Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Scandals: Obama's "Other" Problems

 In one sense President Obama may be glad the catastrophic failure of Obamacare is dominating the news these days. People have forgotten this administration is riddled with other problems...the scandals. Remember those:
  • Fast & Furious, the running of guns to Mexican thugs that resulted in the death of a border patrol agent
  • IRS - the targeting of conservative groups in delaying non-profit tax exempt status requests
  • NSA spying on Americans emails and phone calls and now foreign country citizens and leaders
  • BENGHAZI where 4 Americans died in a terrorist attack. Obama continues to stonewall the facts
  • Associated Press (AP) reporters phone records confiscated as part of a leak investigation
  • James Rosen, Fox News reporter, targeted by Obama as a criminal for allegedly reporting classified information. The administration monitored his emails and phone calls
  • GSA (General Services Admin) over-indulged and blew $823K on a Vegas training conference
  • Eric Holder, U.S. attorney general, potentially perjured himself in Congressional testimony on Fast & Furious and the James Rosen case.
 And there are a host of others. Congressional investigators, committees and the GOP are not letting these scandals go by the wayside, despite calls from the president and Democrats that they are "phony" scandals and witch hunts. There is nothing phony about covering up the events surrounding the deaths of four Americans who died during a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. All these scandals are the result of the country's CEO being AWOL on governing and leadership.

 The Obama Administration will go down as the most scandal-ridden administration in history. This is the president who promised full transparency when he took office in 2009. On the contrary, administration watchers have labeled it the most secretive. All this goes to the point that Barack Obama is not an administrator or an effective leader. Besides the failure of Obamacare that's having a negative affect on millions of Americans, this president continues to have a national unemployment rate above 7 per cent, a national debt of $17 trillion and counting, an astronomical poverty rate as 50 million people, or 16 per cent of the population, live in poverty and declining incomes among American workers. Speaking of which, only 50 per cent of American adults are working full time. And now there's Obamacare, the ruination of the best health care system in the world.

If this is what Obama said was "Hope and Change" I don't think any of this were hoping for this kind of change.


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