Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Liberal Stupidity at Work....So What's New?

I don't know about you, but I getting somewhat sick and tired of the so-called liberal progressives who seem hell-bent on destroying the fabric of this country, from their war on Christmas to their stupidity in the public schools. This Christmas season as in previous seasons we have seen their heads pop up out of the snow to attack "Christmas." It's not the Christmas season, it's the holiday season.
Heaven forbid we hurt the feelings of some foreigners who have taken refuge in this country by putting up "Christmas " trees! They prefer "holiday" trees, for crying out loud! You want to celebrate the way it's done in your country, fine. I'm all for it. Just don't intrude on mine. And that's what liberal progressives are trying to do.
These people have also taken their wacko ideas into the education system. It's no secret that liberalism runs rampant in our school systems. Colleges and universities are nothing more than bastions that regurgitate liberal ideologies. They brain wash future teachers who take it into the school systems and start the indoctrination as early as grade school. By the time a kid graduates from college he or she is tone deaf to any other thought until one day they wake up (some don't) and realize they've been had.

Everyday across this country there is a story about some kid getting kicked out of  school because some liberally screwed up school administrator is out of control. Case in point, Click the link to read about a  6 Yr Old Boy Suspended From School - Kissed A Girl on the Cheek

 A 9-year-old North Carolina boy was also suspended also facing the charge of sexual harassment. His offense was calling a teacher
"cute," and not to her face, but in a conversation with a friend and was overheard. I would have been in real trouble had this gone on in my day. I had a third grade teacher and a sixth grade teacher that were knock-outs. Under today's farcical rules there wouldn't have been a male one in either of these teachers classes.

 The Talbot County, MD school district has some real winners for administrators. Two 6-year-old boys were suspended while playing cops and robbers during recess. They used their fingers to make imaginary guns. Bang, bang.

 And even if you're a student who does a good thing, in the screwed up minds of these progressive nit-wits, you did a bad thing. This one made national news. In Fort Meyers earlier this year, a Florida teenager was suspended from his high school along with two others used force to disarm another student who allegedly pointed a loaded gun on a school bus threatening to shoot another student. The actions of these kids may have saved the life of one, and possibly other students. Instead of an all-school assembly praising these guys as heroes, they were given a suspension.

Fifth-graders in California who wore mortarboards with tiny toy plastic soldiers to support troops in Iraq were forced to cut off their
miniature weapons, while in Rhode Island, a kindergartner was suspended for bringing a plastic knife to school so he could cut cookies.

The list goes on and on. Everyday in this country a kid is being suspended from school for something small and inconsequential that some progressive minded principal deemed the deed a major crisis.  Zero tolerance for certain acts is one thing, but zero tolerance and stupidity is something else. If these people put as much effort into the education of today's kids as they do this garbage, we'd have smarter kids.

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