Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tyranny Reigns In The U.S. Senate - The Nuclear Option

 President Obama, through his henchman in the Senate, Harry Reid, continued his march to take full control of the government and thus the country. Reid and his fellow conspirators on the left, imposed the "nuclear option" on filibusters. Read More: Power Grab in the Senate
This looks like, feels like and smells like nothing more than (1) pure politics as Harry Reid never does anything for the good of the country. His tyranny is all about (1) destroying the GOP and (2) in this case, changing the subject. The president and the Democrats are catching hell across the country because of the lives they are destroying through Obamacare. If Obama and Reid think that their little power play in the Senate is
Senate majority Leader Harry Reid
going to get the public's attention off Obamacre, they are dumber than we give them credit for. Democrats own Obamacare. It's their screw up. It's affecting millions of people and will affect millions more in the next few months. That's front and center on the minds of Americans.

Sorry, Harry. Filibusters don't affect people. Messing with their health care and that of their children does. They could care less about your little toddler tantrums in the Senate. Besides, it wasn't too long ago, back in the Bush years, both you and then Senator Obama railed against a Republican threat of the "nuclear option." Should the GOP take back the Senate in 2014, and because of Obamacare they might, then this option will favor the Republicans. 
(Click the video and see 'Senator' Obama speak against the nuclear option.)

Obama's policies and Chicago-style thug politics have backfired in the past. This will, too.

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