Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Lies, Mr. Obama, are Inexcusable

 Two things I hate in this world...a thief and a liar. It grates on me when some one tells me a lie and when I catch them in that lie, they try to get out of it by telling me another one. I will have more respect for them if they own up to the lie in the first place. When a family member or friend to lies to you feel violated to a degree and you have to work through it with them. When your elected Congressperson or Senator lies to you, you shrug it off as normal for a politician. When the President of the United States lies to you.....it's inexcusable. 
We have a president currently in the White House who has a penchant for telling lies. Many have been documented. Perhaps all presidents do it on occasion. After all, they are only human. But when the president tells a lie, the same lie, over and over and over again..........well.

President Obama apparently thinks telling an untruth is okay. He seems narcissistic enough to where he might even believe the it. But over the years, since at least 2009, he has told this now famous Obamacare  lie many times. (click the video)

 It would be one thing if he said it once or twice, then stopped realizing it wasn't true. But he didn't, and now we learn the White House knew it wasn't true. Read More: Millions to Lose Insurance: WH Knew
 Now that the truth about the lie is out, and  rather than putting on his big boy pants and admitting he didn't tell the truth, (true to form) and rather than take the blame (he takes the blame for nothing) he spins it into another lie. The president told a small group of supporters earlier this week:
"If you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you could keep it if it hasn't changed since the law's passed. So we wrote into the Affordable Care Act you are grandfathered in on that plan. But if the insurance company changes it, then what we're saying is they have got to change it to a higher standard. They've got to make it better."
 So the president told us previously, "If you like your current plan, you can keep it...PERIOD," and "If you like your doctor, you can
keep him...PERIOD."  The spinning lie now is the word 'period' has been substituted with the word 'if.' Sorry, Mr. President. This isn't going to fly. The American people as well as, believe it or not, your willing accomplices in the media and some members of your own party have caught you, not only in the first lie but the one you told trying to get out of it.....inexcusable.

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