Thursday, October 11, 2018

Democrats, From a Party to a Mob

The Democrats are no longer a party of ideas and solutions. They have none. It's actually been quite some time since they've had either.They no longer represent the districts that sent them to Washington D.C. They are obstructionists and antagonists. They are despicable people, pure and simple.
We have seen them falsely accuse an innocent man of sexual assault in Justice Brett Kavenaugh, and use, for political gain, Professor Christine Ford, Kavenaugh's accuser, who didn't want to be brought out publicly in the first place. Both lives have been tarnished forever.

The likes of Senators Diane Feinstein, Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Dick Durbin, Richard Blumenthal, Mazie Hirono cannot accept that their unruly and clownish acts to bring down Justice Kavenaugh failed. Now they are vowing to impeach him! The people's business be damned! Bury Kavenaugh! That's their agenda.

But to do that they must take back the House of Representatives on election day, Nov. 6th.  Kavenaugh is not their only target. Destroying the Republican Party and the Constitution is their agenda and they will, and are, attempting to do this through civil discourse.
 It's mob rule, and they have been conducting it since the 2016 election of Donald Trump.They have allowed their minions to accost and run Republican lawmakers and administration officials out of restaurants and to bully them on the streets. Their thugs have burned vehicles with Trump bumper stickers on them, and even attempted murder. One of their deranged lunatics tried to kill Republican Congressman Steve Scalise at a softball team practice. And while they decried the attempt on Scalise' life, they have done nothing to stop the civil unrest we are now witnessing. Another deranged individual attacked and injured Republican Senator Rand Paul. It won't be long before someone is killed.
And lets not forget the destructive antics of the leftist thug group, Antifa, which is quickly becoming the face of the Democrat Party.

 Senators Booker, Harris, Waters and others have openly called for defiance and anger in the wake of the Kavenaugh hearings. Even Hillary Clinton has said civility can return when the Democrats return to power....this woman wanted to be president.Thank God he saw the wisdom in not allowing that to happen!

Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder has joined the fray saying, "When they go low, we kick em!" So much for Michelle Obama's "When they go low, we go high." Holder, who was found to be in contempt of Congress, has designs on the presidency. Good luck with that!

Conservatives and Republicans cannot allow this mob to take over. Imagine a Democrat-run Senate or House....everything that has been done will be undone. It will be mob rule and back to the draconian days of the Obama years. That's why it's more than important this midterm to go to the polls.For every liberal Democrat there needs to be three conservative Republicans...let's put them in their place. As President Trump has said, "You don't give an arsonist matches, and you don't give a mob power."

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