Monday, December 31, 2018

It's 2019, but we are stuck in 2018

Thus, we begin the new year, having said goodbye to 2018, and we find the federal government still shutdown (well, 20% of it, big deal) which is really a good thing...Congress cannot foolishly spend  20% of taxpayer dollars and bureaucrats can't make stupid decisions as it relates to the shutdown. Democrats moaning that federal workers could not buy their kids Christmas presents was a farce because checks to those people went out on December 18th and when they return to work they will be paid retroactively anyway.
Despite what the Irrelevant News Media says, this was another Sen. Chuck Schumer shutdown. He has no interest in the safety and security of this country or he would have agreed to the measly $5B for the border wall. Schumer and the Democrats say walls don't work. They're right. Walls don't fit their agenda...walls keep people out. They want people in. In so they can expand their voter base. That's more important to the Schumers' and Nancy Pelosis' of the world than the safety and interests of the American people and our communities.
The fact is the Democrats dont want President Trump to come through on a campaign promise. This, despite the fact that Schumer, Pelosi, Obama and Clinton ALL agreed to a wall scenario in recent years and claimed immigrants had no business in this country illegally. Had President Obama demanded a wall be built while he was in office, Chuck Schumer would have been the first one at the border in his dungarees with nails and hammer in hand. The Democrat Party has become the party of hypocrisy. 
This is sad. But it's what we must deal with going in to 2019. Let's hope the Democrats come to their senses and finally put Americans first.
Happy New Year!