Monday, June 3, 2013

ANOTHER Scandal Within The IRS!!!

Well...the hits just keep on comin'! Your friendly IRS is at it again. Seems they are playing "Fast and Furious" with your money. It has come to light that the folks at the agency have been living it   conferences and meetings. (Are we surprised?? They collect our money then feel free to spend it.) Your government at work!

The IRS partied hearty to the tune of some $50 million dollars for about 220 conferences for employees. The lavish affairs took place between 2010 and 2012. One conference in particular took place in 2010 in Anaheim, California. Some $4 million on the shin-dig in which some employees were given additional benefits to include tickets to baseball games and room upgrades to presidential suites that run from $1,500 to $3,500 per night. It is standard government procedure to negotiate lower room rates. They did not for the Anaheim gathering. (Sorry, but NO government employee deserves a presidential suite. Just a thought.)

The spending didn't stop there. Attendees sat through some 15 speakers who were paid $135,000 in fees. One speaker raked in $17,000!

Americans have always viewed the IRS as a abusive organization. They have the unbridled power to ruin lives and destroy businesses. It seems they are accountable to no one. It's time to change that. And perhaps these scandals involving the IRS is a good thing. Perhaps Congress will now be more diligent in watching the goings on at government agencies where bureaucrats run amuck. And perhaps not. As we know, Congress is adept at a lot of talk but little action. It's going to take the taxpayers of this country to be more aggressive in demanding action on the part of our Congressional representatives. This is what happens when government gets too big. It becomes out of control as we have witnessed in the last four years. We are on a slippery slope and unless we as Americans do something about it now, we will reach a point that it's too late. 

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