Thursday, November 29, 2012

$$ Your Government At Work - Really Stupid Spending Projects $$

The president likes to spend your money. During his  first term in office President Obama added $6 trillion to the national debt. It's projected that by the end of his second term he will charge another $4 trillion dollars on the taxpayers credit card. The total national debt when Mr. Obama leaves office is projected to be in the neighborhood of $20 trillion.

The president thinks he can bring down the debt by increasing revenue coming into the federal coffers. He plans to do this, he says, by raising taxes on the rich. The only problem is the money collected by this increase on the top 2% of wage earners will only total $82.3 billion annually, as estimated by the non-partisan Congressional Budget office. Not only will that amount not make a dent in the debt, it will run the government for a mere 8.5 days.

President Obama knows this. He's not stupid. The fact is his ideology is such that he does not like the fact that some people have gained wealth through hard work. Therefore, he wants to punish them by taxing them under the guise of making them pay their "fair share." The fact is this group already pays close to 60% of all income taxes while close to 50% of the population pay no taxes at all. As for cutting spending, Mr. Obama, despite his claim to the opposite, has no intention of cutting spending. (Read more: White House Not Serious About Cuts) While cuts can be made in many areas such as entitlement programs, Mr. Obama should take a look at the truly ridiculous programs the government is wasting money on. We found real government waste on that should get your dander up..... 

#1 The U.S. government is spending $750,000 on a new soccer field for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.

#2 The Obama administration plans to spend between 16 and 20 million dollars helping students from Indonesia get master’s degrees.

#3 If you can believe it, the U.S. government has spent $175,587 “to determine if cocaine makes Japanese quail engage in sexually risky behavior”.

#4 The U.S. government spent $200,000 on “a tattoo removal program” in Mission Hills, California.

#5 The federal government has shelled out $3 million to researchers at the University of California at Irvine to fund their research on video games such as World of Warcraft. Wouldn’t we all love to have a “research job” like that?

#6 The Department of Health and Human Services plans to spend $500 million on a program that will, among other things, seek to solve the problem of 5-year-old children that “can’t sit still” in a kindergarten classroom.

#7 Fannie Mae is about to ask the federal government for another $4.6 billion bailout, and it will almost certainly get it.

#8 The federal government once spent 30 million dollars on a program that was designed to help Pakistani farmers produce more mangos.

#9 The U.S. Department of Agriculture once gave researchers at the University of New Hampshire $700,000 to study methane gas emissions from dairy cows.

#10 According to USA Today, 13 different government agencies “fund 209 different science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education programs — and 173 of those programs overlap with at least one other program.”

#11 A total of $615,000 was given to the University of California at Santa Cruz to digitize photos, T-shirts and concert tickets belonging to the Grateful Dead.

#12 China lends us more money than any other foreign nation, but that didn’t stop our government from spending 17.8 million dollars on social and environmental programs for China.

#13 The U.S. government once spent 2.6 million dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly.

#14 One professor at Stanford University was given $239,100 to study how Americans use the Internet to find love.

#15 The U.S. Postal Service spent $13,500 on a single dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.

#16 The National Science Foundation once spent $216,000 to study whether or not politicians “gain or lose support by taking ambiguous positions”.

#17 A total of $1.8 million was spent on a “museum of neon signs” in Las Vegas, Nevada.

#18 The federal government spends 25 billion dollars a year maintaining federal buildings that are either unused or totally vacant.

#19 U.S. farmers are given a total of $2 billion each year for not farming their land.

#20 The U.S. government handed one Tennessee library $5,000 for the purpose of hosting a series of video game parties.

#21 A few years ago the government spent $123,050 on a Mother’s Day Shrine in Grafton, West Virginia. It turns out that Grafton only has a population of a little more than 5,000 people.

#22 One professor at Dartmouth University was given $137,530 to create a “recession-themed” video game entitled “Layoff”.

#23 According to the Heritage Foundation, the U.S. military spent “$998,798 shipping two 19-cent washers from South Carolina to Texas and $293,451 sending an 89-cent washer from South Carolina to Florida”.

#24 The U.S. Department of Agriculture once shelled out $30,000 to a group of farmers to develop a tourist-friendly database of farms that host guests for overnight “haycations”.

#25 The National Institutes of Health paid researchers $400,000 to find out why gay men in Argentina engage in risky sexual behavior when they are drunk.

#26 The National Institutes of Health also once spent $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam.

#27 The National Institutes of Health loves to spend our tax money on really bizarre things. The NIH once spent $800,000 in “stimulus funds” to study the impact of a “genital-washing program” on men in South Africa.

#28 According to the Washington Post, 1,271 different government organizations work on government programs related to counter-terrorism and homeland security.

#29 The U.S. government spent $100,000 on a “Celebrity Chef Fruit Promotion Road Show in Indonesia”.

#30 The feds once gave Alaska Airlines $500,000 “to paint a Chinook salmon” on the side of a Boeing 737.

We have accumulated the biggest debt in the history of the world and we are adding to it at a rate of about 150 million dollars an hour.

You can watch your money being spent in real time. Click here to see the National Debt Clock . Your government at work!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

GOP: Let's Make A Deal - Obama: Not On Your Life

Get ready to fall over the so-called fiscal cliff. It looks like The Dems and the GOP aren't going to make the January 1 deadline. President Obama, immediately after the election, pounded his chest and proclaimed a deal would be reached for the good of the country, especially the middle class....everything was on the table and he was willing to listen to "all ideas." (Liberal Alert: That's code for "as long as they are my others need apply.")

The Republican leadership says they are willing to consider tax increases ( by closing loopholes in the tax code) as long as there are spending cuts as well. Obama wants to tax the rich (incomes over $250,000). The president has said he is willing to cut spending. The GOP has asked the president to list his cuts, but none are forth coming from Obama. House Speaker John Boehner has said they want to see the cuts before they agree to tax increases. Good move on his part because the Democrats are famous for promising cuts and the reneging on them....cases in point. Ronald Reagan agreed to raise taxes and the Democrats promised to cut spending if he did. He did and they didn't. President George H.W. Bush (the 1st) made a famous statement, "Read my lips, no new taxes." Remember that? Well, he later agreed to a tax increase because the Democrats promised spending cuts. They lied. Instead they used Bush's no new taxes statement against him in the next election...he lost. So, the GOP has learned its go first, Mr. President, show us your cuts. Truth # 1 is Mr. President doesn't have any cuts to put forth because he and his liberal cronies have no intention of cutting anything. Their plan is to go on another four years spending spree.

Truth # 2 is the president hates people who have worked hard and, as a result, have become wealthy. He has no interest in putting this country back on a solid fiscal plane. He is hell-bent on punishing the rich by stealing more of their their "fair share" is his stale line. President Obama's tax rate plan would generate just $82.3 billion annually, as estimated by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

"The president's plan to increase taxes on the upper 2 percent (of American earners) covers the spending by this federal government not for eight years, not for eight months, not for eight weeks but for eight days,” Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., said recently on MSNBC.

EIGHT DAYS....that's all his big tax the rich plan will run the government for...EIGHT DAYS!

“It's not a real solution," Price said.  I’m puzzled by an administration that seems to be more interested in raising tax rates than in gaining economic vitality.”

"Republicans understand that we must avert the fiscal cliff and have laid out a framework to do so that is consistent with the ‘balanced’ approach the president says he wants,” Mike Steel, spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, said Tuesday. “In contrast, Democrats in Congress have downplayed the danger of going over the cliff and continue to rule out sensible spending cuts that must be part of any significant agreement to reduce the deficit.”

Want further proof the president has no intention on reaching a deal? Mr. Obama has boarded his favorite toy, Air Force One, to gallivant around the country "campaigning" (again), taking his tax the rich mantra to the citizenry. Meanwhile, another crisis is looming in Washington and just like the Benghazi crisis, Mr. Obama is nowhere to be found....not in our nation's capital, anyway.

Read More: GOP: Raising Taxes Alone Won't Cut It

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Let The Taxing Begin!

This man wants your wallet!
President Obama wants in your back pocket.
With his re-election, he is going to get there.
For those of you who bought into his false promises,
BUYER BEWARE. See what you have wrought!

Gerri Willis of The Fox Business Channel Warns:
"A middle class taxpayer pays 25% of their income in Federal Income Tax. Sounds, ok?
Then there is the Federal Social Security and Medicare payroll tax of 13.3%. You pick up 5.65% while you’re employer pays 7.65%. Add them up and that’s 38.3% of middle class family incomes going to Uncle Sam. But we aren’t done, not by a long shot.
According to the Tax Foundation, the average state’s income tax rate on the middle class is 4.82%. Of course, some states have it and some don’t, but we’re taking an average here.
Now the total: 43.12% of middle class income to taxes.
Oh, and I almost forgot, unless congress makes a move, Federal Income taxes go to 28% for middle income folks next year as the Bush tax cuts expire.
Neither party has said they want that to happen, but in Washington, well, you never know.
Also the payroll tax for those folks will go to 15.3% from 13.3%percent.
Did I mention state, property, corporate, and excise taxes? No?
All told, next year, total taxes will go to almost 50% for the middle class; the very group that the president says he wants to protect. That means 50 cents out of every dollar earned has to go to the government. Half of everything will go to an entity that didn’t earn that money, and shouldn’t be entitled to all that dough."
Read more at Fox Business
So where does your state stand? What will your tax rate be in 2013?
The Heritage Foundation has put together a chart of the total marginal tax rates in each state come 2013.

This is what the re-election of Barack Obama has come to. And this doesn't include the massive tax hikes we are to experience as a result of our new socialist health care program.  All tolled, including tax hikes from Obamacare,
we are looking at $494 billion in higher taxes. The largest tax increase in history.This from the same President who in 2009 promised, if your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime.” That promise is broken, one he never intended to keep.
He wants to tax the rich, those who create jobs in this country. He has told us over and over and over again they need to pay their fair share despite the fact that the top 20% already pay 68.6% of all federal taxes. Obama claims they need to pay more so we can pay down the massive $16 trillion debt of which he, in his first four years, added $6 trillion. The fact is that making the rich pay "their fair share" will only be enough to run the government for a total of eight (8) days! 
So Let the Taxing Begin!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Just A Reminder What is REALLY Important

  • This little guy stole a few minutes to hang with his daddy, who was killed in action. Military children bear such a terrible burden while their parents defend our great nation. God bless these kids and their remarkable strength. They deserve everything we have to offer and more.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tom Turkey

                               HAPPY THANKSGIVING

Monday, November 19, 2012

Obamacare's REAL Costs

With the re-election of Barack Obama and the Senate remaining in the hands of the Democrats, Obamacare is the law of the land. Even though 75% of Americans say they don't want it, they're going to get it, along with higher taxes and less health care....that's what happens with socialized medicine. Make no mistake, Obamacare is socialized medicine and will fully kick in in 2014. 

November 19, 2012 by

Obamacare’s Real Costs
“The Obama Care Health Care Reform Plan or Health Care For America Plan will cost the average American around $70.”–
First of all, allow me to disabuse you of the notion that Obamacare has anything to do with “health” care. Obamacare is not about health. It’s not about lowering the cost of health insurance. And it’s not about ensuring that everyone is insured.
It is about locking more Americans into the clutches of the Big Pharma/Medical Industrial complex, providing more customers for Big Insurance and confiscating more wealth from individuals and businesses.

Read More : Obamacare's Real Costs:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

On Taxes and Entitlements

When 50% of the people don't pay income taxes and 33% of the people are on entitlement programs that's a tough row to hoe for the 17% of the rest of us.

"The number of Americans on food stamps is at an all-time high of 46.7 million people. Food-stamp spending, which more than doubled in four years to a record $75.7 billion in the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 2011, is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s biggest annual expense," according to reporter Alan Bjerga at writing on Sept 4, 2012 for

The number of Americans that are now on some form of welfare entitlement program is staggering:

As shown in the chart presented by the Republican staff of the Senate Budget Committee, about 10 million new people were added to the welfare rolls in just the two years from 2009 to 2011. AND... the total number of 108,000,000 does NOT include those receiving Social Security or Medicare.

In addition the overall poverty rate is now at an all-time high at 15% or 46.2 million people, up from 39.8 million, or 13.2 percent, in 2008. The official poverty line was an annual income of $23,021 for a family of four. 

For the past four years we have heard Barack Obama sad refrain about taxing the rich more so that they pay their "fair share." 

From we get the following:
The federal tax system is generally progressive (versus regressive)—meaning tax rates are higher for wealthy people than for the poor. More than two-thirds of all federal taxes collected in 2010 came from the top 20% of taxpayers, and more than a fifth came from the wealthiest 1% of filers (with $500,000 in income or more). The top 1% also paid three-fourths of all estate taxes, although this accounted for just 1% of all federal revenues.
Meanwhile, the poorest fifth of taxpayers got more money back from the federal government than they paid in. This is because of programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, which gives lower-income working Americans tax refunds even if they don’t owe taxes.

2010 taxpayer income (in 2011 dollars)                         Share of all federal taxes paid

$16,961 and under (Bottom 20%)                                                      -0.1%
 $16,962 to $33,870 (21%-40%)                                                            2.8%
 $33,871 to $59,154 (41%-60%)                                                            9.8%
 $59,155 to $103,428 (61%-80%)                                                          18.7%
$103,428 and over (Top 20%)                                                            68.6%

Read More: Who Pays More Taxes?

And by the way, while we're talking about who pays taxes, how about those who don't!

Memo to the President:
You are so consumed, Mr. President, with raiding the wallets of those who are the job creators in this country, that you either can't see or don't care about the "tax cheats" under your own roof.
Note:  36 of your aides owe $833,970 in back taxes
Note:  413 EPA employees owe more than $19 million in back taxes
Note:  183 employees at the FDIC owe more than $3 million in back taxes 
Note:  5 employees at the U.S Tax Court owe $62,500 in back taxes
And you have the audacity to accuse those who pay more than 68% of all taxes of not paying "their fair share."  For shame, Sir!

Friday, November 16, 2012

UPDATE: Who Changed The Patraeus Benghazi Memo? Mr. President?

Gen. David Patraeus

UPDATE:  White House Denies Deleting Terror From Talking Points

UPDATE:  Congress Investigating Talking Points Editing

General David Patraeus testified before congressional committees looking into the Benghazi diplomat murders that his (CIA) talking points included "Al Qaeda involvement" and that it was a terrorist attack. By the time the president marched UN Ambassador Susan Rice before the TV cameras to say it was a spontaneous reaction to a video, the memo had been changed deleting the Al Qaeda and terrorist reference. The question now is who edited the memo?
All talking heads, pundits and members of congress are shaking their heads and shrugging their shoulders...'gosh, we don't have a clue, but we'd sure like to know.'
U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice
Someone, please, step up and point a finger at the Oval Office. Are we that afraid of the man sitting in there?.
At a news conference, where he got his usual pass from  the adoring media, he was asked about Susan Rice's comments on TV. A not to happy president came to her defense saying it was the White House that sent her out there, no one else. HELLO!!! If you, Mr. President, sent here out there, you sent her out there with the talking points you wanted her to disseminate to the world. She didn't make them up on her own.

This goes to the top. The president's hands are all over this.......

Read More:
Patraeus Benghazi Memo Edited By Whom?

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Bombshell: Did the White House hold the Patraeus affair over the CIA director's head to force him to spout the "company line" on Benghazi? Syndicated Columnist Charles Krauthammer thinks so.  Read more:   White House Pressured Patraeus Over Affair

Former CIA Director David Patraeus
So.....within days of the election scandal has once again hit the White House. Good way to start a second term. The president and his minions stonewalled and LIED on the Benghazi, Libya situation, not wanting the truth to come out (blaming a VIDEO) before the election as it would have brought the president down.
Paula Broadwell  /  Jill Kelley
Now it has escalated, adding SEX to the mix, with the knowledge that David Patraeus, ousted CIA Director, had an affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell. This is bad. A major security breach. The nation's top spy is compromised by his own stupidity, setting himself up for blackmail and who knows what else. There is speculation that Ms. Broadwell has/had access to top secret information.
These are the things a James Bond movie is made of. Pretty
woman worms her way into a top government official's intimate circle. official secrets are told and the pretty woman turns out to be a foreign double agent. Whoops! Not as far fetched as one might think in today's world. And now, there's another female in the mix. Tampa socialite Jill Kelley, supposed friend to the Patraeus family with some overly friendly ties to General John Allen, U.S. Commander in Afghanistan. The plot thickens.
Gen. John Allen

Attorney Gen.Eric Holder
FBI Dir. Robert Mueller
The president has not been forth coming, sending his surrogates out to spin the story. Press secretary, Jay Carney, chief spinster, spun another one this week when he insisted that the administration knew nothing of the Patraeus/Broadwell dalliance until the day of the election. Problem: Eric Holder, the embattled attorney general and Robert Mueller, FBI director, reportedly knew of the affair for months. Through Carney's statement are we asked to believe that neither of these two top officials DID NOT inform the president, knowing the possible consequences to the nation's security?? If they didn't, they are incredibly incompetent and were derelict in their duty.. If they did, and the president has known it and did nothing, he is guilty of a cover-up and violating his oath of office to keep the country safe. He already is guilty of covering up the events surrounding Benghazi. And now this.
Lesser cover-ups have brought down presidencies. For those old enough to remember, the Watergate scandal of the early 70's was the result of a break-in of the Democratic National Committee national headquarters located in the Watergate building in Washington, D.C. No one died and national security was not comprised. Yet, it sent President Richard Nixon packing.
 President Obama's scandals are far more serious. Senate and House oversight committees are set to hold hearings. Democrats would do well not to stonewall, obstruct or defend the administration due to the seriousness of the issues. I fear the partisan divide.

Read More:
Gen. Allen to be court-martialed?

Patraeus to Testify Before Congress

Patraeus Scandal Timeline

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dennis Miller: What's Wrong With America!?

Dennis Miller
Click the link:
Dennis Miller: What's Wrong With America

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Video Tribute To Our Veterans




              BATTLE OF THE BULGE         THE CIVIL WAR

                                                          WORLD WAR I                   





                              HAMBURGER HILL


                 DIEN BIEN PHU  (VIETNAM)



Thursday, November 8, 2012

Assessing The Election & Where Does The GOP Go from Here

An examination of the exit polls sheds light on how a president facing unemployment near 8 percent, debt topping $16 trillion and mounting questions over the Libya terror attack was able to win a second term in office.

Obama’s win Tuesday night came from a strong showing among core Democratic constituencies, being more likable than his opponent, and an economy that voters felt is doing well-enough to give him another four years. Also, the president’s response to Hurricane Sandy in the final days of the campaign was an important factor to many voters.

Obama’s key groups made the difference -- both in their makeup of the electorate and, for the most part, their strength of support for him.

Non-whites made up 28 percent of the electorate, up a bit from 27 percent in 2008. This group largely backed Obama: 71 percent of Hispanics (it was 67 percent last time), and 93 percent of blacks (down a touch from 95 percent).

Republican challenger Mitt Romney won among white voters by 20 percentage points. That’s up from John McCain’s edge of +12 points in 2008. In addition, the share of votes cast by whites was lower (72 percent) than it has been going back to at least 1992.

Young voters were important to giving Obama his first term. Voters under age 30 showed up again this time: They represented 19 percent of all voters, one point higher than the 18 percent in 2008. Even so, they didn’t back him as strongly this time: 60 percent -- down six points.

Nationally among young voters:  Obama 60% Romney 37%
Seniors backed Romney by 56-44 percent, mostly unchanged from 2008.

Meanwhile, more Democrats than Republicans voted, 38-32 percent. In 2008, Democrats also outnumbered Republicans by 39-32 percent.

Almost all Democrats supported the president (92 percent). That support was equaled among Republicans for Romney (93 percent).

Forty-five percent of independents backed Obama, down from 52 percent last time. Half of this swing group preferred Romney (49 percent).

Marital status was a more significant factor than gender this year. Women, a traditional Democratic voting group, backed Obama by 11 points -- about the same as by 13 points in 2008. Even so, married women backed Romney by 7 points (an improvement from McCain’s +3 showing).

Men backed Romney (52-45 percent), and married men backed him by an even wider margin (60-38 percent).

Romney was successful in energizing his base: conservatives accounted for 35 percent of all voters today, one-point higher than in 2008. And he captured 82 percent of them (McCain got 78 percent). White born-again Christians made up 26 percent of the voters today and 78 percent favored Romney (for McCain it was 74 percent).

In addition, white Catholics went for Romney by a margin of 59-40 percent. This is a group that has historically backed the winner.

Stats from:

So, The Grand Old Party missed the mark this election and everyone is taking their shot as to "What Happened?" How could in incumbent president survive another term with a $16 trillion debt, unemployment hovering at 8% (true number is closer to 14%), a 49 percent poverty rate and an increase in the number of people on food stamps...not to mention the foreign policy debacle of Benghazi, Libya still to be answered for. It would seem that with all this the GOP would be a shoe-in. In two words, they "blew it." There are many reasons for blowing it, among them alienating the Hispanic, single women and not being able to overcome the liberals wrongly painting Mitt Romney as a rich white guy who doesn't care about the people. So what is the Republican Party to do...?

 Bert Atkinson Jr  tackled that question on  the  website.

#1. Purge the idiots.

Republicans cannot afford to have candidates like Todd Akin or Richard Mourdock running for office saying anything about “legitimate” rape or that God intends for rape to happen; that is downright idiotic.
Republicans can cry foul that the newly re-elected Democratic Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill pumped money into Akin’s primary campaign to push him through so that she could face a weaker candidate, which really did happen as she spent millions calling him “too conservative”, but Republicans need to be able to deal with that better before it happens. The party knew he was an idiot, they were upset with what he said, and yet other Republican Senators were supporting him by the end of the campaign just in order to try to win a seat. This method of desperation won’t work, and it didn’t as the GOP lost seats in a Senate race in which they should have gained seats.
Republicans: Make SURE you get the right candidates the first time.

#2. Attract Latino voters.

Latino voters chose Obama over Romney 71 percent to 27 percent. These are horrible statistics, and dramatically down from 2004 and 2008. Maybe adopting the phrase “self-deportation” was not the best idea for a demographic that makes up 10 percent of all voters. Yes, illegal immigration is a problem, but do not go out saying something rude and offensive like you want illegal immigrants to “self-deport” because you will not get their votes.
Disagree with that statement? Look at the results. Period.
Republicans: Get out there and talk to Latino communities. Better yet, get Marco Rubio to go out and talk to Latinos and find out what they want. Some of them certainly want some fair immigration reform so they can find some certainty in their situation, and I would be willing to bet that many Latinos want lower taxes.

#3. Black votes.

Obama won almost every black vote in the country …again. These numbers are HORRIBLE, and the GOP needs to address the situation. Black unemployment is very high at over 14 percent, and their situation clearly isn’t improving under Obama, so why do they keep supporting him?
We all know Republicans want entitlement reform, but yelling and screaming that you are going to simply cut entitlements and not lower taxes is clearly not attracting black voters. This argument made Republicans seem too much like the old-rich-white-party instead of the fiscally responsible party.
Republicans: Re-word your arguments to attract black voters. It’s marketing, not rocket science. Closing loopholes and getting rid of tax shelters raises tax revenue without actually raising tax rates, but the party is a loser because this was not clearly explained to the masses on a necessary level. If it was, Republicans would have won, and the 1%-ers would be contributing more through a more efficiently reformed tax code.
Instead, the 1% will be vilified for the next four years for legally following the tax codes.

#4. Attract Female Voters.

The idea that the Republican party doesn’t care about women is such a weak argument that it is silly. Republican’s want the best for everyone, clearly, so why do Democrats have such a leg up?
Political posturing. Democrats used the media to cry to the American masses that there was really a “War on Women” when there never really was one in the first place. But that put the GOP so far behind the 8-ball that they could never really fight back when the election came around.
Republicans: Work on your PR. If House Democrats hold a vote for a bill that Republicans shoot down for legitimate reasons but Democrats start screaming “War on Women” to the media because one tiny pork-barrel piece of the bill (that Republicans would have agreed with by itself) is also shot down, then fight back.
Spend some money if you have to. Buy TV spots. Do something, but don’t sit back and let a “War on Women” dominate the news night in and night out. The media may be liberally biased, but they would sell a 5-minute primetime spot to Republicans to better explain themselves in a heartbeat, and America would take notice. A small investment here and there may just save you money in the long run

#5. Make a goal.

Want to see some dance moves? Ask a Republican politician on camera how he or she stands on abortion. Want to see more dance moves? Ask a Republican about his or her stance on same-sex marriage on camera.
We all know Republicans want lower taxes, less regulation, and limited government, but are they willing to fight for social conservatism, or fiscal conservatism? The youth vote overwhelmingly went to Obama, not because they agreed with his economic policies, but because they agreed with his social stances.
Republicans: Make a decision about your goals and run with them. The discussions concerning Romney’s history of flip-flopping on same-sex marriage and his confusing stance on whether or not he would introduce legislation on abortion really hurt him with the youth vote.
Expanding the voter base will be key for Republicans in future elections. It was clear over the past few months that Americans are not happy with Obama, but he still won even though he didn’t fulfill MANY of his promises. With a clearer message, some better politicians, and a little polishing, the GOP can and will find success.

Bert Atkinson Jr, Editor-in-Chief,

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another Four Years...Let's Hope They're Better Than The First Four.

Click the link:
How Obama Won
Click the link:
What To Expect in The Next Four Years

Click the link:
How the Biased News Media won the election for Barack Obama


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Which Way Do We take Our Country? It's Now Up To Us!


                               Get Out Today And.......

   You Have A Choice! 
    You Have a Voice!



                            .... Return The Country To A 

          ....Or Continue Down The Path Toward Socialism!                                                                          

Friday, November 2, 2012

#53 Reasons to Vote for Mitt Romney

The many reasons why Governor Romney would make an excellent President of the United States:

  Click:  Romney's 53 Point Resume'