Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The G8 Summit

                          THE G8 GET-TO-GETHER IN NORTHERN IRELAND

Puppets of US President Barack Obama, French President Francois Hollande, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, Prime Minister David Cameron, and Russian President Vladimir Putin at an IF campaign to highlight world hunger during the G8 Summit at Enniskillen Golf Club, Northern Ireland. Paul Faith/PA Wire

Not quite sure why these folks gather periodically in some worldly place, but it's been going on for some time. Usually there is much fanfare leading up to these summits with the world leaders poised to solve all ills....they leave going back to their respective countries all pumped and ready to do great things and they.....................do nothing. Other than a giant photo op there seems to be little accomplished.

This time around, though, there is an issue on the table that will be front and center...what to do about Syria? And, as expected there is confrontation. President Obama, last week said that the U.S. would get involved in the civil conflict by

Obama and Putin......Are we having fun yet?

arming the rebel faction with small arms. Obama comes to the Northern Ireland tete'-a-tete' with hopes of garnering support from the other G8 attendees. But not so fast. Up steps Russia's Vladimir Putin. Read More: Putin Spoils Obama's Plans

And, at the end of it all, as they headed out, as usual there was the "gee, we're glad we came and here's what we're going to do," routine. They leave with promises to share information to fight tax evasion, to be more transparent, and to stop the bloodshed in Syria. Read More: What Did They Accomplish. (Did Mr. Obama REALLY agree to that "transparent" part??)

There was some fun on the trip. As Americans we know of  First Lady Michelle Obama love of lavish and expensive vacations. Would she dare miss this shindig? Of course not. While her husband was 'living it up' with Russia's Putin, Mrs.
Michelle & Bono at Finnegan's Pub
"O" scurried off to Finnegan's Pub in Dalkey for lunch and a brew with 
Irish musician and U2 lead singer, Bono. This trip is a warm-up to the Obama's massively expense trip to Africa coming up shortly......Ah, all is well!

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