Friday, August 31, 2012

Mitt Romney: Takes His Case To America!


Gov. Mitt Romney gave his acceptance speech  (8/30/12) as the GOP presidential candidate. If you missed it you can see it by clicking the link below. If you saw it live and like Paul Ryan's speech the night before, it is well worth a second look...enjoy!

Mitt Romney GOP Convention Speech

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Paul Ryan Knocks It Out Of The Park At The GOP Convention!

If you missed Rep. Paul Ryan's GOP Convention speech or want to see it again (it's well worth a second look), click the link below.

Paul Ryan GOP Convention Acceptance Speech

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ann Romney....First Lady Material!


Ann Romney gave a powerful speech in support of her husband, presidential candidate Mitt Romney, at the Republican National Convention Tuesday night. If you missed it, click the link below.

Ann Romney's speech at Republican National Convention

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Neil Armstrong, First man on the Moon, Dies at 82

Neil Armstrong - 1930-2012
Apollo 11 Mission Commander

CINCINNATI (AP) — Neil Armstrong was a soft-spoken engineer who became a global hero when as a steely-nerved pilot he made "one giant leap for mankind" with a small step onto the moon. The modest man, who had people on Earth entranced and awed from almost a quarter-million miles away, but credited others for the feat, died Saturday. He was 82.
Armstrong died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures, his family said in a statement. Armstrong had had a bypass operation this month, according to NASA. His family didn't say where he died; he had lived in suburban Cincinnati.
Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969, capping the most daring of the 20th century's scientific expeditions. His first words after becoming the first person to set foot on the surface are etched in history books and the memories of those who heard them in a live broadcast......

Friday, August 24, 2012

Then & Now ..What a Difference Four Years make

2008...Barack Obama came out of nowhere to capture the White House  promising the well-worn campaign slogan of "Hope and Change."

2012... Americans have come to realize they received anything but amid high unemployment, a stalled housing market, unwanted universal healthcare, looming higher taxes, broken promises and a failing economy, just to name a few.

Witness the president as he was campaigning in 2008 riding high, and campaigning today, 2012, with a low approval rating and policies that for the most part have failed.

Campaigning in 2008
August, 2012
Pennsylvania, 2008
Nevada, 2012

Texas, 2008

Las Vegas, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

$$ Just How Much is 16 Trillion Dollars $$

                             The National Debt is approaching $16 Trillion.

Any idea just how much $16 Trillion is? Numbers-wise it looks like this: $16,000,000,000,000.

Recently, Neil Cavuto who hosts "Your World with Neil Cavuto" on The Fox News Channel opined as to just how much this number this mega-number is:

  • If you were to spend $1 Million a day from the day Christ was born you would not be near $1 Trillion, much less $16 Trillion.
  • $16 Trillion would feed 77 billion American households for 187 years.
  • $16 Trillion would by a $500 Million house for 32 million Americans.
  • $16 Trillion would pay for 6,400 NASA missions to Mars.
  • $16 Trillion would by a $53 Thousand car for every American.
  • $16 Trillion would fund the U.S. Dept. of Education for 207 years.
  • $16 Trillion would fund Medicare for 21 years.
  • $16 Trillion would fund both Medicare and Social Security for 13 years.
  • Taxpayers pay $227 Billion interest on that $16 Trillion.
Thanks, Neil....astute as always!

Follow the National Debt Clock. Click the following link:

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Election 2012 - Are the Democrats In The Toilet?

The Bank of America stadium, Charlotte, NC., the site of the 2012 Democratic Convention, gets a new look in anticipation of President Obama's nomination acceptance speech at the stadium on September 6th.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama Has Turned Medicare into MediSCARE

Medicare! The government health care program senior citizens have come to depend on in their later years.
Medicare, like Social Security, is said to be on a collision course with bankruptcy if reform is not forthcoming.

A fight is brewing between the Obama and Romney campaigns now that Gov. Romney has selected Republican budget guru, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate. Ryan has in recent years put forth two budgets, both passed by the Republican controlled House and squashed by the Democratically controlled Senate. In the budget, Ryan has a plan to reform Medicare. Not surprisingly, the Democrats are distorting the truth about the Ryan plan telling seniors that Ryan is going to destroy Medicare. It's the "throw granny in her wheelchair over the cliff" demagoguery.

Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review, wrote in his column, that the Obama camp will never tell the full story:
"The Democrats never want to admit three things about Ryan's Medicare plan. First, that it doesn't affect anyone over age 55 and won't kick in for another 10 years. Conceding this makes the job of frightening elderly voters trickier, so it is best ignored. 
Second, that the current version of the Ryan plan gives future beneficiaries the option to keep traditional Medicare. They will choose among a menu of insurance plans, including a fee-for-service federal option, all of which will be required to offer at least the same level of benefits as Medicare now.The federal government will pay everyone's premiums up to a level matching the second-lowest-priced plan in a given area. There's no reason a beneficiary will have to pay more (although he can choose a pricier plan and pay the difference).
Third, that Ryan and President Barack Obama cap overall Medicare spending at the same level. The president is adamant that the growth of Medicare is unsustainable -- and rightly so. Everyone acknowledges the program is the foremost driver of our long-term debt. Both Ryan and the president use the same formula of roughly GDP growth plus inflation for setting Medicare's global budget. The difference is that the president wants a bureaucratic board to get the savings through arbitrary limits on prices that ultimately will limit access to care, while Ryan wants to get the savings through competition and choice.
The Democrats' demagoguery should be further crimped by the fact that they voted $700 billion in cuts in Medicare to fund Obamacare, not in the far-off future, but right now. Ryan preserved the cuts in his budget but set them aside for the Medicare trust fund. Mitt Romney wants to repeal Obamacare in its entirety, including the Medicare cuts."
Three years ago, President Obama promised Medicare would "be there for the next generation."
Yet, President Obama and his liberal allies, have taken from Medicare over $700 billion to pay for Obamacare -- his campaign now is touting this as an achievement.

And there are indications that Obamacare will eventually create even steeper cuts in Medicare benefits, which could lead to reduced access to care for seniors.

Seniors will be hit with higher costs and fewer benefits because of Obamacare's Medicare cuts. Beginning in 2013, Obamacare will cut over $100 billion from Medicare Advantage, a vital program that benefits one in four seniors.

Senior citizens need to look beyond the scare tactics of the Obama liberal machine and understand what's at stake in November. Obamacare needs to be repealed. It's bad politics. It's bad policy.  For seniors it's Mediscare!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paul Ryan - An "Ideal" Choice?

Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan
So, what are we to make of Mitt Romney's choice of  Rep Paul Ryan of Wisconsin? Ryan, 42, grew up in Janesville, Wisc. and was elected to the House of Representatives in 1998 and  has been ranked among the party's most influential voices on economic policy. He chairs the House Budget Committee, and has played a major role in the Republican Party's budget proposals. As an alternative to the 2012 budget proposal of President Barack Obama, Ryan introduced The Path to Prosperity, in April 2011. Not surprisingly it was and will continue to be demagogued by President Obama and the Democrats because of its tax reductions, spending cuts and deficit reduction proposals to bring about a smaller, more efficient government - not an ideology embraced by the liberal right. Which begs the question, will ideology be a strategy Romney and Ryan use to defeat Obama and Biden?
Charles Krauthammer

  Charles Krauthammer in his Washington Post column on 8/10/12 wrote:

 "There are two ways to run against Barack Obama: stewardship or ideology. You can run against his record or you can run against his ideas.

The stewardship case is pretty straightforward: the worst recovery in U.S. history, 42 consecutive months of 8-plus percent unemployment, declining economic growth — all achieved at a price of an additional $5 trillion of accumulated debt.

The ideological case is also simple. Just play in toto (and therefore in context) Obama’s Roanoke riff telling small-business owners: “You didn’t build that.” Real credit for your success belongs not to you — you think you did well because of your smarts and sweat? he asked mockingly — but to government that built the infrastructure without which you would have nothing."

Mr. Krauthammer goes on to say that the better choice in going after President Obama is the ideological one
" that it is not just appealing to a center-right country with twice as many conservatives as liberals, it is also explanatory. It underpins the stewardship argument. Obama’s ideology — and the program that followed — explains the failure of these four years."

Perhaps that's Mitt Romney's game plan in choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate, for, in a fundraising speech today (8/12/12) President Obama said this about Paul Ryan, "Just yesterday morning, my opponent chose his running mate, the ideological leader of the Republicans in Congress, Mr. Paul Ryan..."  

I imagine the President and Democrats, while never admitting it, are afraid of Mr. Romney's choice of running mates. Ideology is not the game they wish to play. In that arena they cannot compete.

Thus Paul Ryan was the "ideal" choice!

Read Charles Krauthammer's column by clicking the link below. It is an amazing insight from one of America's most astute political columnists.
Read Mr. Krauthammer's column here:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Obama Complains That Michelle Doesn’t Get Paid As First Lady! What!?

"Talk about a greedy, insatiable entitlement mentality!
Americans across the country are struggling just to find work and feed their kids thanks to his wrong-headed policies, and he’s whining that his spoiled wife doesn’t get enough money from the taxpayers:

View on YouTube
Guess it’s not enough that the taxpayers have foot the bill for her multiple vacations, designer clothes, personal assistants, world class chefs, celebrities performing at the White House, and more…in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression," says Rachel, whose views come via her blog,

Should the First Lady be paid for being the First Lady? Mike Opelka argues in The that Michelle Obama already is being paid, through the perks she gets as a result of her husband's job:
  • She virtually lives without cost (and in a pretty fancy place that she was allowed to redecorate without the budget constraints faced by most Americans).
  • Her “weekend home” — Camp David — is certainly one that most of us would consider to be worth visiting almost every month.
  • Michelle Obama has a liberal vacation allowance, with a private jet that she can and does use day and night.
  • Her private security (Secret Service) keeps the First Lady safe at all times.
  • The First Lady also has a personal staff numbering 24. (Hillary Clinton had 19, Laura Bush 18) 
Mrs. Obama also sports a wardrobe carrying a hefty price tag as was the case at this year's State of the Union Address:                                                        
Marti Lotman reports at Newsmax :  Lecturing Americans about “income equality” and how the rich aren’t paying their “fair share” as your wife applauds in her $2,400 dress…priceless.
Now, the truth is, conservatives don’t care how wealthy people spend their money. It’s their money, and none of our business.
Nobody would care what Michelle was wearing if she, her husband, and their ruling class cohorts weren’t being so hypocritical about demonizing people who earned the right to live the same lifestyle that they enjoy. The difference is, those Americans do it with money they EARNED, not forcibly confiscated from others.

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh also chimed in, "“So she shows up at the class warfare rally last night in the House chamber wearing a $2,400 cocktail dress!”

But, the $2,400 dress modeled by Mrs Obama pales in comparison to this little diddy...a jacket with a $6,800 price tag!  Does she need a paycheck, Mr. President?  NAH!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Obama Plays Chicago-Style Sleazy Politics

President Obama has hit a new low....blaming Governor Mitt Romney in a campaign ad for the death of a former steel company worker's wife. Take a look at the ad...then we'll give you the facts:

                                          View Obama Campaign Ad

This man, Joe Soptic,  is lying! First, his wife was not covered under his insurance plan...she had her own insurance where she worked. Second, Bain Capital, run by Romney, took over GS Technologies, a Kansas City steel company, to keep it afloat, dumping $170 million in upgrades. Bain's actions kept the company up and running, thus saving this man's and others jobs, for eight years.Two years after Mitt Romney left Bain Capital, the GS Technologies plant was closed because of foreign steel dumping into the U.S. market. Thirty-one other steel companies declared bankruptcy during the same period.
Soptic's wife died five years after GST filed for bankruptcy. His wife reportedly had her own health insurance after Soptic left GST!
The Obama campaign denies not knowing anything about the ad, that it was put out by a pro-Obama Super Pac which operates independently of the campaign. Not true. Stephanie Cutter, Obama assistant campaign manager, also has been caught in a lie. She stated she doesn't know of Mr. Soptic. However, back in May, she conducted a conference call with reporters with Mr. Soptic telling his story.  The Obama campaign refuses to refute the ad. Over the top, Mr. President...smacks of Chicago style sleazy politics!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Jobs....What Jobs?

So, we are now into the month of August and the jobs (or lack thereof) report for July has just been released. While people lucky enough to get jobs in July totaled 163,000, the national unemployment rate jumped form 8.2% to 8.3%. That's 42 straight months with the rate being above 8%. The 163K added is up slightly from the 151K average for the year. This increase for July will be touted by the Obama Administration and  the democratic leadership as a sign the economy is improving.
 House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D), Ca., has already weighed in saying,"Last month, 163,000 jobs were created despite Republicans' refusal to work with President Obama and Democrats to create jobs, grow our economy, and ensure the economic security of our middle class," she said. "With too many Americans still out of work, the message remains clear: we must do more."

More indeed! This growth will continue to be stagnant because businesses are leery of the President's misguided plan to raise taxes on the wealthy, (which he defines as people making more than $250,000 per year), the very people that create jobs. Ms. Pelosi and the President apparently have not received that memo.

To make a large dent in the unemployment  rate job growth needs to increase to 250,000 per month. Mr. Obama has proven to be incapable of solving this problem. His solution is higher taxes and bigger government. Proven by history during the Reagan years not to be a sane solution.

The economy remains weak despite the recession being declared over in June, 2009. Growth slowed to an annual rate of 1.5 percent in the second quarter of April-June, down from 2 percent in the first quarter and 4.1 percent in the final three months of 2011.

There will be three more monthly jobs reports between now and the election. Economists are projecting more of the same, jobs growth  of between 100,000 to 150,000 per month. Not a stellar performance from the gentleman who promised hope and change.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Yay! For Chick-Fil-A !!!

So, Thousands of Americans across the country flocked to Chick-Fil-A todays to show there support for the company and it's owner, Dan Cathy, in the wake of his comment that he supports the biblical meaning of marriage - between a man and a woman. This rocked the boat of the liberal establishment who supports marriage between any sex!
Long Lines at a Tennessee Chick- Fil- A

This was especially pleasing to see for it stuck it to such clowns as Chicago Mayor and former Obama White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, who made the dumb statement, " Chick-Fil -A's values are not Chicago's values."
Customers Line Up at Chick-Fil-A in Tennessee