Monday, November 25, 2013

Iran Deal is Fool's Gold

Sorry...I don't buy this Iran deal. If anyone thinks Iran is going to stop it's march toward getting a nuclear weapon just because Barack Obama cut a deal, their heads need to be examined. These people are hell bent on one thing, wiping Israel of the map. They've said so numerous times, and they wouldn't mind taking the United States out in the process as well. There is no way they are going to stop now. They pushed for this deal to buy time and to keep Israel from launching a preemptive strike sometime in the near future. And if Israel does, click the link to read why Israel Will Go It Alone

That's right, by agreeing to this deal, which cuts back on some, not all, sanctions against Iran currently in place, the U.S. and other allies will not jump into the fray with Israel. 

It's no secret that President Obama is not a fan of Israel. He has snubbed that country and it's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on more than one occasion. This is a departure from how previous
Netanyahu                                     Obama                
administrations have viewed our relationship with the Israelis. They have always been our strongest ally in that part of the world. It has always been known that should the need arise we would have their back. Barack Obama seems to have walked away from that pledge. Still, Obama apparently called Netanyahu in an effort to calm the prime minister's fears after Netanyahu labeled the deal an "historic mistake. Read More: Israel Leary of Deal

Frankly, I think Israel has reason to be concerned, on two fronts: that despite any deal, Iran will still go ahead with it's plans to get the nuclear weapon and that the United States, despite claims to the contrary by our president, will not be their in Israel's time of need. This is sad.

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