Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Economy is Improving??

As of late there seems to be some improvement  in the they say..not that its robust, mind you, but slight improvement. Don't write home to mom about it just yet....but if the economy is improving why is the number of people on food stamps rising: Read More: Up 70% in Five Years . And they say the economy is improving.

On top of food stamps and other entitlement programs
sponsored by the government another welfare giveaway is on the rise: Read More: Disability Payments on the Rise And they say the economy is improving.

Jobs aren't rising, though. Where are they? It seems the president, despite his rhetoric in the past, doesn't care that so many people are still unemployed. All he's done is make it more difficult for employers to create them. This weeks' applications for unemployment insurance rose by 16,000. Read More: Unemployment Takes Another Hit .  And they say the economy is improving.

And States are strapped for cash as revenues are at all time lows. Some are considering a "pot tax." Read More: Taxing
"Mary Jane"
 And they say the economy is improving.    

As for the poverty rate, 15 percent of Americans qualified as poor in 2012.  The official poverty line was an annual income of $23,021 for a family of four which means approximately 46.2 million people were below the poverty line.

Also, the median household income in 2012 was $50,054, 1.5 percent lower than 2010.  And they say the economy is improving.

A bright light in the economy may be in the housing market, which started this downfall in the first place. Read More: Housing Up

But all in all, with unemployment still down, consumer confidence low, an administration that is on a tax and spend binge and overall stagnant growth....can one honestly say things are looking up. The National Debt is fast approaching $17 trillion with no sign of slowing down. View the debt clock: National Debt Climbing 

President Obama claims we can manage the debt at these levels...I'm sorry, Mr. President, but who are you kidding. The stock market looks good at over 15,000 points. But that's only
because your Federal Reserve guy, Ben Bernanke is printing money like crazy, thus lower interest rates, but also a weaker dollar.

Unfortunately, Mr. Obama's vision for this country does not rival his predecessor's of the past. Obama's America is not one of strength, economically or militarily. His view is that of of an anti-colonialist and that no country should be superior to another. Through Barack Obama, America is no longer the superpower it once was. We are being knocked down several notches to be on par with countries such as we find in Europe.

Remember back on the campaign trail in 2008 when Obama said, “We Are Going To Fundamentally Change America.” We now know what he meant. It's time for us to wake up and realize this change is not what we want.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Federal Waste in Abundance

President Obama and the Democrats in Congress are on  a spending binge with no appetite to cut expenses. The president claims sequestration means no White House tours, possibly cancelling the annual Easter egg hunt, closing a number of airport air traffic control towers and not sending a Naval aircraft carrier and its battle group to the Gulf. These and much more are nonsense decisions made by the administration, but  being done as a punishment to the

Page Belcher Fed Bldg. - Okla.
public to show Obama's  displeasure with sequestration, which, if you remember was his idea in the first place.
Look around the federal government and you can find all kinds of wasteful spending, that if would pay for sequestration five-fold.

The federal government owns or leases between 55,000 and 77,000 vacant properties. Vacant properties that cost big bucks to maintain. Billions could be saved by dumping these
Vacant Space - Federal Office Bldg.
properties.Read More: Vacant Buildings = $$

And there are other ridiculous spending items that could be gotten rid of. The federal government gives taxpayer money to any ridiculous cause and study that comes along. Recently we read where the Obama administration has dumped $2.5 million to find out why lesbians for the most part are obese, where gay men are not! Hello! Who cares!?

And how about this.........

I didn't know we humans had conflict issues with elephants...must be serious.

Another bit of Federal waste comes from the president himself. People in the government ranks are being furloughed because of sequestration. Meanwhile, the
president and his family are continuing their time honored tradition of taking lavish vacations, mostly at taxpayer expense. 

While Obama and his family spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on their own vacations, they can’t come up with the $20k a week for White House tours.

The president recently flew off to Florida for a long weekend of golf with Tiger Woods while Michelle and the Obama daughters took off for Aspen, Colorado. While many school age kids can't afford spring break trips because of the economy, Obama's kids reportedly are sunning in the Bahamas. And there is a family vacation planned in August at Martha's
Camp David, Maryland
cheapy there.

 The Obama's would do well to consider the current economic plight of the country and the financial bind many Americans are in and tone down their extravagances. Instead, they consider themselves to be above the rest of us. There is a presidential get-away known as Camp David. You've been there before, go there again, Mr. President. The citizenry just might think more of you for it.

By the way...the United States is now $17 trillion in debt...we add $3.2 billion dollars to that debt EVERY DAY....Mr. Obama doesn't seem to care.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Obama Era of Irresponsibility

It's the old adage,"What's wrong with this picture?"

  • A $17 trillion national debt
  • 25 million Americans out of work
  • 49.7 million Americans in poverty
  • 1 in 6 people on food stamps
  • Median family income down $4,000
  • Government workers furloughed due to sequestration
....And President Obama hands $500 million dollars to the Palestinians - Read More: American $$ to Palestine

This is ludicrous and irresponsible.

By the way, since we're on the subject of giving money away..where are your kids spending their spring break? Many are going nowhere or not far from home because families are in a financial bind....not the kids of Barack and Michelle Obama, though...See More:  Obama's kids - Living It Up On Your Dime?

Since the Obama's are famous for taking lavish vacations on the public dole, one can only wonder how much this trip is costing the taxpayer. So much for sequestration. The president promised that the self- authored cuts he liked before he disliked them would impact all american families....except his.

 Despite stopping White House tours and threatening to cancel the annual Easter egg hunt due to cut backs, the Obama girls vacation to the Bahamas along with plans for Michelle's 50th birthday bash and a family vacation in August to Martha's Vineyard are ongoing....and the president had the nerve to whine that sequestration meant the sky was following. If it was that bad these over-the-top lavish events of the Obama's should have been cancelled.

People are having a hard time in this country due mainly to this president's policies...he obviously doesn't care and has no shame....irresponsible.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

TA DA!! It's Here! The Democrat's Budget! Finally!

                                                           Any Questions??


Friday, March 22, 2013

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - Liberal Stupidity at Its Finest

Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Sequestration, President Obama's masterpiece of spending cuts, has hit a new low, or high, depending on your take. Comes Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, (D) Fla. and chairperson of the Democratic National Committee. Among other things, Ms. Schultz has been caught in almost as many lies as Obama. She has jumped into the frey in slamming the effects of sequestration saying her staff is starving to death. Unbelievable....Read More: Staff Can't Eat

Columnist Michele Malkin also has a take on on the latest from Wasserman-Schultz. Read More: Michelle

We are lucky to have such people in the Democratic party to provide much needed comic relief as we endure another four years of  "more of the same" from President Obama. Along with Wasserman-Schultz, we can count on the likes of Vice-President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to keep us smiling.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Big Brother has arrived and her name is Big Sis

Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano
Privacy....sorry, ain't no such thing. Big Brother (actually in today's vernacular it's 'Big Sis' as in Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano) is here and watching you. Read More: Gov. Checking Emails

Speaking of 'Big Sis,' her department, Homeland Security, has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. enough to wage a 20 year war....huh? Read More: Ammo Build-Up

Along with the bullets, Homeland security ignored cutbacks related to sequestration and bought more stuff....Read More: $$$ at Homeland Security

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's The Economy Stupid!

Back many years ago, when Bill Clinton first ran for the presidency, one of his top advisers, James Carville, coined the phrase, "It's the economy, stupid." Those four words resonated throughout the electorate and the eight year Clinton reign was born.
Here we are, some 20 years or so later, and again, "It's the economy, stupid." This time 
stupid is Barack Hussein Obama, who recently in a network news interview, said this country does not have a spending problem. House Speaker John Boehner agreed with the president. Not that they care, but the voters of the land strongly disagree with Messrs. O. & B.  A Fox News poll says some two-thirds of American voters think the economy needs fixing, and now. Read More: Voters Wake Up On Economy 

I wonder, if NOW the economy is a worrisome item to the people, where were these same people last November? Obama, for four long years decimated the economy by adding $6 trillion to the debt, and is a train wreck in his second term, threatening to add $4-5 trillion more.

For those who follow such things, sequestration (automatic spending cuts) hit March 1. The president and his minions took second grade like measures such as doing away with White House tours saying we now can't afford it (the cost to run the tours for a year cost the same as it does to run Air Force One for ONE HOUR). The president also stopped the deployment of a Navy Aircraft Carrier and it's battle group to the Gulf saying we couldn't afford it....baloney, sir!

What we can't afford is ridiculous spending on crazy items.

From Rep. Tom Coburn's ( R - OK) Wastebook 2012:

Starbucks drinks, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, soap operas, and alcohol were all purchased in 2012 with federal food stamp funds. In Tennessee, food stamps paid for beer, diapers, and condoms. In three states, some individuals received more food stamp benefits simply because they smoke marijuana.52
About $80 billion will be spent to provide over 46 million Americans with federal financial assistance in 2012. Read More: Taxpayer $$$ Down The Drain

Another slap in the taxpayer's face, the Education Dept. has created a $124K job a year despite the president claiming sequestration would lead to teacher layoffs. This was the result of an executive order signed by Obama.

The president is 45 days late in presenting his budget for the next fiscal year as required by law. But as he has each year, he was once again right on time in filling out his NCAA basketball tournament bracket.

For those who care Mr. Obama has predicted that Louisville and Indiana will meet in the finals, with the Hoosiers of Indiana winning the national championship.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

North Korea Beating War Drums

So, little North Korea is going to come after the big bad United States. Many Americans would respond by beating their collective chests and say, "Bring it on (expletive deleted)!" We Americans have always been proud of our military might and feel we can beat anyone on the block. Maybe so, but not necessarily so. While the list of our military battle achievements is long, let's not forget that we haven't won them all, as some might think...remember Vietnam? We lost that one. And North Vietnam was a little country, like North Korea. So, we might think a little, before we beat our almighty chests.

 Our Armed Forces are top notch, but their numbers ain't what they used to be. Our current Commander-in-Chief, through sequestration and other means, has taken it upon himself to cut the troop levels down to size. And while North Korea and Iran are ratcheting up their missiles and nukes, Obama is in a confab with the Russians to reduce our nuclear stockpiles. Good move, Mr. O!

But to the rescue comes our new Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, who has announced an uptick in our missile defense arsenal, just in time for the North Korean offensive threat. Well...not quite just in time. It seems that this new missile deployment won't be at full missile capacity until 2017. Excuse me, Mr. Secretary, Hello!!...I don't think The N.Koreans are going to wait around that long to send a missile or ten our way if in fact they are loony enough to do so. Read More:  U.S. To Deploy Missiles 

And look at these guys. They are not happy campers. Not only do they look nuts, they look serious, too! We need to take them seriously!

They look old, though....except for the chubby one in the black coat

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Are The Democrats Cookin' The Books??

Alas, after more than four years,  the Democrats finally put forth a budget, as required by law and the Constitution. Not surprisingly, Sen. Harry Reid and his cronies are trying to put one over on us.....but, guess what, Harry! GOTCHA.......Read More: Something Smells Fishy Here

Also not surprising it contains more taxes and more spending. Our kids, their kids, your grand kids and kids of kids not born yet...their debt keeps going up!

The question might be asked, "Would you want these clowns in Washington managing your budget?" Well, in effect, they are! Although the word is mis-managing.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

More Hypocrisy from Mr. Obama : Rich vs. Poor

President Barack Obama, the hypocrite you love to hate. He's the president who hates the rich, although he's rich, taxes the rich, even his rich friends ( hello, Hollywood). Now he has

President Obama
taken his hypocrisy toward the rich to a new level, at the expense of the poor (and Middle class, who he claims to love) and in favor of the rich, who he claims to hate. Huh?
The White House

When sequester hit the first of March, President Obama took his frustration out on the little guy, closing the White House for tours - we can't afford it anymore. It took many people (journalists, bloggers, Congress, the public and school kids on Facebook) to remind Obama that the White house is the "People's House." But close it he did. And, in predictable Obama fashion, he blames the Secret Service for the action. 

But the White House is not closed to those of privilege...thus the hypocrisy. Read More: Rich Are Welcome - Poor Are Not

Even Donald Trump offered to pay to re-start the public tours. But the president, under pressure from the kids et. al. has succumbed: Read More: Tours Resume

A little more hypocrisy....what it takes the White House to operate the tours fro one year, it takes to operate the president's favorite big boy toy, Air Force One, for one hour!!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Vietnam: 50 Years Later

This year we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War,paying homage to those who served during those difficult times and especially honoring the 58,220 who gave their lives in service to their country. Read More: Remembering Vietnam : Vietnam: Facts & Myths

Vietnam War Memorial "The Wall"
Painting by Lee Teter
 A national memorial in Washington, D.C. the Wall honors U.S. service members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War, service members who died in service in Vietnam/South East Asia, and those service members who were unaccounted for (Missing In Action) during the War. - Wikipedia

Vietnam War Memorial "Three Servicemen"
Sculptor: Frederick Hart 
   "The portrayal of the figures is consistent with history. They wear the uniform and carry the equipment of war; they are young. The contrast between the innocence of their youth and the weapons of war underscores the poignancy of their sacrifice. There is about them the physical contact and sense of unity that bespeaks the bonds of love and sacrifice that is the nature of men at war. And yet they are each alone. Their strength and their vulnerability are both evident. Their true heroism lies in these bonds of loyalty in the face of their aloneness and their vulnerability."  Fredrick Hart

Vietnam Women's Memorial
Designed by New Mexico sculptor, Glenna Goodacre
The Vietnam Women's memorial is dedicated to the women of the United States who served in the Vietnam War, most of whom were nurses. It serves as a reminder of the importance of women in the conflict. It depicts three uniformed women with a wounded soldier. The woman looking up is named Hope, the woman praying is named Faith, and the woman tending to a wounded soldier is named Charity. - Wikipedia


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Debt Barrelling Toward $17 Trillion

Four months ago, as President Obama's first term was coming to an end, a lot of attention was paid to the national debt reaching $16 trillion dollars. The debt was $10 trillion when Obama took office in 2009. Now, just  two and a half months into President Obama's second term, the debt is approaching $17 trillion. (Click the link to see the U.S. Debt Clock ).

The president, in an ABC News interview said there is no debt crisis and it is sustainable for the next ten years. Is the president delusional or does he actually believe this? There are some that think Obama just doesn't care about the debt and the country's over-spending habits and it's not high on his list of priorities. Read more: Obama In No Hurry To Curb Spending

After a four year hiatus, the Senate finally put forth a budget, and as expected it includes more spending and tax hikes. read more: Senate Budget Adds to Debt

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says that under Obama:

  • the debt has increased by more than $6 trillion
  • Interest payments on total debt was $360 Billion in 2012
  • 36% of our national debt has accumulated under Obama
At the end of his second term it's estimated the national debt will be somewhere between $20-22 trillion. Greece is on the brink of financial collapse, having to be bailed out a couple times by its European neighbors. Obama's policies are taking us down the same road, and there is no one to bail us out.

By the way, the unemployment rate in Greece has now topped 26% - just a thought.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

More This N' That

Job Well Done






Totally Unacceptable
                  BUT TRUE



Ole Ben Franklin - wise man


Friday, March 8, 2013

President Disses Kids on WH Field Trips

President Obama has shut down the White House, putting an end to public tours including thousands of kids on school field trips, all because he is having a toddler tantrum over didn't go is way, so he is going to punish the people. The people, meanwhile are upset that this man has closed THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE, which they have graciously allowed him and his family to occupy for awhile. The people, after all, are the landlords.

The president says that stopping White House tours is the result of sequestration...can't afford it. Well....let's take a look! The White House visitor budget is $4.3 Million a year. Out of that comes $350 Thousand for White House Tours. $350K isn't even a blip on the radar screen when you're talking about a $4.3 Mil. Sorry Mr. President. The kids aren't stupid. They aren't buying it!

By the way, that $350,000 is about what it costs to operate Mr. Obama's favorite big boy toy, Air Force One for two hours. And we know Barack and Michelle aren't going to cut down on their trips. Read More: Golf Trips On - Tours Off

Another rediculous expenditure. Read More: Calligraphers make big bucks at WH   Gotta have those fancy little place cards at White House dinners....Cut expenses Mr. O. Use Photoshop!!!

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