Monday, June 24, 2013

So What The Hell Is Going On Here??!!

Remember back not to long ago when "Sequester" was the bad word of the day? Sequester was President Obama's idea, though he doesn't claim it, of automatic budget cuts that went into effect last March 1st because Obama and Congress couldn't get their act together on a budget. Obama said it would ruin the country. Didn't really happen. But the President spitefully cut some things to put his hissy
fit over the issue on display...remember closing the White House to public tours? That was one. Actually, the sequester was never likely to be catastrophic. It's a blip on a radar screen since it amounts to less than $100 billion in annual spending cuts in a $16 trillion economy. 

Well, another victim of sequester was the government mandating "No Bonuses" for federal employees. OK, sounds good, right? Wrong. Comes the much maligned IRS, the agency currently embroiled in several scandals, among them lavish spending on conferences and the like. Despite sequester, the IRS plans to dole out $70 million in bonuses. ENUF! Read More: Should IRS Give Bonuses?

And despite sequester, Mr. & Mrs. Obama continue their lavish spending at government expense as in a few days they are off to Africa. Wanna take a guess on the cost for this one?
Take into account, as reported by The Washington Post and based on a confidential planning document, there will be fighter jets; hundreds of Secret Service agents; a Navy ship with a full trauma center, military cargo planes to bring 56 vehicles including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bullet­proof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the first family will stay. That's a short version of a long laundry list. So what's the cost? Read More: Africa Trip No Cheapie

Wow! $60 to $100 Mil..........nice work if you can get it (and don't give a flip about the taxpayers who pay for it!)

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Newest Super Hero

                 Move over Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Ironman. Now There's...............

                           "Big Brother" is watching You!  Have a Great Weekend.....


Thursday, June 20, 2013

The IRS - Let's Dump It!

Here's a vote for doing away with the government's most obnoxious, harassing, intimidating, coercing, confrontational, demanding, and now one of the most scandalous of agencies...the Internal Revenue Service.

A pain in the side of all Americans since it's inception, the IRS is now out of control and can no longer be trusted to serve the public. DUMP IT!

"But how," you say, "Can we get rid of the IRS." The solution is a lot easier than the loony tunes in Washington are willing to tell you. It can be done one of two ways:
1. Do away with the regressive tax system we currently have where different income levels pay a different tax rate. Install a FLAT tax of 10%. Finance guru, Steve Forbes says, "Just implement a flat tax system, do away with the whole 70,000-page tax code and, voila, no more IRS. Life is good."  Everyone, despite their income level would pay the same rate. Lower incomes paying 10% would pay a lower amount in taxes, higher incomes more. Example :  a person with a $50,000 per year income would pay $5,000 while a person with a $500,000 income would pay $50,000 in taxes and a person with a $5,000,000 would pay $500,000. Comes straight out of the paycheck. Read More: Flat Tax Would Raise Revenues
 2. Do away with the federal income tax and replace it with a national sales tax, levied on every item you purchase. No need for the IRS. The tax reached the Feds by way of the merchant. National Sales Tax - Is It Fair
There have been arguments over these two ideas for years...and we still have the same unfair and obtrusive system. Whether one is better than the other is debatable. But the fact remains we have a system now that sucks...But either a flat tax or sales tax could obliterate an even worse system...the IRS.....Yes, life would be good!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Parental Nightmare

So you have a teenage daughter and as a parent you're very protective of scrutinize her friends, monitor her Facebook page, know whose she's texting, and worry about what she's doing when she's out with her boyfriend. Well, to quote a well known national radio/TV personality..."Let not your heart be troubled," for your "Big Brother" federal government is here..

Of course, this means an increase in sexual activity among the young, also an increase in STD's ( code for Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and probably unwanted pregnancies because the morning after pill is like the birth control pill...not guaranteed to be 100% affective.
So, you liberals with teenage daughters, know that this is a right of passage afforded your offspring by the liberal agenda...Boss Obama at the helm. 

Our kids...they grow up so fast, don't they?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The G8 Summit

                          THE G8 GET-TO-GETHER IN NORTHERN IRELAND

Puppets of US President Barack Obama, French President Francois Hollande, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, Prime Minister David Cameron, and Russian President Vladimir Putin at an IF campaign to highlight world hunger during the G8 Summit at Enniskillen Golf Club, Northern Ireland. Paul Faith/PA Wire

Not quite sure why these folks gather periodically in some worldly place, but it's been going on for some time. Usually there is much fanfare leading up to these summits with the world leaders poised to solve all ills....they leave going back to their respective countries all pumped and ready to do great things and nothing. Other than a giant photo op there seems to be little accomplished.

This time around, though, there is an issue on the table that will be front and center...what to do about Syria? And, as expected there is confrontation. President Obama, last week said that the U.S. would get involved in the civil conflict by

Obama and Putin......Are we having fun yet?

arming the rebel faction with small arms. Obama comes to the Northern Ireland tete'-a-tete' with hopes of garnering support from the other G8 attendees. But not so fast. Up steps Russia's Vladimir Putin. Read More: Putin Spoils Obama's Plans

And, at the end of it all, as they headed out, as usual there was the "gee, we're glad we came and here's what we're going to do," routine. They leave with promises to share information to fight tax evasion, to be more transparent, and to stop the bloodshed in Syria. Read More: What Did They Accomplish. (Did Mr. Obama REALLY agree to that "transparent" part??)

There was some fun on the trip. As Americans we know of  First Lady Michelle Obama love of lavish and expensive vacations. Would she dare miss this shindig? Of course not. While her husband was 'living it up' with Russia's Putin, Mrs.
Michelle & Bono at Finnegan's Pub
"O" scurried off to Finnegan's Pub in Dalkey for lunch and a brew with 
Irish musician and U2 lead singer, Bono. This trip is a warm-up to the Obama's massively expense trip to Africa coming up shortly......Ah, all is well!

Monday, June 17, 2013

The United States - A Lawless Country?

We are fast becoming a nation sans laws. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of laws currently on the books are being ignored. The most egregious are the laws pertaining to immigration. There was a time if you were in this country illegally and got caught, you were shipped back from whence you came. Today, there is no fear of that. In a lot of cases, even
criminals are allowed to stay, many clogging our jails and prisons. 

It's against current U.S. law to enter this country illegally!

A majority of the people in this country do not like this turn of events as to how we treat the illegals. Those immigrants who went through the process legally to gain citizenship have every right to be upset with what they are seeing now. This is not a new phenomenon. The influx of illegals goes back a number of years and several administrations...each year the problem becoming more pronounced. Several bills have been tossed about the halls of Congress but have gone nowhere. Party lines have been drawn. The Republicans demanding guidelines to gaining citizenship (already on the books!!) and the Democrats wanting what seems to be nothing short of a free ride, commonly known as amnesty.  To be sure, illegals are
draining the public taxpayer coffers because, for some reason, they are granted public assistance, health care and to some degree welfare. There kids go to public schools. They are even allowed to vote in some cases, democratic, of course, because the Dems offer these free benefits. And therein lies the crux of the matter. The democrats favor a welfare state...'make it free and they will vote for us come election time!' has been proven. But the overall financially toll it takes on a country already teetering on bankruptcy is staggering. 

The state of Arizona has been at the forefront of the immigration battle for several years, going toe-to-toe with the Obama Administration. This week another blow was delivered when the United States Supreme Court shot down
Illegal Aliens Crossing Arizona Border
Arizona's voter registration law. Read More: Supreme Court Wields Its Sword . A number of states with similar laws will be affected by the ruling and other states will shy away from passing laws like it or watered-down versions. 

Obama has a history of ignoring laws. If he doesn't like it his Justice Department won't enforce it. No surprise there with Eric Holder at the helm. This crew feels the same way about the Constitution....ignore what you don't like.  President
U.S. Supreme Court
Obama came in to office saying he was going to "Change America."  I don't think this is what we as voters had in mind. Those of us who did not vote for the man the first time around were skeptical of those words. Those who voted for him got duped, and obviously weren't paying attention the second time around..."Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me," applies here.

Some have accused this president with his willing and defiant nature of the law and Constitution to be bordering on
tyranny. Let's hope he is long gone before this country bows to that!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Our "Do Nothing" President

President Obama has found his legacy. He will be known as the "Do Nothing" president. Oh, he plays golf and pick up basketball, flies around on Air Force One going here and
On the course
there to raise money, gives mini speeches at press conferences (he can go on for 10 minutes on one yes or no answer question), takes expensive vacations and generally disappears when things get rough.

This president has a multitude of serious issues plaguing his administration that demand answers and attention and he is AWOL. Rather than put all the issues to rest by addressing them with the populace he presides over, he has chosen to ignore them, thinking maybe they'll just go away. Sorry, but they won't because, as the "Do Nothing" president, he won't do anything about them.

It's really ironic. Every day this man can be seen on TV speaking to someone about something. He loves the camera, but only when it serves him well. When things are on the down side, he ignores the camera and generally hides under his desk.

It has been obvious over the last four and a half years that Barack Obama does not know how to govern. He can spend money as he has financially crippled this country and put millions out of work. But  he cannot make a decision. He is a procrastinator.

Case in point: We all know that a civil war in Syria has been raging for a good portion of Obama's presidency. The United
States has stayed out of it, it's not our fight. The president has said in the past that the current bad guy, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, needs to go and we favor the rebels fighting the government. But, to this point, we have done nothing to help their cause. 

Flash back to last April. There were indications that Assad had used chemical weapons on his own people. Obama said if that were true, Assad crossed the red line ( I guess it's ok to kill your people with conventional weapons like guns, grenades and bombs, but gassing them is a no-no), and the U.S. would have to get involved. Click The Video:

Forward to today, when a government spokesman made a statement that said we now know that Assad had crossed that red line. A spokesman? Where was the president? We are about to commit this country again militarily and financially to a foreign conflict and the president sends an underling out to announce it to the world? Heaven forbid if George Bush shirked his presidential duties in the same way...can you hear the thunder over that!? Bush wouldn't, but Obama would, and did. Not surprising, though, from a "Do Nothing" president.

And just what are we doing in Syria? Don't know. Again, not much info from this White House.

"The president has made the decision to authorize additional assistance, but we're not going into specifics," National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan told Friday. "The president has been very clear that all options are on the table, with the exception of U.S. troops on the ground. That is not a possibility."
Note: No one will ever say it, and we need not know, but boots are probably already on the ground in Syria in the form of CIA or Navy Seal special operations people. How else would we know for sure chemical weapons were used? Inspectors have not been allowed in that country and Assad surely isn't going to tell us.

Per Ms. Meehan's statement above one might glean that that administration has not decided exactly how will intervene in Syria. Again, the specter of a "Do Nothing" president rears it's ugly head. We have known since April that chemical weapons may have been used and the president does not know on this day specifically how he will respond. He and his minions have had two months to come up with a plan to put forward should the need arise...and nothing! 

He's going to a G8 conference in Europe next week and wants to discuss a response with our allies then. This should have been done during the last two months by phone with our allies. 

There are those in Congress that have issues with us arming the Syrian rebels. Read More: U.S. To Get Involved in Syrian Civil War

National syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer has it right. Obama enjoys all the fruits of being president, the
Charles Krauthammer
plane, playing golf, vacations, but Krauthammer says, "He is a bystander to his own presidency."  

Well said!

One can only hope that President Obama will soon wake up to the seriousness of the issues surrounding his presidency. They affect us all. Despite what side of the political spectrum you favor, no one wants a "Do Nothing" president. After all...the world is watching.

Friday, June 14, 2013

A Government Too Large.....

                                         Listen to the ghosts from the past

                                 HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND......HAPPY FATHER' S DAY!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

It's 1984 - "Big Brother Is Watching You"

With all the snooping the federal government is doing these
days are we heading down a slippery slope to the realization
of George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984," where the government controlled every facet of it's citizens lives. We are witnessing in this country a major phenomenon with the Federal Government apparently having little to no respect for our individual right to privacy.

Unless you've been under a rock of late, you know that the IRS  went after the phone records of a number of AP reporters trying to ferret out a leak. They also got the records of Fox News reporter James Rosen as well as those of his parents.  Now we learn that the National Security Agency (NSA) has gotten from Verizon millions of American's
Govt. Data Mining Center - Utah
phone records and will warehouse the data in Utah in a million square foot data "mining" center. The $1.9 billion facility is still under construction, slated to open in October. 

The scary part of this is two-fold. First, President Obama said the phone record collection is necessary to weed out terrorists, they are not listening to the content of phone conversations...just whom your talking to and how much. This in itself is more than likely a violation of the 4th Amendment, the right to privacy. Second, they are not mining text messages. Not now......what the government says what they are doing today does not mean that's not what they will be doing tomorrow. How long will it be before they start reading your personal texts? What's next? Individual liberties are being stripped from us almost daily by this administration in total disregard of our rights or the Constitution. Mr. Obama is being hypocritical in that, on the one hand, he refuses to recognize we are in a 'war on terror' while, on the other, he's wanting your personal phone records so he can find the terrorist we "aren't at war with." 

Robert Muller, FBI Director, went before a Congressional committee to explain the snooping government snooping
FBI Director Mueller
program.  Read More: Mueller On The Hot Seat . I don't think members of the committee got much out of Mr. Mueller because what I saw of the hearing he gave a lot of "I don't know" answers. That seems to be the standard retort among government officials these days. No one knows anything, from the president on down. This exchange between Rep. Jim Jordan and Director Mueller is indigative of the "I don't know" stonewalling we see daily from this administration. Click the link to see the video: Rep Jordan Grills Director Mueller on IRS Targeting
These are scary times and we all should be aware and leery of what's going on in Washington D.C. How far away are we from the reality portrayed in Orwell's "1984."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

UPDATE: Sarah out of surgery! Read More: Doctors, Family Pleased

Yay!  for Sarah Murnaghan, the 10-year-old Pennsylvania girl dying of cystic fibrosis who needs a lung transplant. Sarah, who has become a national, and probably a world
The Murnaghan Family
 figure because of her plight and fight for the right to receive a transplant, got her wish. Read More: Sarah in Surgery

Sarah is in surgery as of this writing. The operation is said to be long and arduous. We hope and pray for word from the doctors that all went well and Sarah is on her way to recovery.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Another day Another Scandal - Gators In The Swamp

There's an old saying that "when the swamp is overrun with alligators, it's time to drain the swamp," or something to that
effect. The swamp surrounding the White House these days has a bunch of alligators swimming in it with the word "SCANDAL" on the back of each.

Well, it looks like another gator is about to enter that swamp courtesy of the U.S. State Department. Again, as in Benghazi, this occurred under Hillary Clinton's watch. It seems some of the secretary's advance security detail engaged the service of prostitutes on foreign trips.
"Hmmm. Bad enough, that is," as Yoda of Star Wars fame would say. But worse yet, it appears the State Department may have attempted to (dare we say it) COVER UP the employees misdeeds. Read More: Another State Dept. Cover up?

Yup! Could be another Obama Administration cover up in the making. They seem to relish in these things. They also seem to proficient in the art of scandal....The Dept. of Justice's Fast & Furious Mexican gun running, the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack where four Americans died, the DOJ targeting Associated Press phone records trying to find the source of a national security leak, going after emails, phone records of Fox Reporter James Rosen charging him with violation of the Espionage Act basically for doing his job (no secret that
Obama and company have no love for Fox News), the IRS scrutinizing and slow walking tax exempt status applications of conservative groups,     The National Security Agency directing Verizon to hand over the phone records of millions upon millions of customer phone records (yours might be one of them) under the guise of rooting out terrorists which Obama doesn't believe they exist. And now, prostitutes and the State Department. I wonder....could government credit cards (code for your tax money) have been used to pay for these services? Nah!! You think? Just askin.'

This just in...drugs may also have been involved in this latest breaking scandal. Read More: More State Dept. Hi jinks

Not only is the State Department and divisions within being called corrupt, but some would tender this whole
administration, from top to bottom, is corrupt...shades of Chicago style politics, where Mr. Obama honed his political savvy. If he was looking for a legacy, he's carving out a good one...the worst presidency in U.S. history. Note. to former President Jimmy Carter: " You're about to drop to #2.   Rejoice, Sir, for there are gators in the swamp!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Arrogance Pays In The Obama Administration

Want a job in the Obama administration? Qualification #1...arrogance. And it seems the more arrogant you are, the bigger job you might get.  Star with Mr. Arrogance himself, Barack Obama. Throughout his 4 1/2 years in the White House, he has exhibited his arrogance numerous times. All it takes is a Google search to see the president's arrogance, Read More: The Arrogant Mr. Obama

The president even has that arrogant look about him:


 Good and loyal friend of the president, Attorney General Eric Holder has displayed some arrogance in the past and of late, defiantly telling congress he will not resign, despite being involved in several administration scandals most notably the Fast & Furious, AP and Fox Reporter James Rosen affairs. While many think he should step down, he's to cozy with the president, so despite being to incompetent for the office he holds, he's not going anywhere. Congress is bulldogging the AG, thinking he may have maybe lied to Congress during recent testimony. Googling Mr. Holder's arrogance is there for the taking as well. Read More: The Arrogant Mr. Holder


At the helm of Health and Human Services sits another who has shown her arrogance of late along with a lack of compassion. It was Kathleen Sebelius who refused to waive a federal statute to help  a 10 year old Pennsylvania girl so she could be put on the list for an adult lung. It too a federal
court  judge to step in and order Sebelius to put the child on the list. It probably got under Ms. Sebelius' skin that the judge was a President Bush appointee. Sebelius, to her credit, complied with the judge's order. She also has a secret email account, according to news reports. Actually many in Washington do. Why? They have there official e-mail accounts. Could it be so there is no "paper" trail? Just askin'. At any rate, we're sure Ms. Sebelius won't be asked to move on.

And then there is Lois Lerner, whose arrogance epitomizes the arrogance of the IRS. It was Lerner who went before a Congressional committee and, after claiming she "did nothing wrong" immediately took the 5th Amendment,
refusing to answer any questions. She is at the center of the IRS targeting conservative groups for intense scrutiny in their quest for tax exempt status. It was reported she was asked to resign by her boss. She refused and was put on administrative leave and is still collecting her $170K salary.

Speaking of the IRS, it's former commissioner, Doug Shulman was the picture of arrogance when appearing before a Congressional committee looking into IRS abuse of late. When asked why he made 157 trips to the White
House during his tenure (his predecessor made one trip in four years). His smart-ass answer? Taking his kids to the White House Easter Egg Hunts. And one wonders why House Republicans on the committee are not happy with this administration. 

And how could we forget this person? The queen of "What difference does it make?" who displayed her arrogance
before the House committee looking into Benghazi. There is some thought that she, like Holder, may not have been entirely truthful in her testimony. Despite her complicity in the death of four Americans in the terrorist attack on the Benghazi consulate, the same liberal, out
of touch, low information voters will elect her president one Obama has finished his rampage on the country. 

So,Need a job? Join the Obama bunch...."non-arrogants" need not apply!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tiger Art!

It's the weekend...Time to lighten' up...Enjoy!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

New York Times FINALLY Wakes Up!

The New York Times, the rag that leads the irrelevant news media in it's grand love affair with Barack Obama, has finally woken up. The Time's editorial board has given the president a 'no confidence' vote. Read More: Credibility Lost. The New York Times has always been in the back pocket of the
administration, touting it's programs and pushing the president's agenda. Other so called 'mainstream media' outlets always followed the Times lead. It had often been said that what the Times said was news for the day was what the others ran with. With that in mind, it will be interesting to see if the others follow suit or stick to their liberal agenda. The 'mainstreamers' have gushed over the president since day one going back to the 2008 election campaign. But since the AP scandal in which the administration went after a number of reporters phone records and also that of Fox News reporter James Rosen, the media has sort of turned their collective backs on the White House. The resounding theme being "don't go after one of our own." How long will the Times display their disdain remains to be seen. Not long, I would think. After all, the "Mainstream Media" is and always will be lapdogs for the Democrats. Read More: Mainstream media & The President

Thursday, June 6, 2013

IRS: Obamacare Family Health Plan Tops $20K

Remember when president Obama back in 2010, when he was pushing his socialized health care plan, Obamacare, said it won't cost us "one dime more" and in fact would lower health insurance costs? Click the video:

How many people actually fell for that? No matter. The fact is Obamacare is law and by this time next year will be in full 
"Dr." Obama
force...along with rising health care costs. That's right. Costs already are going up under Obamacare, not down as the president promised. 

The scandal-ridden IRS, of all agencies, is to implement and govern Obamacare. (Imagine, an IRS bureaucrat sitting in some office somewhere deciding on whether or not you get
that needed operation. It's bad enough that insurance companies now have that power....but the IRS???) 

But I digress. The IRS, always the purveyor of bad news (unless they're sending you a healthy tax refund check) has figured out how much a family of four will pay for insurance under Obamacare. Read More: Obamacare's Excessive Costs.

                                   We've been took!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Another Obamanite That needs To Go! - HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

UPDATE: (8:48pm CDT) Federal court Judge Michael Baylson has stepped in to the case of 10 year old Sarah Murnaghan in her quest to be put on a list to receive an adult lung. The judge has ordered Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to lift the federal statute in Sarah's case which says she must be at least age 12 to receive an adult lung. Sebelius had earlier refused to waive the statute for Sarah. Read More: Help For Sarah
Doctors have given Sarah five short weeks to live. Let's hope now she gets a lung in time.

The list keeps growing of the Obama administration officials that have gone or need to go due to the scandals enveloping the White House.

On the IRS side, former commissioner Doug Shulman, who visited the White House 157 times for reasons unknown, is gone. His successor, Acting Commissioner Steven Miller, arrogant in his testimony before a congressional committee, was asked to leave several weeks before he was leaving
Doug Shulman
anyway. Lois Lerner, who headed the division that oversees giving applicants 501 tax exempt status, said she did nothing wrong in the scandal that targeted conservative groups, then pleaded the 5th in her testimony. She was asked to resign, refused, so they sent her home on administrative leave (vacation) along with her 170K pay.
Lois Lerner
Cindy Thomas, who heads the IRS office in Cincinnati that issues the tax exempt status, is still on the job as far as we know. Sarah Hall Ingram was not only not asked to leave but was promoted to oversee the office that will punish us with Obamacare.

On the Department of Justice (DOJ) side, Attorney General Eric Holder, who may have lied to Congress in testimony
Eric Holder
about the James Rosen and Associated Press scandals, is still on the job and ,is in fact, investigating himself. Gee,wonder how that's gonna turn out!?

From the White House Press Secretary Jay Carney needs to go for knowingly spouting many
Jay Carney
untruths on the part of the administration.  And then there's the president himself, violator of the public trust who claims to know nothing about any scandals.

Now comes Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Service, no stranger to controversy. She has now done the despicable. In the national spotlight at the moment is 10 year old  Sarah Murnaghan who needs a lung
Kathleen Sebelius
transplant. Because of federal regulations she does not qualify for an adult lung until she is 12 years of age. Sebelius has the power to waive that regulation, but refused saying there are some 40 people in Sarah's state of Pennsylvania who are on the "acuity list." Doctors say the little girl's medical condition warrants that she is ready for an adult lung. Pediatric lungs are in short to none supply.

Sarah Murnaghan
So, Ms. Sebelius wants to show she's the hard nose liberal she apparently is. Meanwhile, doctors estimate Sarah has about five weeks to live. If she dies without getting a chance at getting a lung, her death will be on Kathleen Sebelius. Despite being a mother herself, I guess she can live with that......

Seems to me, when the Obama Administration is under the gun for doing a lot of negative things of's the chance to take the heat off a little, show some compassion for a little girl, and do something positive.....If Sebelius can't or won't do it, Mr. Obama needs to put on his big boy pants and do it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

EPA On The Hot Seat...Targeted Conservative Groups

On a day that six conservative groups went before Congress and spelled out how they were targeted and vilified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), we learn that the Environmental Protection Agency has been out harassing similar groups. Read More: EPA Goes After Conservative Groups . Who will be next? Homeland Security, Dept. of Agriculture, 

Needless to say, the wheels have totally come off the Obama experiment of being president. With all he did in his first four years running the country into the ground, and the rash of scandals so far into his second term, only the history books written by liberals will be kind to this administration. It has failed, and failed miserably. 

President Obama has shown disrespect and disregard for the people of this country. The White House can claim all it wants about not knowing anything about the clouds of
A Troubled President
scandals over the White House, but the fact remains, he is the president. It's his watch. He can't just turn his back, climb aboard Air Force One and go on another fundraising jaunt. He is responsible. 

It's obvious that while Mr. Obama is a great politician he is a lousy governor. He seems not to want to govern or know how to. He has surrounded himself with inept and
incompetent people. Assuming he has been kept in the dark about the specifics of the scandals, the people he has put in key positions have put him in this mess. He should start heads rolling, beginning with the Attorney General, Eric Holder, IRS official Lois Lerner and now the head of the EPA Bob Perciasepe, who succeeded Lisa P. Jackson, on February 15, 2013 may have things to answer for.

Memo to Mr. Obama: Come clean, Mr. President. Hold a prime time speech from the Oval Office...tell us everything about Benghazi, the AP scandal, targeting Fox News reporter James Rosen, The EPA...tell it all, and it will all go away!


Monday, June 3, 2013

ANOTHER Scandal Within The IRS!!!

Well...the hits just keep on comin'! Your friendly IRS is at it again. Seems they are playing "Fast and Furious" with your money. It has come to light that the folks at the agency have been living it   conferences and meetings. (Are we surprised?? They collect our money then feel free to spend it.) Your government at work!

The IRS partied hearty to the tune of some $50 million dollars for about 220 conferences for employees. The lavish affairs took place between 2010 and 2012. One conference in particular took place in 2010 in Anaheim, California. Some $4 million on the shin-dig in which some employees were given additional benefits to include tickets to baseball games and room upgrades to presidential suites that run from $1,500 to $3,500 per night. It is standard government procedure to negotiate lower room rates. They did not for the Anaheim gathering. (Sorry, but NO government employee deserves a presidential suite. Just a thought.)

The spending didn't stop there. Attendees sat through some 15 speakers who were paid $135,000 in fees. One speaker raked in $17,000!

Americans have always viewed the IRS as a abusive organization. They have the unbridled power to ruin lives and destroy businesses. It seems they are accountable to no one. It's time to change that. And perhaps these scandals involving the IRS is a good thing. Perhaps Congress will now be more diligent in watching the goings on at government agencies where bureaucrats run amuck. And perhaps not. As we know, Congress is adept at a lot of talk but little action. It's going to take the taxpayers of this country to be more aggressive in demanding action on the part of our Congressional representatives. This is what happens when government gets too big. It becomes out of control as we have witnessed in the last four years. We are on a slippery slope and unless we as Americans do something about it now, we will reach a point that it's too late. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

IRS Scandal Closes In on D.C.

......They were basically throwing us under the bus." The  words of an IRS agent in Cincinnati, Oh, where the White House has insisted the IRS scandal involving tax exempt status of conservative groups began with a couple of rogue agents. Once again, as has happened several times with this administration, not coming clean has come back to bite them. Read More: Agent: Washington Gave The Order

The White House continues to defend it's position on the scandals that have a stranglehold on the administration. On May 14, the daily White House press briefing, Obama mouth piece, Jay Carney, was grilled. Click the video:

It's becoming more and more apparent that a special prosecutor needs to be named to investigate the IRS. The Department of Justice, involved in their own scandal (s) is dysfunctional at best to look into the matter. Congress will, and is, holding Congressional hearings. The problem here is their are too many committees holding hearings. They all won't come to the same conclusion. Nothing will get resolved.

Unfortunately for the country, Barack Obama is presiding over an out of control government. The national debt 
continues to barrel down a road toward $17 trillion and bankruptcy, the unemployment rate is still above 7% with 25 million people still out of work, a record number of people are on food stamps and the number of people at the poverty level is staggering. Not that the president was getting anything done to solve these problems anyway, but the current scandals in Washington are of his own making and while they take the above mentioned problems off the front page, they won't go away. As long as this president is in office, they will only get worse. They would have gotten worse with or without the scandals because Mr. Obama's failed, reckless policies are not going to change.