Monday, November 21, 2011

The Yay-hoos in D.C. Have Done it Again...

Well...surprise, surprise!! The so-called "Super Committee" failed to reach an agreement on cutting $1.2 trillion in spending over the next ten years. Surprise, surprise! Who in heaven, who in hell, or who on earth thought they would ever do it anyway?! It was a joke from the start and remains a joke today. Frankly it was a ploy for our magnanimous ruler to once again pass the buck so he wouldn't have to get involved in doing what a President should do...govern. After all, we have vacations to take and golf to play. And since when do we need twelve members of Congress to do this job. Don't we have 535 members we elect to do just this same thing as part of their job? Hell, let's get rid of the other 523 and let the twelve handle everything. We'd save alot of money. Dumb idea. If they can't handle this, they couldn't handle anything else. It takes all 535  of them to screw things up.
Oh, these twelve yahoo's (pronounced 'yay-hoos) from the House and Senate, Dems and GOPers comprising the Super Committee will blame each other. That game has already started. And now cuts called triggers will automatically go into affect cutting things we don't want them to be cut.
 This country is $15 trillion dollars, and counting, in debt. If they can't find $1.2 trillion to cut, we are in alot of trouble all because of politics. It's time to clean house, completely, send a new bunch up there with a mandate to balance the budget, cut spending, lower taxes.......with TERM LIMITS....

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