Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Gun Control Argument - Ugh! Getting Tiresome

As with most things in Washington that drag on and on, the gun control argument is wearing thin. This will go the same way as abortion - there will never be a consensus of opinion. Those for gun control will always be for gun control. Those opposed to gun control will always be opposed to it. Like abortion, there will never be a solution. At the moment, abortion is legal, so is gun ownership.

Since the Newtown, Ct. shootings in December, 2012 the cries have gone out for gun control. The lines have been drawn in Congress, and, surprisingly, not necessarily along party lines. Generally you find liberal Democrats pushing for gun control and the GOP citing 2nd Amendment rights. On this issue there are Democrats who represent traditional

"gun States" such as the Dakotas and  Wyoming and other great plain States, and others where hunting is a big sport which is virtually every State in the Union. Many politicians don't want to raise the ire of their constituents on the issue, especially if they are up for re-election in 2014.

Even Harry Reid, Senate majority leader, has backed down on bringing a vote on an assault weapons ban to the floor. And President Obama, not getting the cooperation from his own party on the issue, is flying around the country on his $180,000 per hour toy, Air Force One, trying to get State legislatures to bite the bullet (no pun intended) and pass a gun bill.

But, alas, while the cry is to take away every citizen's gun(s), there is a Georgia town that is requiring you own one! Really? Read More: One Town Says Get A Gun

What a novel idea....owning a gun to protect yourself and your family and reducing crime in the process. A dumb criminals less likely to commit a crime against a person if he has to wonder if his victim is packin' a gun. Well, the dumb ones might not.

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