Friday, November 16, 2012

UPDATE: Who Changed The Patraeus Benghazi Memo? Mr. President?

Gen. David Patraeus

UPDATE:  White House Denies Deleting Terror From Talking Points

UPDATE:  Congress Investigating Talking Points Editing

General David Patraeus testified before congressional committees looking into the Benghazi diplomat murders that his (CIA) talking points included "Al Qaeda involvement" and that it was a terrorist attack. By the time the president marched UN Ambassador Susan Rice before the TV cameras to say it was a spontaneous reaction to a video, the memo had been changed deleting the Al Qaeda and terrorist reference. The question now is who edited the memo?
All talking heads, pundits and members of congress are shaking their heads and shrugging their shoulders...'gosh, we don't have a clue, but we'd sure like to know.'
U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice
Someone, please, step up and point a finger at the Oval Office. Are we that afraid of the man sitting in there?.
At a news conference, where he got his usual pass from  the adoring media, he was asked about Susan Rice's comments on TV. A not to happy president came to her defense saying it was the White House that sent her out there, no one else. HELLO!!! If you, Mr. President, sent here out there, you sent her out there with the talking points you wanted her to disseminate to the world. She didn't make them up on her own.

This goes to the top. The president's hands are all over this.......

Read More:
Patraeus Benghazi Memo Edited By Whom?

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