Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Obamacare: The Fraud

Everyday, there is something new about the train wreck known as Obamacare. And everyday that something new is never good. The president is living in his own little world when he says Obamacare is doing good things and is working well. I'm sorry, but when 60.3 million people are dumped from their private health plans due to Obamacare, the prospect for many millions more to be dumped
next year from their employer plans, costs are skyrocketing for new plans despite the president's promise they would be lower and
President Obama
people are finding that, if they can sign up for a plan through the disastrous Healthcare.Gov website, their doctor and hospital may not be in the plan's network. Not to mention the millions upon millions of $$$ spent on that website and now millions more to fix it, if it can can anyone in their  right mind say this thing is working well? 

On top of all this we now find, and this is a good one, that the administration is about to dump a load of TAXPAYER money on insurance companies. Why? Because along with all the other problems with the health care website, apparently there is no avenue for someone purchasing a plan to make a payment!! There's no shopping cart! What lunatic IT person did that? Preposterous! So what does our bright chief executive decide to do? Obama is going to give the insurance companies a check for what the companies estimate it will cost to cover someone, and they will settle up later. What?
 Via Reuters: The administration is planning a “workaround” for payments, said Daniel Durham, vice president for policy and regulatory affairs at America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP).

"Health plans will estimate how much they are owed, and submit that estimate to the government. Once the system is built, the government and insurers can reconcile the payments made with the plan data to “true up” payments, he said.
“The intent is to make sure plans get paid on time, which is a good thing,” Durham told Reuters.

 Does anyone really think the insurance companies are going to give an honest assessment to Uncle Sam as to any additional money owed them or that they should give back if they were over payed for a plan? Not to say insurance companies are crooked, but this whole scheme is ripe for fraud. And since we know how the government, and particularly this administration, is when it comes to accountability there's no telling how much taxpayer money will be wasted here. Looks like a quick get rich scheme for someone.

The (un)Affordable Care Act is an unmitigated disaster. To further point this out, former Bush Administration bigwig, Karl Rove said we are loosing sight of the big picture here. Obama's main argument six years ago when he started his push for socialized medicine was
Karl Rove
that there was some 40 million people in this country uninsured. They depended on emergency rooms for their health care. So rather than devise a plan for those 40 or so million to the president comes up with this disaster of a plan that affects everyone in the country. Rove says that at the end of the day (probably by the time Obama leaves office) and by the administration's own numbers, about 30 million people will still be uninsured!! Chew on that for awhile as you stress over your own health insurance plan that just got destroyed by this wonderful thing called Obamacare.'s been reported that handled over One Billion page views on Cyber Monday. Yet, crashes when as few as 20,000 to 30,000 people attempt to use it at the same time.

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