Monday, November 11, 2013

Rush Limbaugh: "As far as Obama is concerned, Obamacare is rolling out nearly perfectly....."

Or is it?
 Senator Max Baucus (D) Montana, last April, said that Obamacare was heading for a train wreck.
 This week Representative Trey Gowdy (R) S.C., said on Fox News that Obamacare is an insult to train wrecks. Really? The so called roll out of Obamacare on Oct 1st, the date one in need of health insurance could sign up for Obamacare on the government health care site, Healthcare.Gov, has been more than a train wreck.

The website is a disaster not only functionally, but economically. Taxpayers have shelled out about $500 million dollars for a site that doesn't work, and it's said it will cost millions more to fix it. This, despite the president's assertion way back when that the law wouldn't cost taxpayers one dime...Pffff! That's not the first lie the president told on Obamacare's behalf. We've all heard about, "If you like your current plan you can keep it. Period. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Period." It appears maybe Mr. Obama knew from the get go that wasn't the truth. After all, if you could keep your plan and your doctor, how would you be able to sign up for O'care, which is the point of the whole thing.

Rush Limbaugh said it Monday on his radio show:
 "If you believe nothing else of what I'm saying, understand that as far as Obama is concerned, Obamacare is rolling out nearly perfectly. The only way that Obamacare will survive is if millions of people are forced into it by losing their previous coverage."
 And so far 50 million people have lost their coverage with private companies. These people will probably be forced to go to Obamacare. The Obama plan in action. These people will be forced to get coverage they don't want or don't need (a 68 year old man has coverage for pre-natal care!) and pay a ton more for it. 

But there's a problem, right Mr. President? You need 7 million people signed up by March far only 50,000 gave signed up. Wow! How are you going to make it, Sir? I don't think you're going to. Boy, have you screwed up....SNAFU if you will.

If a CEO of any you name it company shoved a project down his shareholders throats and it bombed such as this and blew millions of $$$..where do you think that CEO would be? On the street. It's to bad that blatant waste of taxpayer money is not an impeachable offense. Unfortunately we have to wait until 2016 to put Mr. Obama out on the street. Hmmm.

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