Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Over-Paid Federal Tax Cheats?

I believe it was Megyn Kelly on the Fox News Channel the other day that had the following incredible numbers:

  • Since Mr. Obama took office a little over three years ago the number of federal employees being paid $150,000 a year has DOUBLED. 
  • Federal employee salaries are up 6.6%
  • In contrast, private sector salaries are up just 3.9%
  • The number of federal employees receiving bonuses this year totaled 63%
While federal employees are enjoying the benefits of the taxpayers "generosity," consider how they show their gratitude:

  • About 100,000 federal employees are delinquent on paying their income taxes
  • The amount they owe in taxes is over $1 billion, up from $600 Million in 2004
The President is running around the country insisting that the "rich" pay their fair share. Hmmm...seems he needs to clean up his own house before messing up someone elses.