Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgivings' Done ! Time To Relax!

                                                    HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Republicans and Democrats Share Thanksgiving Dinner


Monday, November 25, 2013

Obama and Kerry Turn Their backs on an American Citizen - The Atrocity of the Iranian Deal

 The deal to lift some sanctions against Iran is drawing fire from many quarters, from 'why do it at all' to 'the sanctions do nothing more than provide Iran cover' as they continue their march toward obtaining a nuclear weapon.
But there is one part of the deal that wasn't part of the deal, and it stinks.

An American pastor, Saeed Abedini, is serving an 8 year sentence in an Iranian prison because of his Christian faith. Efforts to gain
Saeed Abedini & Family
his release have failed. Some say the State Department has done little to set Abedini free, but without question this week's Iranian nuke deal was the biggest failure yet.

Iran pushed for this deal (and frankly, it favors them) and to get it Saeed Abedini's release should have been front and center. Ink should not have met paper until he was safely in U.S. hands. But President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry blew it. It's said that Kerry didn't even put the issue on the table. Click the link to read  Kerry Had Chance To Secure Abedini's Release

 This is an abomination. One must question what President Obama has against protecting Americans in Middle Eastern countries. Besides allowing Abedini to rot in an Iranian jail, Obama did nothing, allowing four Americans to die during a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya last year. Protecting this country and its people if JOB 1 for any sitting president. We know of Obama's affection for Islam and his disaffection for the Christian faith.  In the past he has omited the word "Creator" and "God" from the Declaration of Independence and just this month the president omitted God from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.  Watch:

 So, is it any wonder that Saeed Abedini still sits in an Iranian prison? Not that Ronald Reagan, George Bush or even Bill Clinton would have negotiated such an abhorrent agreement with a terrorist regime such as the Iranians, but had they, they would have gotten Abedini out as part of the deal. What is wrong with the man we now call president. Where do his allegiances really lie? Just askin'.

Iran Deal is Fool's Gold

Sorry...I don't buy this Iran deal. If anyone thinks Iran is going to stop it's march toward getting a nuclear weapon just because Barack Obama cut a deal, their heads need to be examined. These people are hell bent on one thing, wiping Israel of the map. They've said so numerous times, and they wouldn't mind taking the United States out in the process as well. There is no way they are going to stop now. They pushed for this deal to buy time and to keep Israel from launching a preemptive strike sometime in the near future. And if Israel does, click the link to read why Israel Will Go It Alone

That's right, by agreeing to this deal, which cuts back on some, not all, sanctions against Iran currently in place, the U.S. and other allies will not jump into the fray with Israel. 

It's no secret that President Obama is not a fan of Israel. He has snubbed that country and it's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on more than one occasion. This is a departure from how previous
Netanyahu                                     Obama                
administrations have viewed our relationship with the Israelis. They have always been our strongest ally in that part of the world. It has always been known that should the need arise we would have their back. Barack Obama seems to have walked away from that pledge. Still, Obama apparently called Netanyahu in an effort to calm the prime minister's fears after Netanyahu labeled the deal an "historic mistake. Read More: Israel Leary of Deal

Frankly, I think Israel has reason to be concerned, on two fronts: that despite any deal, Iran will still go ahead with it's plans to get the nuclear weapon and that the United States, despite claims to the contrary by our president, will not be their in Israel's time of need. This is sad.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tyranny Reigns In The U.S. Senate - The Nuclear Option

 President Obama, through his henchman in the Senate, Harry Reid, continued his march to take full control of the government and thus the country. Reid and his fellow conspirators on the left, imposed the "nuclear option" on filibusters. Read More: Power Grab in the Senate
This looks like, feels like and smells like nothing more than (1) pure politics as Harry Reid never does anything for the good of the country. His tyranny is all about (1) destroying the GOP and (2) in this case, changing the subject. The president and the Democrats are catching hell across the country because of the lives they are destroying through Obamacare. If Obama and Reid think that their little power play in the Senate is
Senate majority Leader Harry Reid
going to get the public's attention off Obamacre, they are dumber than we give them credit for. Democrats own Obamacare. It's their screw up. It's affecting millions of people and will affect millions more in the next few months. That's front and center on the minds of Americans.

Sorry, Harry. Filibusters don't affect people. Messing with their health care and that of their children does. They could care less about your little toddler tantrums in the Senate. Besides, it wasn't too long ago, back in the Bush years, both you and then Senator Obama railed against a Republican threat of the "nuclear option." Should the GOP take back the Senate in 2014, and because of Obamacare they might, then this option will favor the Republicans. 
(Click the video and see 'Senator' Obama speak against the nuclear option.)

Obama's policies and Chicago-style thug politics have backfired in the past. This will, too.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Obama's Obamacare Lie : The Democrats Knew It

 We now know the Obamacare web President Obama spun regarding keeping your doctor and your insurance plan was a lie. A lie the president told all the while knowing what he was doing.
Millions upon millions of Americans bought into that lie, feeling secure in the fact that Obamacare would leave the relationship they had with their doctor and insurance company would not be compromised.

Today, some 50 million (and counting) people have realized that the president's continued promise was nothing short of a lie as letters from inurance companies cancelling plans found their way to mailboxes across the country. Many doctors also let go of patients who lost their insurance. We the people have been fleeced, not only by the President of the United States, but now it seems by every Democrat in the United States Congress. And to boot they have been outed by one of their own! Click the link to read that the Democrats Were in on the Lie

The Democrats are in turmoil, and why not? They OWN Obamacare, lock, stock and barrel. Not one Republican voted for it. They passed it not having read it and now it's come back to bite them. We are finding out that the devil is in the details. The promise (another one broken) by the president that it would save people
money. People whose policies haven't been cut are finding the cost is being bumped up in big ways. The website that rolled out on Oct 1st for people to enroll in Obamacare is, for now, a bust. More than half the people in the country didn't want Obamacare in the first place.

Democrats, 39 of them, sided with the Republicans on a bill allowing Americans to keep their plans and for new people to buy plans from insurance companies if they so desire. Obama has threatened to veto that bill. Why? Because it's been his plan all along for people to lose their plans and forced into Obamacare with the end result is to have the whole country on Obamacare, a single payer system, if you will...socialism at work.
 But Democrats are running scared. This is not what they envisioned. Were they duped as well? Those coming up for reelection in 2014 have a real problem. It will be difficult for them to defend Obamacre. If Obama and the Democrats thought the health care system in this country was a mess before, just look what they've done to it now. And what's the solution? Don't know. But somebody better figure it out. Obamacare is not the answer.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Krauthammer on Obamacare

 This is the best analysis I've seen of the Obamacare debacle, it's effect on our health care system, we as a people and our political system.  Extremely insightful, it's a MUST READ: Charles Krauthammer on the Obamacare Crisis

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cookin' The Books -

 So, the first Obamacare sign up numbers were released last week and, as expected, they ain't pretty, folks. Just over 106 thousand of our fellow citizens have managed to weed through the abomination known as
 Now if you thought the administration, especially this administration would give us the true figure and you thought 'not a
chance,' you'd be right. They cooked the books. That 100K is not a number that means 106K people have actually signed up and paid. It means 106K have Obamacare maybe in their shopping cart. Some may have taken it out of their cart and put it back on the shelf. 
But just for conversations sake, lets say 106 plus insurance-poor friends did actually sign up, paid their first premium and were now fully invested in the health care program and insured. It's still an embarrassment. Obama and company were looking for some 500K to have signed up by now. Obamacare is well on its way to imploding.
Rep. Pelosi
 On a side note the loony tune Congresswoman from California, Nancy Pelosi, claims 500,000 have already signed up. Hmmm...where did she get that number? Could it be the 500K the Obama's really expected. We never know which planet Nancy is on, do we?
The sad part of all this is some 50 million people have been dumped from their insurance plans because of Obamacare and because the website to find a plan doesn't work...well, you know the rest.

As for future numbers the government puts out, do we really think we'll ever get the right number? Not if history dictates. We get weekly and monthly employment/unemployment figures. They're not right either. The government bean counters tell us X number of people filed for unemployment over a given period of time, and that's the number they say are unemployed. What they don't include
is the 25 million people who are unemployed and have given up looking for work because it's not there. They may have given up, but they're still unemployed...I speak from first personal first hand knowledge. Add the 25 million of us to the unemployment number and the unemployment rate is closer to 13 per cent, not the government's number of 7.3 per cent (which is still too high). 

So anytime you hear a government number for anything, you can bet it's not the right number. They probably cooked the books.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Yoda on Obamacare

                              HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obama Fixes (??) Obamacare, and May Have Killed It in the Process!!

So finally President Obama caved-in for a change.
 The president marched Thursday before the White House press corps and the rest of us watching and announced a quick (but temporary) fix to those people who have been dumped by their insurance companies because of Obamacare, some 50 million people and counting. The fix? You can keep your plan (heard that before?) But yes, after breaking the "you can keep your plan" promise," Obama is now saying you CAN keep your plan...for one year and until the government makes a futile attempt to get it's act together on the new website. This is something he vowed not to do even after getting pummeled for granting employers a one year stay but not individuals.
Click the video to see the president's fix on keeping your insurance plan.

Wow! Did the president effectively kill Obamacare? The purpose of all these people being dumped by their insurance companies was to direct them to the federal exchanges and get on Obamacare. Now, they have been given a reprieve for a year, which means Obamacare will not be receiving the necessary money to fund the program. Stay Tuned.... 

So all of you who have been fretting over what to do after getting a cancellation notice from your insurance company and haven't found a replacement policy, you can now go back to your carrier and get your old policy back. Right? Uh, maybe not. We don't know for sure, but knowing this president's track record on not checking on the down side of an issue, it's a good bet he did not confer with major insurance companies as to whether or not they can take back people they've dumped. And the answer is.......maybe not. More on that in a moment. 

 Again, Obama bypassed Congress on this. He, in effect, has changed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) again. Doing so violates the Constitution (not that he cares) and maybe the law. Once a bill is passed by Congress and signed into law by the president, it can not be changed in any way without the approval of Congress. (Obama on his own earlier changed Obamacare when he delayed the employer mandate provision for a year and several other provisions.)

Look, Obamacare's edicts says insurance companies are to follow the mandates of the new law. Thus companies restructured, forcing people off their plans. Now, Obama has waved his magic wand saying, 'let's go back to the way it was.' The insurance industry says it's not that easy and it will force an economic crisis within the insurance world. 
Speaking of funding for Obamacare, if you sell your house click the link to see how you may just be funding Obamacare

The president is fond of saying, "let's be clear," when making a point. So, let's be clear. This so called fix by the president is no fix at all. His approval rating is now in the 30's and his signature law is a disaster. He's trying to save face with the public and members of his own party.

 This, like everything else he does, was pure politics. Nothing more. His concern is not the 50 million people who lost their policies. His concern is the pressure he's gotten from his own party, especially 12 members of Congress who are up for reelection in 2014. Anything else is just bull......

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Scandals: Obama's "Other" Problems

 In one sense President Obama may be glad the catastrophic failure of Obamacare is dominating the news these days. People have forgotten this administration is riddled with other problems...the scandals. Remember those:
  • Fast & Furious, the running of guns to Mexican thugs that resulted in the death of a border patrol agent
  • IRS - the targeting of conservative groups in delaying non-profit tax exempt status requests
  • NSA spying on Americans emails and phone calls and now foreign country citizens and leaders
  • BENGHAZI where 4 Americans died in a terrorist attack. Obama continues to stonewall the facts
  • Associated Press (AP) reporters phone records confiscated as part of a leak investigation
  • James Rosen, Fox News reporter, targeted by Obama as a criminal for allegedly reporting classified information. The administration monitored his emails and phone calls
  • GSA (General Services Admin) over-indulged and blew $823K on a Vegas training conference
  • Eric Holder, U.S. attorney general, potentially perjured himself in Congressional testimony on Fast & Furious and the James Rosen case.
 And there are a host of others. Congressional investigators, committees and the GOP are not letting these scandals go by the wayside, despite calls from the president and Democrats that they are "phony" scandals and witch hunts. There is nothing phony about covering up the events surrounding the deaths of four Americans who died during a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. All these scandals are the result of the country's CEO being AWOL on governing and leadership.

 The Obama Administration will go down as the most scandal-ridden administration in history. This is the president who promised full transparency when he took office in 2009. On the contrary, administration watchers have labeled it the most secretive. All this goes to the point that Barack Obama is not an administrator or an effective leader. Besides the failure of Obamacare that's having a negative affect on millions of Americans, this president continues to have a national unemployment rate above 7 per cent, a national debt of $17 trillion and counting, an astronomical poverty rate as 50 million people, or 16 per cent of the population, live in poverty and declining incomes among American workers. Speaking of which, only 50 per cent of American adults are working full time. And now there's Obamacare, the ruination of the best health care system in the world.

If this is what Obama said was "Hope and Change" I don't think any of this were hoping for this kind of change.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Paradise For Our Liberal Friends

Monday, November 11, 2013

Rush Limbaugh: "As far as Obama is concerned, Obamacare is rolling out nearly perfectly....."

Or is it?
 Senator Max Baucus (D) Montana, last April, said that Obamacare was heading for a train wreck.
 This week Representative Trey Gowdy (R) S.C., said on Fox News that Obamacare is an insult to train wrecks. Really? The so called roll out of Obamacare on Oct 1st, the date one in need of health insurance could sign up for Obamacare on the government health care site, Healthcare.Gov, has been more than a train wreck.

The website is a disaster not only functionally, but economically. Taxpayers have shelled out about $500 million dollars for a site that doesn't work, and it's said it will cost millions more to fix it. This, despite the president's assertion way back when that the law wouldn't cost taxpayers one dime...Pffff! That's not the first lie the president told on Obamacare's behalf. We've all heard about, "If you like your current plan you can keep it. Period. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Period." It appears maybe Mr. Obama knew from the get go that wasn't the truth. After all, if you could keep your plan and your doctor, how would you be able to sign up for O'care, which is the point of the whole thing.

Rush Limbaugh said it Monday on his radio show:
 "If you believe nothing else of what I'm saying, understand that as far as Obama is concerned, Obamacare is rolling out nearly perfectly. The only way that Obamacare will survive is if millions of people are forced into it by losing their previous coverage."
 And so far 50 million people have lost their coverage with private companies. These people will probably be forced to go to Obamacare. The Obama plan in action. These people will be forced to get coverage they don't want or don't need (a 68 year old man has coverage for pre-natal care!) and pay a ton more for it. 

But there's a problem, right Mr. President? You need 7 million people signed up by March far only 50,000 gave signed up. Wow! How are you going to make it, Sir? I don't think you're going to. Boy, have you screwed up....SNAFU if you will.

If a CEO of any you name it company shoved a project down his shareholders throats and it bombed such as this and blew millions of $$$..where do you think that CEO would be? On the street. It's to bad that blatant waste of taxpayer money is not an impeachable offense. Unfortunately we have to wait until 2016 to put Mr. Obama out on the street. Hmmm.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Veteran's Day 2013


                                       US Army flag         Navy flag          air force animated       
                                            ARMY                      NAVY                  AIR FORCE

                                       Marine flag       Coast Guard flag           pow/mia
                                          MARINES           COAST GUARD             POW-MIA

                                                      click the link for a special tribute
                                             Veteran's Day - Give Thanks


Friday, November 8, 2013

OBAMACARE, Signing Up........

                                                ......Takes A Little Patience!

                             HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Memo To NFL: Miami's Incognito Must Go!

Richie Incognito
Over the years the National Football League has had it's share of cheats, druggies, thugs, women/wife beaters, and alleged murders. Now they can add bully to that list.
Bully? Aren't bullies found in the hallowed halls of middle and high schools? Apparently bullies are no longer an evil found only in secondary educational institutions. One has escaped the high school and college ranks and found his way to the NFL.
Richie Incognito, veteran offensive lineman for the Miami Dolphins has been suspended indefinitely from the team for allegedly bullying a teammate. His victim is Jonathan Martin, also an offensive lineman. 

Mike Garafolo, Senior NFL reporter for Fox Sports, writes,"Multiple sources told FOX Sports the Miami Dolphins and the NFL Players Association have been told guard Richie Incognito sent Martin text messages and left him voice mails that are both threatening and racially charged in nature."

If this is true, and the NFL is now investigating, Incognito needs to go. The NFL should ban him from the league. A suspension and or fine is not good enough. Too harsh, you say? Look, first of all the guy is a jerk. He's been kicked off teams in both college and the NFL. Apparently this isn't the first time he's been accused of bullying. Click the link, Incognito's Bullying Goes back 13 Years.

There is a report that coaches told Incognito to "toughen up" Martin for missing two practices last spring that were 'voluntary' on the part of the players. These practices are called Organized Team Activities (OTA's). Despite being voluntary, coaches pressure players to attend. Most do, some don't. Martin did attend, but missed two. It would be interesting to know what coaches did to those players who didn't show up at all for the OTA's. At any rate, the key phrase here is 'toughen up' and what coaches meant by that. If  certain coaches told Incognito to toughen up Martin by bullying then heads need to roll there as well.  

 Secondary schools in this country takes bullying extremely seriously. There have been bullying cases that have led to suicide on the part of the bully's victims. The kids, and they are kids, who bully have respect and discipline problems. They should be dealt with harshly by school systems and the law if warranted. If I had
Jonathan Martin
my way (unfortunately I don't) bullying would be classified as a hate crime. But incognito is no kid. He's 30 years old! He obviously hasn't grown up. Counseling, equal to a four year degree, should be in his future.

As for Jonathan Martin, he has left the Miami Dolphins, apparently to deal with emotional issues as a result of Incognito's supposed actions. One wonders if a promising career is over for Martin. Teammates and the Dolphins say Martin is a good player with loads of talent. The same is said of Incognito. It's just that one is a good  guy...the other isn't. If these allegations are true, the NFL needs to show the one who isn't the door, permanently.  The NFL has numerous other issues with players to deal with, all having a negative effect on the league's reputation. There is no place in the NFL, or any other sport, for bullies. 


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Lies, Mr. Obama, are Inexcusable

 Two things I hate in this world...a thief and a liar. It grates on me when some one tells me a lie and when I catch them in that lie, they try to get out of it by telling me another one. I will have more respect for them if they own up to the lie in the first place. When a family member or friend to lies to you feel violated to a degree and you have to work through it with them. When your elected Congressperson or Senator lies to you, you shrug it off as normal for a politician. When the President of the United States lies to's inexcusable. 
We have a president currently in the White House who has a penchant for telling lies. Many have been documented. Perhaps all presidents do it on occasion. After all, they are only human. But when the president tells a lie, the same lie, over and over and over again..........well.

President Obama apparently thinks telling an untruth is okay. He seems narcissistic enough to where he might even believe the it. But over the years, since at least 2009, he has told this now famous Obamacare  lie many times. (click the video)

 It would be one thing if he said it once or twice, then stopped realizing it wasn't true. But he didn't, and now we learn the White House knew it wasn't true. Read More: Millions to Lose Insurance: WH Knew
 Now that the truth about the lie is out, and  rather than putting on his big boy pants and admitting he didn't tell the truth, (true to form) and rather than take the blame (he takes the blame for nothing) he spins it into another lie. The president told a small group of supporters earlier this week:
"If you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you could keep it if it hasn't changed since the law's passed. So we wrote into the Affordable Care Act you are grandfathered in on that plan. But if the insurance company changes it, then what we're saying is they have got to change it to a higher standard. They've got to make it better."
 So the president told us previously, "If you like your current plan, you can keep it...PERIOD," and "If you like your doctor, you can
keep him...PERIOD."  The spinning lie now is the word 'period' has been substituted with the word 'if.' Sorry, Mr. President. This isn't going to fly. The American people as well as, believe it or not, your willing accomplices in the media and some members of your own party have caught you, not only in the first lie but the one you told trying to get out of it.....inexcusable.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Rising Costs of Obamacare

 Obamacare....the train continues to wreck. The Obama administration, true to form, is not taking responsibility for the destruction of the best health care system on the planet. Also true to form they are blaming others. As millions of Americans are being dumped off the health insurance plans they have and want, Obama is blaming the insurance companies saying they don't comply with the new law. Actually, that was his plan all along. He wants you stripped of any plan you have or had, forcing you on the governments new disaster of a plan. It's called total control of your health care by the government...can you say socialism?

Insurance costs are going up, way up, because of Obamacare...check the chart below. Find your State and see how much you're likely to be soaked for if you don't want to sign up with the government. Remember, it's Obamacare that's responsible for these increases, despite the Obama spin:


Friday, November 1, 2013

News Flash: Despite Government Claims Troops Were Sent to Bengazi - Arrived in Time To Join in the Fight!

>> BENGHAZI, Libya, where four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, lost their lives in a terrorist attack on the American consulate. The president and his administration minions
have played deaf and dumb on the subject, stonewalling Congressional investigators looking into why the president et. al. lied about numerous aspects of the terrorist attack including why help was not sent in when the attack took place. Help was not available or close by, they say. Click the link to read that, despite the White House and Pentagon assertions to the contrary, U.S. Special Ops Troops Made it to Benghazi  
One question still unanswered is 'where was the president that night?' This was an attack on U.S. controlled soil in Libya. He should have been in the White House situation room with his military, State Department and security advisers. Some say he was upstairs in the residence in bed asleep.  

Also out there, these tidbits:

>> The current administration in Washington D.C. has invoked it's own version of George Orwell's "1984"
The revelation that thNational Security Agency (NSA) is spying on your e-mails and phone calls was bad enough. Big Brother? Then comes word that we are spying on people in other countries as
well as their leaders, which has created an international incident of sorts. Supposedly all countries do this, it's just that it's been made public and we are the bad guys. We got cought. Even the holiest of us all was not immune from our eavesdropping. Click the link to read how the NSA spied on, of all people,  THE POPE!

>> Barack Obama, the president that keeps on giving. His world of entitlements are a thing to behold. Click the link to read how even the dead and illegals benefit...big time.  It's your money, folks.

>>  The train wreck known as Obamacare is out in the public domain and is being described as the worst law ever passed. Forget the website no one can access, the law itself is taking health care away from millions of Americans. Click the link to read how Obamacare is having a disastrous affect across the country.
This is by design. The administration wants as many people to have their coverage cancelled in order to get them on Obama's single payer socialistic government dependence plan. his goal is to have
the whole country on Obamacare. He has stated it might take 10 years to achieve. We can hope Obamacare fails under its own weight. It looks at present like its well on its way to doing that. Then we can get back to sanity. 
By the way, if you're in New York and need insurance, click the link to read that's it's as close as your neighborhood auto repair shop or cupcake store. The Obamacare insanity rolls on.

This is a team that was destined to accomplish what they did, beating the St. Louis Cardinals to become baseball's best. The Red Sox ended the 2012 season dead last in their division and was said by many of baseball's talking heads to not do much better this year. Then came the untimely and horrific events of the Boston Marathon where bomb blasts took the lives of several and injured many others. Boston rallied around the slogan "Boston (B) Strong," the Red Sox wearing a patch on their jerseys. It became their lot to ultimately unify the city by bringing it a World Series Championship, their third in a decade. A seemingly impossible task given their plight of 2012 and poor
outlook for this year. But they did it! Call it devine intervention, if you will. The New York Yankees won the series in 2001 just after the World Trade Center terrorist attacks of 9/11, bringing the city and, in effect, the nation together. Perhaps, the Red Sox this year were destined to do the same for their city.

My dad, a native Bostonian and World War II bomber pilot, suffered through many years of Red Sox misery until the Sox won
their first World Series in 2004 after an 86 year hiatus. He passed away two months after that 2004 victory, a happy man. His Red Sox had finally done it.Today, he's looking down on his city of Boston and his beloved Red Sox, happy once again and a smile on his face. Rest in Peace.