Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Not Jobs, Just Politics!

If I hear one more time Barack Obama say his main priority is jobs, I'm going to throw up. His actions today, in denying a permit for the Keystone pipeline project proves he has no interest in putting Americans back to fact, as a Socialist, it's just the opposite.
Instead he has bowed down to the tree hugging environmentalists to put it off until after the election, if ever. This project would have put thousands back to work, not only on the pipeline itself, but in spinoff businesses as well. But the President chose to play politics with the lives of unemployed Americans, yours truly included. His "excuse" was that there was not enough time to meet the Republicans deadline and get an environmental impact study done. Pardon my French, but that's bulls..t! This project has been on the table for the three years Mr. Obama has been president.
So, Mr. President, don't tell us that you're main priority is to put americans back to work....YOU BLEW IT!

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