Thursday, June 13, 2013

It's 1984 - "Big Brother Is Watching You"

With all the snooping the federal government is doing these
days are we heading down a slippery slope to the realization
of George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984," where the government controlled every facet of it's citizens lives. We are witnessing in this country a major phenomenon with the Federal Government apparently having little to no respect for our individual right to privacy.

Unless you've been under a rock of late, you know that the IRS  went after the phone records of a number of AP reporters trying to ferret out a leak. They also got the records of Fox News reporter James Rosen as well as those of his parents.  Now we learn that the National Security Agency (NSA) has gotten from Verizon millions of American's
Govt. Data Mining Center - Utah
phone records and will warehouse the data in Utah in a million square foot data "mining" center. The $1.9 billion facility is still under construction, slated to open in October. 

The scary part of this is two-fold. First, President Obama said the phone record collection is necessary to weed out terrorists, they are not listening to the content of phone conversations...just whom your talking to and how much. This in itself is more than likely a violation of the 4th Amendment, the right to privacy. Second, they are not mining text messages. Not now......what the government says what they are doing today does not mean that's not what they will be doing tomorrow. How long will it be before they start reading your personal texts? What's next? Individual liberties are being stripped from us almost daily by this administration in total disregard of our rights or the Constitution. Mr. Obama is being hypocritical in that, on the one hand, he refuses to recognize we are in a 'war on terror' while, on the other, he's wanting your personal phone records so he can find the terrorist we "aren't at war with." 

Robert Muller, FBI Director, went before a Congressional committee to explain the snooping government snooping
FBI Director Mueller
program.  Read More: Mueller On The Hot Seat . I don't think members of the committee got much out of Mr. Mueller because what I saw of the hearing he gave a lot of "I don't know" answers. That seems to be the standard retort among government officials these days. No one knows anything, from the president on down. This exchange between Rep. Jim Jordan and Director Mueller is indigative of the "I don't know" stonewalling we see daily from this administration. Click the link to see the video: Rep Jordan Grills Director Mueller on IRS Targeting
These are scary times and we all should be aware and leery of what's going on in Washington D.C. How far away are we from the reality portrayed in Orwell's "1984."

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