Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Obama Plays Chicago-Style Sleazy Politics

President Obama has hit a new low....blaming Governor Mitt Romney in a campaign ad for the death of a former steel company worker's wife. Take a look at the ad...then we'll give you the facts:

                                          View Obama Campaign Ad

This man, Joe Soptic,  is lying! First, his wife was not covered under his insurance plan...she had her own insurance where she worked. Second, Bain Capital, run by Romney, took over GS Technologies, a Kansas City steel company, to keep it afloat, dumping $170 million in upgrades. Bain's actions kept the company up and running, thus saving this man's and others jobs, for eight years.Two years after Mitt Romney left Bain Capital, the GS Technologies plant was closed because of foreign steel dumping into the U.S. market. Thirty-one other steel companies declared bankruptcy during the same period.
Soptic's wife died five years after GST filed for bankruptcy. His wife reportedly had her own health insurance after Soptic left GST!
The Obama campaign denies not knowing anything about the ad, that it was put out by a pro-Obama Super Pac which operates independently of the campaign. Not true. Stephanie Cutter, Obama assistant campaign manager, also has been caught in a lie. She stated she doesn't know of Mr. Soptic. However, back in May, she conducted a conference call with reporters with Mr. Soptic telling his story.  The Obama campaign refuses to refute the ad. Over the top, Mr. President...smacks of Chicago style sleazy politics!

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