Monday, March 25, 2013

The Obama Era of Irresponsibility

It's the old adage,"What's wrong with this picture?"

  • A $17 trillion national debt
  • 25 million Americans out of work
  • 49.7 million Americans in poverty
  • 1 in 6 people on food stamps
  • Median family income down $4,000
  • Government workers furloughed due to sequestration
....And President Obama hands $500 million dollars to the Palestinians - Read More: American $$ to Palestine

This is ludicrous and irresponsible.

By the way, since we're on the subject of giving money away..where are your kids spending their spring break? Many are going nowhere or not far from home because families are in a financial bind....not the kids of Barack and Michelle Obama, though...See More:  Obama's kids - Living It Up On Your Dime?

Since the Obama's are famous for taking lavish vacations on the public dole, one can only wonder how much this trip is costing the taxpayer. So much for sequestration. The president promised that the self- authored cuts he liked before he disliked them would impact all american families....except his.

 Despite stopping White House tours and threatening to cancel the annual Easter egg hunt due to cut backs, the Obama girls vacation to the Bahamas along with plans for Michelle's 50th birthday bash and a family vacation in August to Martha's Vineyard are ongoing....and the president had the nerve to whine that sequestration meant the sky was following. If it was that bad these over-the-top lavish events of the Obama's should have been cancelled.

People are having a hard time in this country due mainly to this president's policies...he obviously doesn't care and has no shame....irresponsible.

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