Friday, November 1, 2013

News Flash: Despite Government Claims Troops Were Sent to Bengazi - Arrived in Time To Join in the Fight!

>> BENGHAZI, Libya, where four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, lost their lives in a terrorist attack on the American consulate. The president and his administration minions
have played deaf and dumb on the subject, stonewalling Congressional investigators looking into why the president et. al. lied about numerous aspects of the terrorist attack including why help was not sent in when the attack took place. Help was not available or close by, they say. Click the link to read that, despite the White House and Pentagon assertions to the contrary, U.S. Special Ops Troops Made it to Benghazi  
One question still unanswered is 'where was the president that night?' This was an attack on U.S. controlled soil in Libya. He should have been in the White House situation room with his military, State Department and security advisers. Some say he was upstairs in the residence in bed asleep.  

Also out there, these tidbits:

>> The current administration in Washington D.C. has invoked it's own version of George Orwell's "1984"
The revelation that thNational Security Agency (NSA) is spying on your e-mails and phone calls was bad enough. Big Brother? Then comes word that we are spying on people in other countries as
well as their leaders, which has created an international incident of sorts. Supposedly all countries do this, it's just that it's been made public and we are the bad guys. We got cought. Even the holiest of us all was not immune from our eavesdropping. Click the link to read how the NSA spied on, of all people,  THE POPE!

>> Barack Obama, the president that keeps on giving. His world of entitlements are a thing to behold. Click the link to read how even the dead and illegals benefit...big time.  It's your money, folks.

>>  The train wreck known as Obamacare is out in the public domain and is being described as the worst law ever passed. Forget the website no one can access, the law itself is taking health care away from millions of Americans. Click the link to read how Obamacare is having a disastrous affect across the country.
This is by design. The administration wants as many people to have their coverage cancelled in order to get them on Obama's single payer socialistic government dependence plan. his goal is to have
the whole country on Obamacare. He has stated it might take 10 years to achieve. We can hope Obamacare fails under its own weight. It looks at present like its well on its way to doing that. Then we can get back to sanity. 
By the way, if you're in New York and need insurance, click the link to read that's it's as close as your neighborhood auto repair shop or cupcake store. The Obamacare insanity rolls on.

This is a team that was destined to accomplish what they did, beating the St. Louis Cardinals to become baseball's best. The Red Sox ended the 2012 season dead last in their division and was said by many of baseball's talking heads to not do much better this year. Then came the untimely and horrific events of the Boston Marathon where bomb blasts took the lives of several and injured many others. Boston rallied around the slogan "Boston (B) Strong," the Red Sox wearing a patch on their jerseys. It became their lot to ultimately unify the city by bringing it a World Series Championship, their third in a decade. A seemingly impossible task given their plight of 2012 and poor
outlook for this year. But they did it! Call it devine intervention, if you will. The New York Yankees won the series in 2001 just after the World Trade Center terrorist attacks of 9/11, bringing the city and, in effect, the nation together. Perhaps, the Red Sox this year were destined to do the same for their city.

My dad, a native Bostonian and World War II bomber pilot, suffered through many years of Red Sox misery until the Sox won
their first World Series in 2004 after an 86 year hiatus. He passed away two months after that 2004 victory, a happy man. His Red Sox had finally done it.Today, he's looking down on his city of Boston and his beloved Red Sox, happy once again and a smile on his face. Rest in Peace.

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