Thursday, June 20, 2013

The IRS - Let's Dump It!

Here's a vote for doing away with the government's most obnoxious, harassing, intimidating, coercing, confrontational, demanding, and now one of the most scandalous of agencies...the Internal Revenue Service.

A pain in the side of all Americans since it's inception, the IRS is now out of control and can no longer be trusted to serve the public. DUMP IT!

"But how," you say, "Can we get rid of the IRS." The solution is a lot easier than the loony tunes in Washington are willing to tell you. It can be done one of two ways:
1. Do away with the regressive tax system we currently have where different income levels pay a different tax rate. Install a FLAT tax of 10%. Finance guru, Steve Forbes says, "Just implement a flat tax system, do away with the whole 70,000-page tax code and, voila, no more IRS. Life is good."  Everyone, despite their income level would pay the same rate. Lower incomes paying 10% would pay a lower amount in taxes, higher incomes more. Example :  a person with a $50,000 per year income would pay $5,000 while a person with a $500,000 income would pay $50,000 in taxes and a person with a $5,000,000 would pay $500,000. Comes straight out of the paycheck. Read More: Flat Tax Would Raise Revenues
 2. Do away with the federal income tax and replace it with a national sales tax, levied on every item you purchase. No need for the IRS. The tax reached the Feds by way of the merchant. National Sales Tax - Is It Fair
There have been arguments over these two ideas for years...and we still have the same unfair and obtrusive system. Whether one is better than the other is debatable. But the fact remains we have a system now that sucks...But either a flat tax or sales tax could obliterate an even worse system...the IRS.....Yes, life would be good!

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