Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan |
So, what are we to make of Mitt Romney's choice of Rep Paul Ryan of Wisconsin? Ryan, 42, grew up in Janesville, Wisc. and was elected to the House of Representatives in 1998 and has been ranked among the party's most influential voices on economic policy. He chairs the House Budget Committee, and has played a major role in the Republican Party's budget proposals. As an alternative to the 2012 budget proposal of President Barack Obama, Ryan introduced The Path to Prosperity, in April 2011. Not surprisingly it was and will continue to be demagogued by President Obama and the Democrats because of its tax reductions, spending cuts and deficit reduction proposals to bring about a smaller, more efficient government - not an ideology embraced by the liberal right. Which begs the question, will ideology be a strategy Romney and Ryan use to defeat Obama and Biden?
Charles Krauthammer |
Charles Krauthammer in his Washington Post column on 8/10/12 wrote:
"There are two ways to run against Barack Obama: stewardship or ideology. You can run against his record or you can run against his ideas.
The stewardship case is pretty straightforward: the worst recovery in U.S. history, 42 consecutive months of 8-plus percent unemployment, declining economic growth — all achieved at a price of an additional $5 trillion of accumulated debt.
The ideological case is also simple. Just play in toto (and therefore in context) Obama’s Roanoke riff telling small-business owners: “You didn’t build that.” Real credit for your success belongs not to you — you think you did well because of your smarts and sweat? he asked mockingly — but to government that built the infrastructure without which you would have nothing."
Mr. Krauthammer goes on to say that the better choice in going after President Obama is the ideological one
" that it is not just appealing to a center-right country with twice as many conservatives as liberals, it is also explanatory. It underpins the stewardship argument. Obama’s ideology — and the program that followed — explains the failure of these four years."
Perhaps that's Mitt Romney's game plan in choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate, for, in a fundraising speech today (8/12/12) President Obama said this about Paul Ryan, "Just yesterday morning, my opponent chose his running mate, the ideological leader of the Republicans in Congress, Mr. Paul Ryan..."
I imagine the President and Democrats, while never admitting it, are afraid of Mr. Romney's choice of running mates. Ideology is not the game they wish to play. In that arena they cannot compete.
Thus Paul Ryan was the "ideal" choice!
Read Charles Krauthammer's column by clicking the link below. It is an amazing insight from one of America's most astute political columnists.
Read Mr. Krauthammer's column here:
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