Friday, March 1, 2013


                                                     Liberal Hollywood....

So, we are going sequestering. For those of you living under a rock, sequester is $84 billion in across-the-board cuts from the federal budget. (That's an oxymoron in itself since the Democratically controlled Senate has refused to pass a budget for more than 1400 days in violation of the Constitution.)  But I digress.

The president and congressional leaders met Friday to try and reach an agreement on the impasse. No one living or dead with any common sense thought they would agree on anything. It was simply a photo op to say, "look, we tried." 

Mr. Obama spent the week wasting gas on Air Force One running around the country scaring the bajesus out of Americans claiming gloom and doom if sequester is allowed to take place. What he didn't say was even with the $84 billion in spending cuts, the federal government will still have more money to spend in 2013 than it did in 2012. President "Greedy" just wants more.

Republicans suggested that, rather than across-the-board cuts, allow for targeted cuts....meaning give affected departments the authority to cut where they feel is necessary..God knows, and so do we, there is enough overspending (remember the $600 hammer!) and waste in Washington D.C. to find $85 billion. Obama poo-pooed that idea. Why? Because he wants what he calls a 'balanced' approach. Note: "Balanced" is Democrat code word for more taxes. 
For every dollar in cuts he wants a dollar in new you take away $85 billion and then give $85 billion spend....dumb! Read More: New Tax Hikes Means Unbalanced Approach to Sequester

"These cuts will hurt our economy, they will cost us jobs," Obama said after meeting with congressional leaders. Reminder: Sequester was Obama's idea in the first place. He threatened to veto any bill that tried to kill it. Now he wants it dead. 

Obama pulled his blame game tactic again saying  the "dumb, arbitrary" cuts were a result of Republicans refusal to agree to his balanced approach that includes higher taxes again on the rich through the closing of loopholes and deductions.

House Speaker John Boehner after the meeting reminded the president that he  got his tax hikes in January during the fiscal cliff debacle. The president agreed back then that if he got his tax hike on the rich he would agree to spending cuts in the future. Well, Mr. President, the future is now...why are we not surprised you would go back on your word. 

So sequester is in....Most Americans probably won't notice the Chicken Little "Sky is Falling" the Democrats are in a panic over. After all $85 billion represents just 3% in cuts and is peanuts when talking about an annual budget in the trillions. 

Don't panic.

                                                           528669_Gear Up

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