Think back...think back a little over three years ago to the Good Old Days...when in 2009 the average price of a loaf of bread was $1.77.....average cost of a gallon of milk was $2.69 and a gallon of gas was $1.84.
today...2012....bread is more than $2.65 milk is $3.50 and gas is $3.94.....what!? gas is $3.94? More than double than in 2009? What is going on here?
Well, what is going on is the current administration, headed by President Obama, doesn't like oil/gas ie: fossil fuels....while he says he is all for pursuing all forms of energy, from solar to wind to..... oil and gas.....well, that's what he says. But we have learned from this President that what he says is not what he means.
President George W. Bush handed president Barack H. Obama the keys to the White House on January 20, 2009. The price at the pump was $1.84. Today that pump reads $3.94. just since January 1 of this year prices have risen more than $.50 per gallon, and the summer vacation driving season, when prices normally climb, hasn't started yet.
The President has nixed the Keystone Pipeline project from Canada in order to appease his tree hugging environmentalist friends. He'll approve it after the election, but by then it may be too late. Canada is talking to the Chinese about the oil we are refusing to take. And the President is refusing to allow drilling for oil which would go a long way, along with the Keystone project, to making this country self-sufficient in oil production.
Take a look:
Seems clear that if we opened the areas in red to drilling, we would be well on our way. These areas are rick in oil reserves, along with the huge area in Alaska. The President doesn't think much of drilling, has seen by this last graphic......
Kinda makes the point, doesn't it? Mr. Obama is selling this country short, along with his high unemployment rate, high gas prices and the 15 trillion dollar deficit that he insists on adding to, it would be disastrous to see this man be awarded another 4 years in office. It's time to wake up, America!!
(By the way...thanks to Fox News and Your World with Neil Cavuto...hope they don't mind my stealing the graphics...they do a great job.)
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