Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hillary Falls on the Sword!

Knowing Hillary Clinton's strong, no nonsense personality, you have to wonder how hard Mr. Obama had to twist her arm to take the blame for the debacle in Libya last month. Mrs. Clinton, saying the blame stops with her at the State Department, has been thrown under the bus by the Administration. 

President Obama and Sec. Of State Hillary Clinton
 The Obama clan has been dancing all around who knew what and when the night of the incident in which the U.S ambassador to Libya and three others were killed, the smell of a cover-up. Some have said this is worse than Watergate during the Richard Nixon presidency (no one died during Watergate).

Forcing Mrs. Clinton to fall on the sword in an effort to take the blame away from where it belongs (everything stops with the president), may be seen as election year politics to save the boss's job...strange, though, it was done the night before Obama faces off again against Mitt Romney in the second presidential debate. Knowing that Romney would pound him about the administration's failure to handle the situation, President Obama, as usual, has someone to blame....sound familiar?

One can only wonder what this does for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential aspirations...also, and maybe more importantly, what does Bill think of this? Hmmmm.....

Bill Clinton

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