Friday, March 15, 2013

Vietnam: 50 Years Later

This year we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War,paying homage to those who served during those difficult times and especially honoring the 58,220 who gave their lives in service to their country. Read More: Remembering Vietnam : Vietnam: Facts & Myths

Vietnam War Memorial "The Wall"
Painting by Lee Teter
 A national memorial in Washington, D.C. the Wall honors U.S. service members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War, service members who died in service in Vietnam/South East Asia, and those service members who were unaccounted for (Missing In Action) during the War. - Wikipedia

Vietnam War Memorial "Three Servicemen"
Sculptor: Frederick Hart 
   "The portrayal of the figures is consistent with history. They wear the uniform and carry the equipment of war; they are young. The contrast between the innocence of their youth and the weapons of war underscores the poignancy of their sacrifice. There is about them the physical contact and sense of unity that bespeaks the bonds of love and sacrifice that is the nature of men at war. And yet they are each alone. Their strength and their vulnerability are both evident. Their true heroism lies in these bonds of loyalty in the face of their aloneness and their vulnerability."  Fredrick Hart

Vietnam Women's Memorial
Designed by New Mexico sculptor, Glenna Goodacre
The Vietnam Women's memorial is dedicated to the women of the United States who served in the Vietnam War, most of whom were nurses. It serves as a reminder of the importance of women in the conflict. It depicts three uniformed women with a wounded soldier. The woman looking up is named Hope, the woman praying is named Faith, and the woman tending to a wounded soldier is named Charity. - Wikipedia


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