The Republican leadership says they are willing to consider tax increases ( by closing loopholes in the tax code) as long as there are spending cuts as well. Obama wants to tax the rich (incomes over $250,000). The president has said he is willing to cut spending. The GOP has asked the president to list his cuts, but none are forth coming from Obama. House Speaker John Boehner has said they want to see the cuts before they agree to tax increases. Good move on his part because the Democrats are famous for promising cuts and the reneging on them....cases in point. Ronald Reagan agreed to raise taxes and the Democrats promised to cut spending if he did. He did and they didn't. President George H.W. Bush (the 1st) made a famous statement, "Read my lips, no new taxes." Remember that? Well, he later agreed to a tax increase because the Democrats promised spending cuts. They lied. Instead they used Bush's no new taxes statement against him in the next election...he lost. So, the GOP has learned its go first, Mr. President, show us your cuts. Truth # 1 is Mr. President doesn't have any cuts to put forth because he and his liberal cronies have no intention of cutting anything. Their plan is to go on another four years spending spree.
Truth # 2 is the president hates people who have worked hard and, as a result, have become wealthy. He has no interest in putting this country back on a solid fiscal plane. He is hell-bent on punishing the rich by stealing more of their their "fair share" is his stale line. President Obama's tax rate plan would generate just $82.3 billion annually, as estimated by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.
"The president's plan to increase taxes on the upper 2 percent (of American earners) covers the spending by this federal government not for eight years, not for eight months, not for eight weeks but for eight days,” Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., said recently on MSNBC.
EIGHT DAYS....that's all his big tax the rich plan will run the government for...EIGHT DAYS!
“It's not a real solution," Price said. I’m puzzled by an administration that seems to be more interested in raising tax rates than in gaining economic vitality.”
"Republicans understand that we must avert the fiscal cliff and have laid out a framework to do so that is consistent with the ‘balanced’ approach the president says he wants,” Mike Steel, spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, said Tuesday. “In contrast, Democrats in Congress have downplayed the danger of going over the cliff and continue to rule out sensible spending cuts that must be part of any significant agreement to reduce the deficit.”
Want further proof the president has no intention on reaching a deal? Mr. Obama has boarded his favorite toy, Air Force One, to gallivant around the country "campaigning" (again), taking his tax the rich mantra to the citizenry. Meanwhile, another crisis is looming in Washington and just like the Benghazi crisis, Mr. Obama is nowhere to be found....not in our nation's capital, anyway.
Read More: GOP: Raising Taxes Alone Won't Cut It
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