Monday, April 29, 2013

Another Tax is on its' Way!

The Taxer- in-Chief is at it again. This time he's going after not just the rich, but all of us...again. If you do any shopping on the Internet, and who doesn't these days, he's gonna getcha. BUT...this time he has help from the enemy. Not only do Democrats support this travesty, but some Republicans as well.

Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander from my State of Tennessee support taxing Internet sales.

The Senate, with more important issues to deal with, busied itself last week with the "Marketplace Fairness Act." The name in itself implies presidential and liberal fingerprints all over this, since they are fond of saying people must pay their "fair" share. The act is all but fair. More on that on a moment. What the bill proposes to do is all States to collect sales taxes from businesses who sell products through the Internet to in-state customers. Example: If XYZ Clothing Store, lets say in Michigan, wants to sell their products to people in Tennessee, then XYZ Clothiers should have to pay the same sales tax as businesses in Tennessee have to pay on their sales. This tax, of course, gets passed on to the customer. In the words of those supporting the measure it's a way to "level the playing field."

What's not fair is it doesn't level anything at all. When you buy from a brick and mortar store you walk in, pay for the item and walk out with it, usually. This is called "cash & carry." Buying on the Internet, you pay for the product and wait for it to be shipped to you. And in that is the rub. When an item is shipped it usually comes with a shipping and packaging charge. So you pay the shipping and on top of that they want you to pay a sales tax, part of which goes to the Federal Government??? Really? Did we think not? It's like the tax on gasoline. Everyone gets their share all the way up the line.

This is a bad deal, folks. For people with online businesses, this tax will will cut sales and with a reduction in sales comes loss of jobs. It's the Obama way. We've seen it for almost 4.5 years and unless we get down in the gutter with these people and fight this stuff it's going to continue. Is this just the beginning of government taking control of the Internet? What's next? Censorship?  Let's hope that when the bill gets to the House it goes up in flames. Call your Senator and Congressperson and tell them to leave the Internet alone!

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