Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hillary's Untruth....

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton...did she lie to Congress during her testimony before a committee investigating the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack? 

A Republican House report, released this week, says yes. 
Mrs. Clinton, under oath, said she knew nothing about State Department officials in Libya asking for an up-tick in security do to concerns of possible terrorist activity in the area. That request was denied. Mrs. told Congress:
“The specific security requests pertaining to Benghazi, you know were
handled by the security professionals in the department.  I didn’t see those requests, they didn’t come to me, I didn’'t approve them, I didn’t deny them. "
The House report suggests that Clinton received a request for more security from Gene Cretz, who preceded Christopher Stevens as ambassador to Libya.
“On April 19, 2012, the response cable from the Department of State
to Embassy Tripoli, bearing Secretary Clinton’s signature, acknowledges
Ambassador Cretz’s request for additional security but instead
articulates a plan to scale back security assets for the U.S. Mission in
Libya, including the Benghazi Mission.”
For more in-depth information on this story click: Hillary Approved reduced Security for Benghazi

From the beginning, Mrs. Clinton, President Obama and countless other administration officials and Democrats in Congress danced around the events in Benghazi that left four Americans dead including the Ambassador to Libya. A cover up surrounding the event was launched and continues to this day. Obama and Clinton hope, that with time, Benghazi will simply fade away.

The GOP isn't going to let that happen, especially if Mrs. Clinton is entertaining thoughts of running for the presidency in 2016. She, along with the president, has blood on her hands where Benghazi is concerned. Will it be enough to keep her out of the Oval Office? Time will tell.

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