Tuesday, December 31, 2013


                     HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Government Accrding To Dr. Seuss.....

                         HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


Friday, December 27, 2013

2014...What will It Bring....??

Not to dampen the spirit of the new year, but here it goes anyway........
2014 will bring a bunch of new taxes and fees courtesy of our new found friend.......OBAMACARE.
Yep. Click the link to find out How Obamacare Will Tax Your Wallet

Obamacare will be the story of 2014 as it was in 2013, and even more so as it consumes more American's health care issues. In 2014 the employer mandate that got a one year reprieve will kick in. Millions of working folks who have employer based health insurance will be in for a rude awakening. Some will see the the amount taken out of their pay checks for insurance increase. Others may find their employer cutting certain benefits, like no longer offering spouse or family coverage. Then there is the possibility some employers my drop their health insurance plans altogether. A new day is dawning...and it's stormy and cloudy.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

From My Family To Yours.....


Sunday, December 22, 2013

The NSA..We Might Have Known!


Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Season of Giving

                              HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

News of the Strange and Bizarre and Wonder Woman, too

After all the garbage in-garbage out emanating from Washington, D.C., we thought it was time for a bit of a change. After all, there is more news out there. So we went to BizarreNews.Org for other headlines of the day. Click the links to read more:

Are kids these days really this stupid?
Rise in alcohol poisoning amongst teens by ingesting hand sanitizer

This cat probably gets more done than the clowns in Washington
Cat has been mayor of Alaska town for 15 years 

 Gov. Chris Christie's most urgent crisis
 New Jersey capital city running out of toilet paper

 Taking 'junk food junkie' to a new level
 Girl eats nothing but McDonald's chicken nuggets for 15 years, lives

 This guy should have taken a tip from the McDonald's nuggets girl
 Man wins dumpling eating contest, then dies

 OMG! And you'll never guess what she did with it!
 Woman charged with severing husband's penis

Finally....ever wonder what happened to Wonder Woman? Wonder no more. 

Uh, later.......

Monday, December 16, 2013

POW! Take That, Mr. President!

President Obama and his vaunted Obamacare train wreck program has received a punch in the nose from Scott Walker, the Republican governor of Wisconsin. Seems with all the issues with Obamacare
Gov. Scott Walker
and the 60 million policies that have been cancelled, Governor Walker has taken the bull by the horns for the people of his state. Read More: Gov. Walker's Obamacare Fix

It would seem this would put the president in a box. On the one hand  Obama is not going to approve the Wisconsin plan. That would defeat the purpose of Obamacare, which is to evetually have total government control of every American's health care. On the other hand, and as the article above points out, the president boasts that his plan is the only one out there, that Republicans have not come forward with their own. Not true, the president just refuses to acknowledge them. But now that Governor Walker's plan is on the table, the president would show his true colors in shooting it down,which he will. There is no way Obama is going to let anything interfere with his wilfull disctruction of the world's best health care system.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Westjet Airlines' Amazing Christmas Gift

 While some are out there, once again, debunking the spirit of Christmas, there are many others celebrating it. Canada's Westjet Airlines has pulled off a spectacular Christmas event for one flight of passengers. The fact that they did it is amazing in itself, but the logistics, timing and the dedication to the project by Westjet's employees is truly fantastic. The video has gone viral, but if you haven't seen it, here it is. If you have, it's well worth another look.......

                                     Job Well Done, Westjet! Merry Christmas...

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Christmas Season Brings Winter Wonderlands...

                                                       HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Memo To GOP: Take The Budget Deal!!

 The budget agreement hashed out by Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Patti Murray is getting a not so happy greeting by either political party. House Speaker John Boehner is telling his troops to stop complaining and pass the deal. Conservative and Tea Party advocates are calling it a surrender since $60 million plus in sequester cuts are essentially repealed. Boehner says the plan
means more cuts over the next decade, some $84 million. There are those who are skeptical of that. Democrats are known for promising "down the road" cuts in spending, taxes, etc. but never come through. Tea Party favorite and possible presidential candidate, Senator Rand Paul has jumped on that. Read More: Rand Paul Nixes deal

Democrats, though, are also leery of this deal. Click the think to find out why House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is telling her minions to "Embrace The Suck!"  (never a dull moment with that woman).

Despite Republican/conservative disdain for the deal, they need to take it. Here's why. Without a deal the government will go into another shutdown the middle of January (guess who will get the blame..again). After the usual continuing resolution is adopted and the government reopens, we trudge along until the next deadline comes, which will be in September, 2014. That's a crucial period
being just two months away from the mid-term elections and the Republicans don't need to be embroiled in another shutdown scare then. The Democrats and the media would like nothing more as it would take the attention off Obamacare. They are running scared because they know that it's the one issue they can't win. The GOP needs no other distractions.
Besides, Paul Ryan says at the moment this is the best deal they're going to get. Senator Harry "Dirty Tricks"
Reid is not going to bring any other bill up for a vote and Obama has the veto pen. 

So, get on with it, pass the damn thing, get it off the table and concentrate on dropping the Obamacare bomb on the elections. Once Republicans retain the House and win the Senate, they can move forward. Reid will be a has been and Obama will be forced to moderate his hard core politics if he wants any of his agenda passed before he's put out to pasture in 2016.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Republicans Cave.......Again!

This is getting old, but predictable. To avoid another government shutdown in mid-January, 2014, some sort of a agreement between the two parties needed to be brokered. A deal was struck, and as usual the Republicans caved in to the Democrats...what's new? 

We travel back almost a year ago when the two sides couldn't get together on a budget deal. Missing the deadline something called a 'sequester' became part of the American lexicon. Automatic cuts went into effect. 

With this 'new deal,' hatched by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray, D-Wash., and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis, some $63 billion in funding that had been cut by the  sequester would be restored, meaning another increase in spending. But, not to worry. We're told that this
Rep. Paul Ryan & Sen. Patty Murray
$63 billion would be offset by cuts in spending and fees totalling about $85 billion which theoretically would leave a cut in the deficit of nearly $23 billion. Sounds good, right? Wrong! We have to remember who we're dealing with here.They're called Democrats. The $85 billion in cuts would come over a 10 year period. History tells that when the GOP makes this type of deal the Democrats never keep their end of it. If you think Senator Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi or anyone with the picture of a donkey on his or her back is going to cut anything......well, swampland, anyone? The truth is meaningful cuts won't happen as long as Democrats control two-thirds of the power structure in D.C. If the Republicans want to get something done that cuts spending and reduces the size of government they need to keep control of the House and grab the Senate. More thoughts on that later.

Conservative groups such as  Heritage Action, through a USA column was not complimentary of the new Ryan-Murray brokered budget agreement:   

“This budget deal creates a faux peace in Washington, D.C., while burdening taxpayers by sweeping the impending fiscal crisis under the rug," Amy Kremer, chairwoman of the Tea Party Express, said in a statement. "If the Sequestration was a baby step forward, this is a baby step backward."
Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity said Republicans who backed the plan would be joining Democrats in "breaking their word" to the American people about getting control of government spending:

 “This budget compromise is not just bad policy, it is bad politics,” Phillips said,  “The American people remember hard-won bipartisan spending limits set by the sequester, and are not pleased to see their conservative representatives so easily go back on their word to rein in government over-spending." 
Even Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., was not impressed:.
“In the short run, this budget also cancels earlier spending reductions, instead of making some tough decisions about how to tackle our long-term fiscal challenges caused by runaway Washington spending."
These people and groups realize the Republicans again caved to the Democrats. Numerous others have spoken out as well. At the same time, House Speaker John Boehner has blasted those opposed to the deal. Read More:  Boehner Goes Off On Conservative Groups

So, as usual, we find the Republicans in a familiar place..fractured. 
First of all they have no backbone. They tend to get blamed by the Democrats for everything, even though it was not their fault. The recent government shut down comes  to mind. They need to get a spine and learn to fight back, gain some ground and quit taking a beating. Second, they need to get over the in-fighting. The old line conservatives and the Tea Party groups have to come together for a common cause. As long as Boehner
Rep. John Boehner & Sen. Mitch McConnell
and Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell keep shutting out the Tea Party Representatives and Senators they will continue to lose battles and, more important, elections. Right now Democrats are handing the GOP a gift. It's called Obamacare. On this one issue the Republicans should be able to keep the House and take back the Senate in the 2014 mid-term elections.

 But frankly, if they keep caving on issues and acting like siblings who can't get along, I don't see it happening.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Liberal Stupidity at Work....So What's New?

I don't know about you, but I getting somewhat sick and tired of the so-called liberal progressives who seem hell-bent on destroying the fabric of this country, from their war on Christmas to their stupidity in the public schools. This Christmas season as in previous seasons we have seen their heads pop up out of the snow to attack "Christmas." It's not the Christmas season, it's the holiday season.
Heaven forbid we hurt the feelings of some foreigners who have taken refuge in this country by putting up "Christmas " trees! They prefer "holiday" trees, for crying out loud! You want to celebrate the way it's done in your country, fine. I'm all for it. Just don't intrude on mine. And that's what liberal progressives are trying to do.
These people have also taken their wacko ideas into the education system. It's no secret that liberalism runs rampant in our school systems. Colleges and universities are nothing more than bastions that regurgitate liberal ideologies. They brain wash future teachers who take it into the school systems and start the indoctrination as early as grade school. By the time a kid graduates from college he or she is tone deaf to any other thought until one day they wake up (some don't) and realize they've been had.

Everyday across this country there is a story about some kid getting kicked out of  school because some liberally screwed up school administrator is out of control. Case in point, Click the link to read about a  6 Yr Old Boy Suspended From School - Kissed A Girl on the Cheek

 A 9-year-old North Carolina boy was also suspended also facing the charge of sexual harassment. His offense was calling a teacher
"cute," and not to her face, but in a conversation with a friend and was overheard. I would have been in real trouble had this gone on in my day. I had a third grade teacher and a sixth grade teacher that were knock-outs. Under today's farcical rules there wouldn't have been a male one in either of these teachers classes.

 The Talbot County, MD school district has some real winners for administrators. Two 6-year-old boys were suspended while playing cops and robbers during recess. They used their fingers to make imaginary guns. Bang, bang.

 And even if you're a student who does a good thing, in the screwed up minds of these progressive nit-wits, you did a bad thing. This one made national news. In Fort Meyers earlier this year, a Florida teenager was suspended from his high school along with two others used force to disarm another student who allegedly pointed a loaded gun on a school bus threatening to shoot another student. The actions of these kids may have saved the life of one, and possibly other students. Instead of an all-school assembly praising these guys as heroes, they were given a suspension.

Fifth-graders in California who wore mortarboards with tiny toy plastic soldiers to support troops in Iraq were forced to cut off their
miniature weapons, while in Rhode Island, a kindergartner was suspended for bringing a plastic knife to school so he could cut cookies.

The list goes on and on. Everyday in this country a kid is being suspended from school for something small and inconsequential that some progressive minded principal deemed the deed a major crisis.  Zero tolerance for certain acts is one thing, but zero tolerance and stupidity is something else. If these people put as much effort into the education of today's kids as they do this garbage, we'd have smarter kids.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Obamacare: If You Like Your Hospital...!!!

So, you've lost your private health care plan...thanks to Obamacare. You've lost your doctor, thanks to Obamacare and now, you may lose your hospital, again thanks to Obamacare. Some of the country's largest and most prestigious hospitals are not part of the Obamacare network. And maybe soon coming to a hospital near you?? Read More: Ocare Nixes Some Hospitals

 As time goes on, Americans who lose their doctors will probably lose the hospital their doctor has privileges with. Finding a new doctor may be difficult as many doctors are opting not to participate in the Obamacare exchanges. As an example, it's reported that 7 out of 10, or 70 per cent of California doctors are
boycotting the exchanges.  Needless to say, it's a mess. To date some 60 million people have been given cancellation letters from their insurance companies, and the problems with the Healthcare.Gov website is still not functioning as Obama and company promised, making it extremely difficult to sign up for Obamacare.
 The health care disaster known officially as the Affordable Care Act is systematically decimating the world's best health care system, all because of the ego of one man...Barack Hussein Obama.
As far back as 2007-2008, then Senator Obama began touting what
has been termed a socialistic health care agenda. In 2010 he pushed the legislation through a partisan Congress with no Republican votes and signed the bill into law as his signature domestic achievement. Should Obamacare collapse down the road, Obama will be saddled with this as his legacy.

Friday, December 6, 2013


                                                    HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Harry Reid - The Super Hypocrite

 In September, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters, "Let's stop these really juvenile political games -- the one dealing with health care for Senators and House members and our staff. We are going to be part of exchanges, that's what the law says and we'll be part of that." Well, it seems harry has had a change of heart about playing juvenile political games. Read More: Obamacare Not Good Enough For Harry Reid

'Nuff said...if one of Obamacare's staunch architects and supporters exempts his staff from the law, just how bad is it? And how does it make the rest of us feel, especially those dumped from their plans because of Obamacare? It just shows that the Nevada Democrat is
Senator Harry Reid
an egomaniac who has lost vision of the job he has been sent to Washington to do...represent and work for the people of his state and the country as a whole. Unfortunately, Harry is all about politics and feels he is above the law and better than the rest of us. Truthfully, he's nothing more than a servant of the people.

 Reid has parted ways from is fellow congressional leaders. GOP House Speaker John Boehner, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have all directed their staffs to join the Obamacare exchange, according to aides.
But not Reid, despite his public statement to the contrary in September. Is it any wonder the Americans have such a low opinion of Senator Reid and his Congressional colleagues.

Hypocrisy lives in Washington D.C.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Obamacare: The Fraud

Everyday, there is something new about the train wreck known as Obamacare. And everyday that something new is never good. The president is living in his own little world when he says Obamacare is doing good things and is working well. I'm sorry, but when 60.3 million people are dumped from their private health plans due to Obamacare, the prospect for many millions more to be dumped
next year from their employer plans, costs are skyrocketing for new plans despite the president's promise they would be lower and
President Obama
people are finding that, if they can sign up for a plan through the disastrous Healthcare.Gov website, their doctor and hospital may not be in the plan's network. Not to mention the millions upon millions of $$$ spent on that website and now millions more to fix it, if it can be.....how can anyone in their  right mind say this thing is working well? 

On top of all this we now find, and this is a good one, that the administration is about to dump a load of TAXPAYER money on insurance companies. Why? Because along with all the other problems with the health care website, apparently there is no avenue for someone purchasing a plan to make a payment!! There's no shopping cart! What lunatic IT person did that? Preposterous! So what does our bright chief executive decide to do? Obama is going to give the insurance companies a check for what the companies estimate it will cost to cover someone, and they will settle up later. What?
 Via Reuters: The administration is planning a “workaround” for payments, said Daniel Durham, vice president for policy and regulatory affairs at America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP).

"Health plans will estimate how much they are owed, and submit that estimate to the government. Once the system is built, the government and insurers can reconcile the payments made with the plan data to “true up” payments, he said.
“The intent is to make sure plans get paid on time, which is a good thing,” Durham told Reuters.

 Does anyone really think the insurance companies are going to give an honest assessment to Uncle Sam as to any additional money owed them or that they should give back if they were over payed for a plan? Not to say insurance companies are crooked, but this whole scheme is ripe for fraud. And since we know how the government, and particularly this administration, is when it comes to accountability there's no telling how much taxpayer money will be wasted here. Looks like a quick get rich scheme for someone.

The (un)Affordable Care Act is an unmitigated disaster. To further point this out, former Bush Administration bigwig, Karl Rove said we are loosing sight of the big picture here. Obama's main argument six years ago when he started his push for socialized medicine was
Karl Rove
that there was some 40 million people in this country uninsured. They depended on emergency rooms for their health care. So rather than devise a plan for those 40 or so million to the president comes up with this disaster of a plan that affects everyone in the country. Rove says that at the end of the day (probably by the time Obama leaves office) and by the administration's own numbers, about 30 million people will still be uninsured!! Chew on that for awhile as you stress over your own health insurance plan that just got destroyed by this wonderful thing called Obamacare.

BTW....it's been reported that Walmart.com handled over One Billion page views on Cyber Monday. Yet,  HealthCare.gov crashes when as few as 20,000 to 30,000 people attempt to use it at the same time.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Obama on the Offensive

 President Obama went on the offensive (again) today, trying to put a different face on the flop known as the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Some say this is about the 12 time in his five year White House residency that he's had to go out and defend something.

This time the president is trying to show 'the good' Obamacare has done. The goal here is to take the sting out of what has been a disaster. Obama hopes his daily trumpeting of how great he thinks his signature law is will take people's mind off of how bad it actually is. Don't think it's going to work, Sir. Just ask the 5.6 million people you managed to kick off their current plans and are
now dangling out there in"no insurance land" because your health care web site's a bust also. The administration says the website, Healthcare.Gov is better than it was when it rolled out on Oct. 1. However there is still mucho problems with it, as many are finding. Obama thinks if 80 per cent of Americans trying to use the site get through it successfully in signing up for insurance than the site is a winner. Really? A 20 per cent failure rate is okay? Think those 20 per cent who can't get through are going to like their status as failures? Imagine if Amazon.com or Ebay.com had a 20 per cent failure rate. They wouldn't be in business long. But, we're dealing with the federal government here...not known for being very successful at running any type of program.

The website, over time will get better and , in fact, one day may be 100 per cent. The website alone isn't going to doom Obamacare. There is another little (now huge) problem that may just bring the
whole thing down. The success of Obamacare depends on young people coming on board. These are "kids" (my age allows me to call them that) 18 - 34 years of age. About 40 per cent of all enrollees were supposed to be the "kids." The administration was counting on them to fund the program. But guess what? It's not happening. Click the link to read why the Young'uns Ain't Buyin' It

The president and his 'minions' apparently were pretty short-sighted when they dreamed up this fiasco to think that strong healthy young people were going to come on board, especially when you factor in the 'extremely few number of visits to the doctor'  by this group. Obama was planning on these people funding the health woes of people like me. Needless to say, our president blew it and somewhere down the road, soon, he'll have to go on the offensive (again) to defend this too.

And speaking of 'minions,' (not the president's) Despicable Me 2...great flick..ya gotta see it!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Obama's Obamacare Union Fix

 It's no secret that President Obama is in the back pocket of the union thugs. While millions of Americans are suffering through the hardships of Obamacare by either losing their insurance plans or seeing their current premiums  skyrocket, click the link to see how Obama is Giving His Buddies a Break

Talk about class warfare. The president, who is known for pitting one class of people against another has done it again. The unions were big pushers of the Affordable Care Act three years ago. They now have realized that Obama has screwed them along with the rest
Obama and buddy union boss Richard Trumka
of America and they don't like it, like the rest of America doesn't like it. So they whined and cried and pitched a toddler fit. So, the president  slipped in a rule to Obamacare to accommodate his union friends, and thus, the fix was in.

Opposition to the president's gift to  the unions has been the subject of much criticism. Republican Senator John Thune of South Dakota says "The exemption is crony capitalism at it's worst." Read More: Thune Blasts Obama on Union Fix

One would think that such a move would be the subject of a law suit, and hopefully it will. The president has no respect for the law. If he doesn't like a law, he takes it upon himself to change it. Obamacare is no different. Click the link to read that according to Georgia Representative Tom Graves Obama has Changed Obamacare 19 Times

Having a Harvard University Law degree you would think Obama would have more respect for the Constitution. But he flaunts it at every turn. Surely he learned in law school that once a bill becomes law by the president's signature it can only be changed, amended or repealed by an act of Congress. Unfortunately we have a president who seems to regard himself as being above the law and the Constitution. Is it any wonder that his approval rating has dipped to 37 per cent and 53 per cent of Americans view him as dishonest and untrustworthy.

But at least his his union thug friends are happy and in Obama's world, that's what counts.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Black Friday...Dangerous to your Health!

 Black Friday...that day after Thanksgiving where people do ridiculous things to save a few bucks on Christmas gifts.

Is it worth it? Fighting crazy crowds, standing in long checkout lines, getting ups at some ridiculous hour to head out the door, not being able to find a parking space. And when you get there finding the item you were targeting has been gobbled up..gone, sold out...is it worth it?

Many, Many people think so. To some it's a religion.They enjoy shopping at a time not the norm, being part of an event. But lately, the fun of Black Friday has given way to  BlackEYE Friday! You're
Black Friday Mayhem
not safe out there.
Along with the purse snatchers, pick pockets, car thieves, thugs who will accost you in parking lots or break into your car to steal the toys you just bought for your kids.......you have to worry just as much about your fellow shoppers...yep...they are just as dangerous! Something happens to people on Black Friday. It's the Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome. Take a look at the headlines from the Drudge Report on Black Friday, 2013:

 Mall mayhem...
Suspected shoplifter shot after dragging cop through KOHL's parking lot...
Woman uses stun gun in shopping fight...
Man stabbed over parking spot...
Shopper Kicked Out Of WALMART For Filming Fight...
Man shot walking home with big screen...
Shoppers Trampled In Race For $49 Tablet...
SALVATION ARMY kettles stolen...
REPORT: Profit margins jump for sales 'hoax'...

 Yikes!!! Nope...it's not worth it. As I did this year, I'll do next year.....STAY HOME!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgivings' Done ! Time To Relax!

                                                    HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Republicans and Democrats Share Thanksgiving Dinner


Monday, November 25, 2013

Obama and Kerry Turn Their backs on an American Citizen - The Atrocity of the Iranian Deal

 The deal to lift some sanctions against Iran is drawing fire from many quarters, from 'why do it at all' to 'the sanctions do nothing more than provide Iran cover' as they continue their march toward obtaining a nuclear weapon.
But there is one part of the deal that wasn't part of the deal, and it stinks.

An American pastor, Saeed Abedini, is serving an 8 year sentence in an Iranian prison because of his Christian faith. Efforts to gain
Saeed Abedini & Family
his release have failed. Some say the State Department has done little to set Abedini free, but without question this week's Iranian nuke deal was the biggest failure yet.

Iran pushed for this deal (and frankly, it favors them) and to get it Saeed Abedini's release should have been front and center. Ink should not have met paper until he was safely in U.S. hands. But President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry blew it. It's said that Kerry didn't even put the issue on the table. Click the link to read  Kerry Had Chance To Secure Abedini's Release

 This is an abomination. One must question what President Obama has against protecting Americans in Middle Eastern countries. Besides allowing Abedini to rot in an Iranian jail, Obama did nothing, allowing four Americans to die during a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya last year. Protecting this country and its people if JOB 1 for any sitting president. We know of Obama's affection for Islam and his disaffection for the Christian faith.  In the past he has omited the word "Creator" and "God" from the Declaration of Independence and just this month the president omitted God from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.  Watch:

 So, is it any wonder that Saeed Abedini still sits in an Iranian prison? Not that Ronald Reagan, George Bush or even Bill Clinton would have negotiated such an abhorrent agreement with a terrorist regime such as the Iranians, but had they, they would have gotten Abedini out as part of the deal. What is wrong with the man we now call president. Where do his allegiances really lie? Just askin'.

Iran Deal is Fool's Gold

Sorry...I don't buy this Iran deal. If anyone thinks Iran is going to stop it's march toward getting a nuclear weapon just because Barack Obama cut a deal, their heads need to be examined. These people are hell bent on one thing, wiping Israel of the map. They've said so numerous times, and they wouldn't mind taking the United States out in the process as well. There is no way they are going to stop now. They pushed for this deal to buy time and to keep Israel from launching a preemptive strike sometime in the near future. And if Israel does, click the link to read why Israel Will Go It Alone

That's right, by agreeing to this deal, which cuts back on some, not all, sanctions against Iran currently in place, the U.S. and other allies will not jump into the fray with Israel. 

It's no secret that President Obama is not a fan of Israel. He has snubbed that country and it's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on more than one occasion. This is a departure from how previous
Netanyahu                                     Obama                
administrations have viewed our relationship with the Israelis. They have always been our strongest ally in that part of the world. It has always been known that should the need arise we would have their back. Barack Obama seems to have walked away from that pledge. Still, Obama apparently called Netanyahu in an effort to calm the prime minister's fears after Netanyahu labeled the deal an "historic mistake. Read More: Israel Leary of Deal

Frankly, I think Israel has reason to be concerned, on two fronts: that despite any deal, Iran will still go ahead with it's plans to get the nuclear weapon and that the United States, despite claims to the contrary by our president, will not be their in Israel's time of need. This is sad.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tyranny Reigns In The U.S. Senate - The Nuclear Option

 President Obama, through his henchman in the Senate, Harry Reid, continued his march to take full control of the government and thus the country. Reid and his fellow conspirators on the left, imposed the "nuclear option" on filibusters. Read More: Power Grab in the Senate
This looks like, feels like and smells like nothing more than (1) pure politics as Harry Reid never does anything for the good of the country. His tyranny is all about (1) destroying the GOP and (2) in this case, changing the subject. The president and the Democrats are catching hell across the country because of the lives they are destroying through Obamacare. If Obama and Reid think that their little power play in the Senate is
Senate majority Leader Harry Reid
going to get the public's attention off Obamacre, they are dumber than we give them credit for. Democrats own Obamacare. It's their screw up. It's affecting millions of people and will affect millions more in the next few months. That's front and center on the minds of Americans.

Sorry, Harry. Filibusters don't affect people. Messing with their health care and that of their children does. They could care less about your little toddler tantrums in the Senate. Besides, it wasn't too long ago, back in the Bush years, both you and then Senator Obama railed against a Republican threat of the "nuclear option." Should the GOP take back the Senate in 2014, and because of Obamacare they might, then this option will favor the Republicans. 
(Click the video and see 'Senator' Obama speak against the nuclear option.)

Obama's policies and Chicago-style thug politics have backfired in the past. This will, too.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Obama's Obamacare Lie : The Democrats Knew It

 We now know the Obamacare web President Obama spun regarding keeping your doctor and your insurance plan was a lie. A lie the president told all the while knowing what he was doing.
Millions upon millions of Americans bought into that lie, feeling secure in the fact that Obamacare would leave the relationship they had with their doctor and insurance company would not be compromised.

Today, some 50 million (and counting) people have realized that the president's continued promise was nothing short of a lie as letters from inurance companies cancelling plans found their way to mailboxes across the country. Many doctors also let go of patients who lost their insurance. We the people have been fleeced, not only by the President of the United States, but now it seems by every Democrat in the United States Congress. And to boot they have been outed by one of their own! Click the link to read that the Democrats Were in on the Lie

The Democrats are in turmoil, and why not? They OWN Obamacare, lock, stock and barrel. Not one Republican voted for it. They passed it not having read it and now it's come back to bite them. We are finding out that the devil is in the details. The promise (another one broken) by the president that it would save people
money. People whose policies haven't been cut are finding the cost is being bumped up in big ways. The website that rolled out on Oct 1st for people to enroll in Obamacare is, for now, a bust. More than half the people in the country didn't want Obamacare in the first place.

Democrats, 39 of them, sided with the Republicans on a bill allowing Americans to keep their plans and for new people to buy plans from insurance companies if they so desire. Obama has threatened to veto that bill. Why? Because it's been his plan all along for people to lose their plans and forced into Obamacare with the end result is to have the whole country on Obamacare, a single payer system, if you will...socialism at work.
 But Democrats are running scared. This is not what they envisioned. Were they duped as well? Those coming up for reelection in 2014 have a real problem. It will be difficult for them to defend Obamacre. If Obama and the Democrats thought the health care system in this country was a mess before, just look what they've done to it now. And what's the solution? Don't know. But somebody better figure it out. Obamacare is not the answer.