Back many years ago, when Bill Clinton first ran for the presidency, one of his top advisers, James Carville, coined the phrase, "It's the economy, stupid." Those four words resonated throughout the electorate and the eight year Clinton reign was born.
Here we are, some 20 years or so later, and again, "It's the economy, stupid." This time
stupid is Barack Hussein Obama, who recently in a network news interview, said this country does not have a spending problem. House Speaker John Boehner agreed with the president. Not that they care, but the voters of the land strongly disagree with Messrs. O. & B. A Fox News poll says some two-thirds of American voters think the economy needs fixing, and now. Read More: Voters Wake Up On Economy
I wonder, if NOW the economy is a worrisome item to the people, where were these same people last November? Obama, for four long years decimated the economy by adding $6 trillion to the debt, and is a train wreck in his second term, threatening to add $4-5 trillion more.
For those who follow such things, sequestration (automatic spending cuts) hit March 1. The president and his minions took second grade like measures such as doing away with White House tours saying we now can't afford it (the cost to run the tours for a year cost the same as it does to run Air Force One for ONE HOUR). The president also stopped the deployment of a Navy Aircraft Carrier and it's battle group to the Gulf saying we couldn't afford it....baloney, sir!
What we can't afford is ridiculous spending on crazy items.
From Rep. Tom Coburn's ( R - OK) Wastebook 2012:
Starbucks drinks, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, soap operas, and alcohol were all purchased in 2012 with federal food stamp funds. In Tennessee, food stamps paid for beer, diapers, and condoms. In three states, some individuals received more food stamp benefits simply because they smoke marijuana.52
About $80 billion will be spent to provide over 46 million Americans with federal financial assistance in 2012. Read More: Taxpayer $$$ Down The Drain
Another slap in the taxpayer's face, the Education Dept. has created a $124K job a year despite the president claiming sequestration would lead to teacher layoffs. This was the result of an executive order signed by Obama.
For those who care Mr. Obama has predicted that Louisville and Indiana will meet in the finals, with the Hoosiers of Indiana winning the national championship.
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