Thursday, April 18, 2013

The REAL Issue Behind The Gun Control Arguement - It's Not What Think

Sooo...following the Senate's snubbing  the president earlier this week on the gun control issue, reports are Mr. Obama was not and is not a happy camper...pissed off is probably the operative words here.

The president was blindsided by members of his own party, shooting down the bill which would have required federal background checks for gun buyers. He was counting on passage, but not because he felt it was necessary for the safety of all and especially our kids as he runs around the country spouting. Nope. Mr.Obama was playing pure
President Admonishes the Senate Over Gun Bill failure
politics...with our kids. He wanted passage of this bill so it would then be passed on to the GOP controlled House for a vote where it would surely get defeated. The president was counting on that so he could then blame the whole thing on the Republicans. He never had any intention of passing a gun control was a set-up job.

Be aware...everything Barack Obama does is with the sole intent of winning back the House of Representatives in 2014 so he can spend the last two years of his presidency destroying the country with his out of control tax and
spending policies. Truthfully,there is absolutely no need for any more gun laws.There are hundreds of them on the books to do everything the politicians say needs to be done to control gun violence ( that will never happen, though.) The problem is they aren't enforcing these laws!

Sad that Obama brought victims of the Newtown, Ct. shootings to Washington as props to celebrate the passage of the bill.  Instead they got to see the President of the United States have a toddler tantrum, and saying,  "All in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington," while accusing the gun lobby of lying about the bill.

Sad, too, that he used these people for political purposes. But that's Barack Hussein Obama.


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