Want a job in the Obama administration? Qualification #1...arrogance. And it seems the more arrogant you are, the bigger job you might get. Star with Mr. Arrogance himself, Barack Obama. Throughout his 4 1/2 years in the White House, he has exhibited his arrogance numerous times. All it takes is a Google search to see the president's arrogance, Read More: The Arrogant Mr. Obama
The president even has that arrogant look about him:

court judge to step in and order Sebelius to put the child on the list. It probably got under Ms. Sebelius' skin that the judge was a President Bush appointee. Sebelius, to her credit, complied with the judge's order. She also has a secret email account, according to news reports. Actually many in Washington do. Why? They have there official e-mail accounts. Could it be so there is no "paper" trail? Just askin'. At any rate, we're sure Ms. Sebelius won't be asked to move on.
And then there is Lois Lerner, whose arrogance epitomizes the arrogance of the IRS. It was Lerner who went before a Congressional committee and, after claiming she "did nothing wrong" immediately took the 5th Amendment,
refusing to answer any questions. She is at the center of the IRS targeting conservative groups for intense scrutiny in their quest for tax exempt status. It was reported she was asked to resign by her boss. She refused and was put on administrative leave and is still collecting her $170K salary.
Speaking of the IRS, it's former commissioner, Doug Shulman was the picture of arrogance when appearing before a Congressional committee looking into IRS abuse of late. When asked why he made 157 trips to the White
House during his tenure (his predecessor made one trip in four years). His smart-ass answer? Taking his kids to the White House Easter Egg Hunts. And one wonders why House Republicans on the committee are not happy with this administration.
And how could we forget this person? The queen of "What difference does it make?" who displayed her arrogance
before the House committee looking into Benghazi. There is some thought that she, like Holder, may not have been entirely truthful in her testimony. Despite her complicity in the death of four Americans in the terrorist attack on the Benghazi consulate, the same liberal, out of touch, low information voters will elect her president one Obama has finished his rampage on the country.
So,Need a job? Join the Obama bunch...."non-arrogants" need not apply!
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