Monday, June 24, 2013

So What The Hell Is Going On Here??!!

Remember back not to long ago when "Sequester" was the bad word of the day? Sequester was President Obama's idea, though he doesn't claim it, of automatic budget cuts that went into effect last March 1st because Obama and Congress couldn't get their act together on a budget. Obama said it would ruin the country. Didn't really happen. But the President spitefully cut some things to put his hissy
fit over the issue on display...remember closing the White House to public tours? That was one. Actually, the sequester was never likely to be catastrophic. It's a blip on a radar screen since it amounts to less than $100 billion in annual spending cuts in a $16 trillion economy. 

Well, another victim of sequester was the government mandating "No Bonuses" for federal employees. OK, sounds good, right? Wrong. Comes the much maligned IRS, the agency currently embroiled in several scandals, among them lavish spending on conferences and the like. Despite sequester, the IRS plans to dole out $70 million in bonuses. ENUF! Read More: Should IRS Give Bonuses?

And despite sequester, Mr. & Mrs. Obama continue their lavish spending at government expense as in a few days they are off to Africa. Wanna take a guess on the cost for this one?
Take into account, as reported by The Washington Post and based on a confidential planning document, there will be fighter jets; hundreds of Secret Service agents; a Navy ship with a full trauma center, military cargo planes to bring 56 vehicles including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bullet­proof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the first family will stay. That's a short version of a long laundry list. So what's the cost? Read More: Africa Trip No Cheapie

Wow! $60 to $100 Mil..........nice work if you can get it (and don't give a flip about the taxpayers who pay for it!)

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