Friday, April 12, 2019

Deport Illegals...To Sanctuary Cities

There's some nonsense going around about the president floating a plan to take illegal aliens storming the border and 'deporting ' them to our wonderful sanctuary cities...San Fransisco comes to mind. Well why not? After all, sanctuary cities have often boasted about being open for illegals and they gladly welcome them.

But, wait. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose district is San Fran and is the queen of the open border crowd, has had a change of heart. She has had a typical liberal meltdown calling the plan "despicable." While she loves her illegal aliens, she doesn't want them in her back yard. She rails against a wall at the border to keep aliens out, but she has a wall around her keep them out.
There's some nonsense going around about the president floating a plan to take illegal aliens storming the border and 'deporting ' them to our wonderful sanctuary cities...San Fransisco comes to mind. Well why not? After all, sanctuary cities have often boasted about being open for illegals and they gladly welcome them.
But, wait. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose district is San Fran and is the queen of the open border crowd, has had a change of heart. She has had a typical liberal meltdown calling the plan "despicable." While she loves her illegal aliens, she doesn't want them in her back yard. She rails against a wall at the border to keep aliens out, but she has a wall around her keep them out.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

While there already are lots of illegals in sanctuary cities, the fact is these cities are being taxed economically as it is. A major push of additional people will will really squeeze them. They talk big about being the saviors of the downtrodden and depressed, but because they offer them "free' everything, from health care, food, education and more, they are strapped. 

 Pelosi and the Democrats are being hypocritical (what's new) by pushing for open borders but then not wanting these people in their cities. The truth is, all they really want is VOTES. And therein lies the rub. Why dump hundreds of thousands of illegals in sanctuary cities to give the Democrats what they really want, years of votes for 
liberal causes.
Oakland, Ca. Mayor Libby Schaaf, who famously warned illegals in her city of pending ICE raids so they could run and hide, joined in the meltdown calling Trump's plan "not American." Are the illegal loving Democrats having a change of heart?

While there already are lots of illegals in sanctuary cities, the fact is these cities are being taxed economically as it is. A major push of additional people will will really squeeze them. They talk big about being the saviors of the downtrodden and depressed, but because they offer them "free' everything, from health care, food, education and more, they are strapped. 

Pelosi and the Democrats are being hypocritical (what's new) by pushing for open borders but then not wanting these people in their cities. The truth is, all they really want is VOTES. And therein lies the rub. Why dump hundreds of thousands of illegals in sanctuary cities to give the Democrats what they really want, years of votes for liberal causes. Immigrants will soon realize that these places of paradise can't afford to keep them and they will begin to migrate to other cities in the          U.S.
   This is not a good idea. Once they're here, they're here for good. And the burden of keeping them     will be on us.