Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Obama Not Happy: Loses One On Gun Control - Is Speaker Boehner Trading a Red Coat for a Blue? - President Snubs Thatcher Funeral

One of the President's hot buttons of late has been gun control, racking up miles and Air Force One hours traveling
President Obama
the country pushing the issue. The president Wednesday lost a major part of the issue, courtesy of his own party, the Democratic run Senate. Read More: 
Background Checks Shot Down

The Democrats control the Senate and, therefore, could have passed the measure without Republican help. Obviously there were some Democrats who didn't agree with the president's position on the issue. But, the president, true to form, always finds someone to blame, and it's usually those of the conservative persuasion. Read More: Obama: Obama: Gun Rights Groups Are Liars

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The liar-in-chief calling others liars.

There is concern among some Republican members of the House of Representatives that Speaker John Boehner is beginning to take a left hand turn in siding with the Democrats.
House Speaker John Boehner
Boehner's tenure as Speaker has been somewhat tenuous in that he has been accused of caving to the Democrats on a number of key issues, most recently the fiscal cliff debacle of late last year. Boehner gave in to President Obama's demand for tax increases on the wealthy, a GOP no-no, without getting Republican stipulations calling for spending cuts. The president promised those cuts if he got the tax hikes, but, not surprisingly, is now back peddling on the cuts. Read More: Conservative Concerns About Boehner

One would think Boehner would have gotten the message about this president by now. True to Democratic form, Obama has no intention of giving the republicans nothing, despite any promises made.

Lady Margaret Thatcher was laid to rest Wednesday in London. The former British prime minister was paid last
Baroness Margaret Thatcher
respects by many heads of state and dignitaries from countries around the world...except one. President Barack Obama chose not to send a high level delegation from the administration saying there was to much work at home. Read More: Obama Snubs The Iron Lady

Instead, cabinet officials from previous administrations made the trip so as not to totally embarrass the United States. Mr. Obama's snub of Lady Thatcher's funeral is an abomination,
Caisson carrying the body of Margaret Thatcher
considering what she meant to this country during her years as prime minister. It's a shame our president doesn't measure up to her level of leadership and integrity.It's too bad she was a Brit. She would have made a great                      President of the United States!

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