Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jobs? The Con Job!

Remember this? " must be our number-one focus in 2010..." January 28, 2010, the State of the union address. President obama said it, then forgot it. Should we be surprised? The jobless rate still hovers around 10% and instead of focusing on the problem, Obama, since that night,continues to focus on ramming that God-forsaken health care bill down our throats. Now, he's added a new twist, pushing to the college age crowd a "slacker mandate" which says they can stay on their parents health insurance plans until they are 26 years old. This is nothing but pure politics. The president woke up in the middle of the night and realized that these kids would be graduating and out looking for a health insurance plan(and jobs!) about 2012..the year he plans to run for re-election. Heaven forbid they realize his health care plan they would be subject to is cost prohibitive and they had been had..a voting block that would then surely vote against the President. Thus the "slacker mandate" and the new college grads entering the work force will say "Oh, thank you, Mr. President, and here's my vote." Like the rest of his health care plan, it's a con job, the only job on his agenda for 2010.

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