Monday, December 2, 2013

Obama's Obamacare Union Fix

 It's no secret that President Obama is in the back pocket of the union thugs. While millions of Americans are suffering through the hardships of Obamacare by either losing their insurance plans or seeing their current premiums  skyrocket, click the link to see how Obama is Giving His Buddies a Break

Talk about class warfare. The president, who is known for pitting one class of people against another has done it again. The unions were big pushers of the Affordable Care Act three years ago. They now have realized that Obama has screwed them along with the rest
Obama and buddy union boss Richard Trumka
of America and they don't like it, like the rest of America doesn't like it. So they whined and cried and pitched a toddler fit. So, the president  slipped in a rule to Obamacare to accommodate his union friends, and thus, the fix was in.

Opposition to the president's gift to  the unions has been the subject of much criticism. Republican Senator John Thune of South Dakota says "The exemption is crony capitalism at it's worst." Read More: Thune Blasts Obama on Union Fix

One would think that such a move would be the subject of a law suit, and hopefully it will. The president has no respect for the law. If he doesn't like a law, he takes it upon himself to change it. Obamacare is no different. Click the link to read that according to Georgia Representative Tom Graves Obama has Changed Obamacare 19 Times

Having a Harvard University Law degree you would think Obama would have more respect for the Constitution. But he flaunts it at every turn. Surely he learned in law school that once a bill becomes law by the president's signature it can only be changed, amended or repealed by an act of Congress. Unfortunately we have a president who seems to regard himself as being above the law and the Constitution. Is it any wonder that his approval rating has dipped to 37 per cent and 53 per cent of Americans view him as dishonest and untrustworthy.

But at least his his union thug friends are happy and in Obama's world, that's what counts.


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