Sunday, March 28, 2010

the Arrogance of Barack Obama

When we elect a President, or anyone else for public office, it's with the idea that he or she is there to represent us, the voting public, and to respect the wishes of the majority. This was, after all, what Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Hamilton in mind when forming the foundation of this country. It's commonly known as a representative government. Over the years we seem to have wandered somewhat from that concept. While we still elect our representatives to represent us, those selected to do so seem now more interested in representing themselves, for political and career purposes. It is still called the House of Representatives, is it not?
Witness the latest mis-representation on the part of our government. President Obama and his co-conspirators in congress, rammed a health care bill down the throats of the voters, despite more than 55 percent of them saying they were against it. His "screw you" attitude toward the public is absolute arrogance. his take-over of AIG, the nation's largest insurance company, was arrogant, as was his take-over of Chrysler and GM. His take-over of the health care system means that the government now owns or controls 51 percent of the US economy. Let me repeat that. The federal government now owns or controls 51 percent of the US economy. What this means is that he is spending this country into oblivion...bankruptcy is at our doorstep, and while the public has railed against his putting us into a 2 trillion dollar deficit, his attitude toward the people he represents again reaks of, yes, arrogance. He has shown no respect for the Constitution he vowed to uphold and little respect for the people he vowed to represent. And if you have a problem with the President's arrogance now, wait til you see what's next!

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