorism. There are those in the national spotlight who waffle on calling this an act of terror, saying it's terror if it has political overtones, it's not if it was perpetrated by some lone lunatic. I'm sorry, but any incident that puts people in fear or in harms way is terrorizing. 

President Obama, in statements about the attack, did not use the word terror. Remember that Mr. Obama, years ago in his first term, did away with the term "War on Terror." In the Benghazi, Libya Consulate attack, the president referred to the incident as caused by Islamic extremists and not an act of terror. In the Ft. Hood shooting, where the shooter was an Army Major sympathetic to Islamic jihad, the administration is calling it an act of "workplace violence," not terrorism. It's for Americans to wake up...we are not safe, and it's time for the president to wake up...we are in a War on Terrorism.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Why is This man Laughing??

Could it be because he suckered you in?              
Played you for a fool?   

Remember all his ranting and raving about taxing the rich? "The rich must pay their fair share," he claimed. Well, under the guidelines the Obama's fall into that "wealthy" category, but their tax rate for 2012 was lower than most Americans in their tax bracket . Read More: President's Tax rate in the Teens

The president's 2012 income was $608,611. Workers with an income of $500K to $1 million are in the 20.6 percent rate. Obama's rate: 18.4%. He paid $112,214 in federal income taxes for 2012.

Is he paying his fair share? Just a thought.

If you remember higher personal tax rates for the wealthy was the central theme of his reelection bid last year for a second term.

The Obama's lowered their rate by giving about 1/3 to
charities which, to be fair, is notable. The president now wants the rich to pay even more, despite getting a tax hike placed on the wealthy during last year's fiscal cliff debacle. He now wants to tax them more by closing loopholes...is charitable giving one of them?

   By the Way....HAPPY TAX DAY !!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Democrats Show Their TRUE Colors

While the world this week mourned the passing of Lady Margaret Thatcher, former prime minister of Great Britain, liberals in that country held Thatcher death parties, happy
she was gone, for they blamed her for the plight of their miserable lives when, in fact, she saved them.

In this country, many Americans, aware of the accomplishments of the "Iron Lady" and a loyal ally to the United States, celebrated her life in remembrance and dignity......except for our liberal friends in the U.S. Senate. Read More: Democrats Refuse To Honor Lady Thatcher 

              While the Democrats are shameful in their resolve not to
honor Margaret Thatcher with a simple resolution, we are reminded that Mrs. Thatcher paid her respects at the funeral of President Reagan in January,1989.

There is no excuse for this and, in fact, this act on the part of Congress should make all Americans ashamed of our elected representatives in Washington. True colors are on display.  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jane Fonda - Poster Child For The Viet Cong Dishonors Vets ...Again

Jane Fonda, so-so actress and daughter of a damn good actor, Henry Fonda, is less noted for her acting ability ( although she did win an Oscar for Best Actress in "Klute") and more for her activist activities, most notably her opposition to the Vietnam War.

A little history:

In July, 1972 Ms. Fonda ventured to Vietnam, not to visit U.S troops as many celebrities did
Hanoi Jane with North
Vietnamese Troops
back then, but to collaborate with the enemy in North Vietnam. During her trip, Fonda made ten radio broadcasts in which she denounced American political and military leaders as "war criminals". Her collaboration with the enemy earned her the nickname "Hanoi Jane." Fonda was photographed seated on an anti-aircraft battery. The controversial photo outraged many Americans and servicemen. Some 33 years later, she has regrets, not that she made the trip to Hanoi, but that she allowed that picture to be taken. Read More: Jane Says Photo In Hanoi Was A Mistake (Video)

Now, forty-one years later, and on the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Vietnam War, Hanoi Jane is once again putting down Vietnam Vets. Read More: Fonda Disses Viet Vets Again

Ms. Fonda has the right to say whatever she wants...freedom of speech. The sad part is she forgets that it was the Vietnam vet along with all the veterans in wars before and since, fought, and many gave their lives, so that Jane Fonda would have that right. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Obama's Tax and Spend "Budget" Not a Hit With Congress

UPDATE: Obama's budget has $1 trillion in new taxes hidden in it and not surprisingly, Republicans ripped President Obama's long-awaited budget proposal Wednesday. Read More: Republicans Call Obama Budget 'Unbalanced.'

The train wreck known as President Obama's budget has been delivered to Congress with little pomp and circumstance and much criticism from both sides of the
political aisle. The plan, which in a nutshell, calls for more spending (no surprise) more tax hikes (no surprise) and Social Security cuts (surprise, seniors!) has many in Congress, Both Republicans and Democrats up in arms. Read More: Obama's $3.77 Trillion Budget

The Republicans, while happy with cuts in entitlements, also known as welfare, are not happy with tax hikes. The GOP insists the president got his tax cuts as a result of the "fiscal cliff" debacle at the end of 2012. The Democrats and many progressives, while on board with more taxes, are having a hissy-fit over cutting cost-of-living increases in Social Security. Actually, it can't be cut much more than the meager 1.7% increase seniors saw for this year.

So...is the president's budget DOA (dead on Arrival) as they like to say in Washington? Read More: Will the Budget Survive Scrutiny?

And in the , "Oh, By The Way" segment....Things must be really getting bad as a result of the Obama authored
Navy Blue Angels
sequestration budget cuts...word has it that the president's chef might be furloughed. Does that mean pizza deliveries to White House state dinners? Also, it seems 1/3 of military aircraft are being grounded, including the Navy's high flying demonstration team, the Blue Angels.
Air Force Thunderbirds
Could the Air Force Thunderbirds be far behind? Yep. They've been put in the hanger, too.

But not Air Force One. President Obama continues his almost daily flights around the country at the tune of $180,000 PER HOUR to keep the big jet in the air. 

And the Obama's continue to act as royalty, despite the countries financial problems. The President and Mrs. Obama hosted Tuesday night, the lavish Memphis Soul concert at the White House. Read More: Sequestration Celebration?

So much for sequestration!!

 While no one seems to be saying how much the tax-payer funded concert cost, Breitbart.com featured the following headline on it's website. "White House Closed for Tours, Open for Celebrity Soul Concert." One wonders if the $2 million budgeted for the tours was diverted to the concert...just a thought.

The president seems to be running "selective sequestration."

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dirty Tricks - Liberal Tomfoolery

Shades of the Watergate Scandal of the 70's, for
Sen. Mitch McConnell                 Ashley Judd
those of us old enough to remember. This time it's our good friends on 
the left who are up to the dirty tricks. Senator Mitch McConnell says he thinks his campaign was bugged during an Ashley Judd strategy session. Read More: Liberal Tactics

Despite all the fuss, Ms. Judd has reportedly decided not to run for McConnell's seat. Undoubtedly it would have been an exercise in futility as Kentucky is a heavily trenched GOP state. While not enjoying her politics, I do enjoy her screen work, but I doubt she would be able to pull off an academy award nomination as a U.S. Senator.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher, Dies at 87

Read More on the passing of Margaret Thatcher: From Fox News.Com 

Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan
Mrs.Thatcher was a staunch ally of the United States, helping to fight the "Cold War" with her close friend, U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Ironically, it was the Soviet Union who gave her the nickname, The Iron Lady.  Read More: From The  Washington 

Thatcher was Britain's longest serving prime minister, holding the office for 11 1/2 years, before stepping down. Her biographer, Penny Junor, says the Iron Lady "came to politics for all the right reasons.." 

Click the video to hear and see more of Ms. Junor's view of Margaret Thatcher's life and career.

From  Newsmax.com John O’Sullivan, who was a special adviser to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and part of her inner circle of speechwriters, on Monday credited her with restoring Britain’s world reputation and its economy. Click to Read More

Buckingham Palace says Queen Elizabeth II was sad to hear the news of the death of Margaret Thatcher and current British Prime Minister David Cameron said, “we have lost a great leader, a great prime minister, and a great Briton.

Baroness Margaret Thatcher

Friday, April 5, 2013

Obama's Priorities Are Out of Whack

This past week President Obama has attempted to pull the wool over our eyes...again...twice.
First, the president said he would give back a portion of his salary in the name of sequestration. Joke: It amounts to $20,000. Right after that announcement, the president jumped on his $180,000 and hour super toy, Air Force One, to head across country for a fundraiser with billionaires.

Second, his budget, late in coming, suggests making some adjustment to medicare and social security in an attempt
House Speaker Boehner            President Obama
placate Republicans who want entitlement cuts with no tax increases. Read More: Boehner: Obama Budget Falls Short

The president is running around the country these days touting gun control and again, as always, in campaign mode, per the earlier mentioned fundraisers. He is concentrating more on the mid-term elections and gaining control of the House than the serious plights of the country. Spending is still out of control, we are on the brink of war with North Korea, millions of people are on food stamps and at the poverty level, and as 
Tyler Durden reports in ZeroHedge.com "Things just keep getting worse for the American worker, and by implication US economy, where as we have shown many times before, it pays just as well to sit back and collect disability and various welfare and entitlement checks, than to work .The best manifestation of this: the number of people not in the labor force which in March soared by a massive 663,000 to a record 90 million Americans who are no longer even looking for work. This was the biggest monthly increase in people dropping out of the labor force since January 2012, when the BLS did its census recast of the labor numbers. And even worse, the labor force participation rate plunged from an already abysmal 63.5% to 63.3% - the lowest since 1979! But at least it helped with the now painfully grotesque propaganda that the US unemployment rate is "improving."

And so it goes! 
Have a great weekend.